Dec 17, 2009 15:29
Title: Questioning
Disclaimer: Don't own, just borrowing
Pairing: Benson/Cabot duh
Summery: A new case and a phone call lead Alex and Olivia into one another’s arms.
Rating: PG-13 to R (mainly for violence and the like)
A/N: Holy Crap! This is my fifth installment of my 'Action' series. Read 'Running', 'Dancing', 'Inviting', and 'Cooking' (in that order) if you haven't yet. And sorry for taking so long to get this new installment up, but RL and writer's block have kept me from writing. I just hope this is up to snuff for all of you who still wanna read this. Comments are always welcomed and much appreciated. Hope you guys like it.
"What've we got?" Olivia asked as she stepped under the yellow police tape.
"Got a call 'bout thirty minutes ago. Not pretty," Elliot said. Olivia saw the white pallor of his face and the tight clench of his jaw and found herself not wanting to see the scene. But she had a job to do. They strode over to the bank of the river were Malinda Warner had just finished talking to one of the officers.
Olivia didn't like the look on her face either.
'Its times like this I wonder how long I can last in this division.' She stepped up to the black woman and gave a small nod. "Warner. I'd say good morning, but I have a feeling that's going to be a lie."
Malinda smiled softly, wistfully. "I believe you're right." The three turned their attention to a large suitcase that had been pulled from the river and dragged to land. The zipper was already undone, but the top was closed. Slowly Warner reached for it and carefully flipped it open.
It took all of Olivia's willpower not to puke right on her shoes. From the rapidly whitening faces of some of the cops around her she knew she wasn't alone. Her dark eyes took in the small body stuffed in the bag as if she was some dirty laundry. That wasn’t the horrible part, if that was believable. The small body was torn to shreds. Bile and acid churned in Olivia’s stomach until she had to run to the shore and empty her stomach into the river.
“Good god,” She whispered, wiping her mouth.
“God had nothing to do with this,” Malinda whispered when Olivia returned, her own dark skin shallow under the harsh realities of their jobs. “She looks to be no older then 10,” She started, putting up a mask of professionalism. A gloved hand ever so carefully moved aside the youngster’s head. A gaping bullet wound had destroyed most of the back of her skull. “Looks like C.O.D. is gunshot wound, entering in the mouth, exiting the back of the skull. Then it looks like she was…torn apart by some animal.” Olivia heard the harsh intake of air from beside her and knew Elliot’s temper was rising, but her own was doing the same so she couldn’t blame him.
"Who found her?"
"A father and son," Elliot nodded over to two figures a few yards away. Both shared similar sandy brown hair and chalky white faces. The son, no more then fifteen or sixteen, was standing in an almost comatose state, staring down at his shoes as his father held him close, trying to comfort him.
Olivia's heart went out to them. Helluva way to spend a father/son Saturday morning.
It was her job to be prepared for the horrors of this work. Was it bad that she could no longer remember what it was like to be on the other side? Maybe it was time for another line of work. Or at least another unit.
"Let's go talk to them, than see if CSU's picked up anything." Elliot replied, cutting through his partner's thoughts. Olivia nodded, stealing herself for what needed to be done.