My Farscape Post

Apr 16, 2009 11:02

I was going to jot down a few thoughts on sebaceanbabe's birthday post, but it got...longer than I was anticipating. It's a bit rambly and all over the place, I apologize for that, since I have to flee to pick up my pops at the airport in a few, so he can come visit with my boys, who have a full schedule of baseball and soccer, which they wanted to show off. ( Read more... )

television; farscape

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Comments 12

sabaceanbabe April 16 2009, 16:19:16 UTC
A Human Reaction is one of the most cited episodes as being the one where the epiphany occurs and you realize this show is good. :D

And oh, "the radiant Aeryn Sun." Crichton is so in love with her and she so doesn't know how to be in love with him, but she is.

But man, you don't like Chiana? That is so sad! She and John are my POV characters. (And my alternaship to John/Aeryn.)

I am so glad you're digging Farscape. *bounce*


cianconnell April 16 2009, 20:53:35 UTC
A Human Reaction is one of the most cited episodes as being the one where the epiphany occurs and you realize this show is good.

Yays, then I'm not just completely, irrevocably and imbicilily (is too a word) missing the entire point. It really was a heartwrenching episode. On everyone's part.

I thought in PK Tech Girl, she so totally pretty much laid it out how she lurved him (though he'd missed the signs and had fallen for Gilina). I think that she fell for him pretty early, in wanting to find a home and kind of finding one in him (and his offers to bring her back to earth).

I do not like Chiana (so much so, that I apparently got her name wrong). I've now watched to season's end and...she's still not doing it for me. I don't dislike her. I liked the feast she made for them all and her goodbyes, but something about the speech inflection and neck twisting and the God-awful outfit, makeup and wig are really rubbing me to wrong way.

I'm hoping that it'll turn around in the future. More surprising things have happened.


brandywine421 April 16 2009, 16:20:42 UTC
I love that you love it! I totally need to rewatch now. You always get me excited about TV.

I love Chiara for all the things you dislike her for, the weird movements and quirks always amused me. I just liked that she seems so 'alien' without being a real muppet.

Scorpius is one of my fave villains ever.

I must've missed tons because I only have a vague idea of what you're talking about. But I still remember loving how the show actually let the characters grow without having it be an omgepiphanyomg.

I'm blanking on Zhaan, is she the blue one?


cianconnell April 16 2009, 20:56:40 UTC
I DO! I so totally do. And you NEED to! Because it would be fun.

I find myself sneering at Chiana and her weird quirks. I dunno. She may grow on me.

Scorpius is awesome! In a badassy kind of a way.

Zhaan is, indeed, the blue one. I think that I have problems with the quirkiness, and also the ultra-calm, or the priestess role, or whatever...I dunno. I'm just ambivalent towards her and hope that they never meet another...whatever the heck she is.

I don't doubt her place with them or that she's loyal or one of them and deservably so, I not interested at all in her, her character, her background, her future, her...whatever....


miniglik April 16 2009, 19:43:27 UTC
I like how the group has gone from open animosity to barely tolerating each other to actual affection (and more). They’re no longer only interested in saving their own skins and using each other to do so. It's touching to see. Yes, Crichton and Aeryn. But also in "Human Reaction" (was it?) with fake Earth and Crichton's relief that Rygel wasn't dead and D’Argo, so sweet with holding Aeryn’s hand and making sure that she wasn't going to die alone. And who’s now calling Crichton “John!”
I love me some Crichton/Aeryn, but D'Argo and John is another one of my favorite relationships. Their friendship is so hard earned, and they're both incredibly selfish and full of their own Issues at times (D'Argo always and John later), that when they're finally genuinely good friends it's really fun to watch. Aeryn and D'Argo, Aeryn and Pilot, and John and Chiana are all also good. (And John and Scorpius eventually have one of the best hero/villain relationships ever, but you'll get to that later ( ... )


cianconnell April 16 2009, 21:03:08 UTC
D'Argo and John are great. I've finally seen Season One's finale and the whole "How you doing?" "I've gotta pee," and the insta-giggles they both got was awesome (so much of a change from the beginning of their relationship, or even when they agreed not to be enemies in the bounty-the-dog hunter episode).

And John, once again, cracking up when Crais entered the ship with Rygel. Classic! I really love that quality of...when all else's such a human reaction and I love that it's been going on the whole time, and from your comments, it isn't going anywhere. It truly is one of my favorite Crichton-isms.

Also, if you like Crichton's Alpha-Male act and inappropriate laughter, then I feel you are going to love the rest of the series. Because... there's only going to be more of that.Okay, that is entirely made out of win, and I'm very, very excited to moove on to Season Two. So much so that I bought and uploaded into my i-pod. It's been so long since I've had a show to work out to at the gym, I'm really looking forward to it ( ( ... )


cianconnell April 16 2009, 21:06:19 UTC
Aeryn and Pilot

Oh, and YES, they totally had me going in their goodbyes in the season finale. A muppet, damnit! A muppet!


miniglik April 16 2009, 21:52:11 UTC
Rygel never, ever, wins me over. I mean, I don't straight out hate him, but I'm not a fan. But Pilot is GREAT. He even gets a back story ep, season two's "The Way We Weren't" which is a favorite ep for a lot of fans. (I like it a lot, but I'm a little too much of a Crichton fan for it to be my favorite -- if Crichton's not tortured and at least a little crazy it's not quite a favorite.)

D'Argo and John are great. I've finally seen Season One's finale and the whole "How you doing?" "I've gotta pee," and the insta-giggles they both got was awesome (so much of a change from the beginning of their relationship, or even when they agreed not to be enemies in the bounty-the-dog hunter episode).

Here, have a totally random, unimportant, out of context season three Crichton/D'Argo as BadAss BFFs scene:

Okay, that is entirely made out of win, and I'm very, very excited to moove on to Season ( ... )


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