Ok, today it will be the first try, we will see, then here I bring this awesome captures, which by the way was a very tiring hard work! :)
This is episode 130 if I'm not wrong, of Arashi no Shukudai-kun with Ayase Haruka. If you haven't seen anyone or haven't seen this specific one I'd like to highly recommend it.
Before starting a very brief review let's have a few considerations about this episode, first of all about me, my ichiban is not Sho-kun, but the images are so related to him because he was so adorable, I'm not quite sure why, but I think it has to be with what I was talking yesterday, gestures are indeed universal, and cuteness as well. Second of all the reason why I absolutely love this episode and watch every time possible is because it is so funny, I can hardly believe that they could be so baka! And finally it will definitely make you LOL
Starting with this cutie face, I don't remember when was, but everything that he says in this episode is so funny, and by the way also looking so cute with that hair...
Look at him! you would'nt guess that actually all of them are SO interested in the guest's movie, and particularly the name, and not only focus on the volley, don`t miss they playing this weird kind of volleyball, it was hilarious, I was like ...is it for real??, but only the first time lol
Then this is my favourite part! It is Sakurai Sho-kun trying to be funny and the guest does not fall for it, and the rest of them just making laugh at it, but at the same time encouraging to him to continue.. I really thought that his expressions were like very childish and adorable,
just look at this one
and no, he never really gets to have the answer but it was so kawai
By the way the part where they eat, it is always the best, and this one is particularly so funny because they have to go and try it for her...Nino really try forcing her to do it, and here is the look of Sho-kun in response,
Then it is time for the meal introduced by Aiba-chan, it is so much of his style...
BTW, Nino also look pretty cunning in this one...
But then, they get lost again, even though it is quite absurd moment, his hands are quite beautiful, I don't know why, but I found them so manly
Just look how hard he tries to look mature, when he was the first to start this none-sense falling of events
Ok, next, I don't know why but they seem really amused by accents, anyway this is also a failure... just look at his face
It was really funny how he tries to imitate the narrator, why so cute? again...
And here a very intense look, I just notice that...
There is another thing that I noticed, they pretty much love to relive moments, such as a proposal or reveling your feelings, asking a girl out, anyway, they do this so many times...and a few in this part!
The next one it obviously part of the aibaland, and when I saw the first time I was again, is it for real?
Just look at his expressions, he is so cute doing stupid stuffs, this is kind of a revelation lol
And here is someone who just now exactly what is the definition of kawai
And I`m sorry but I could not help my self
Of course riidaa is so funny as well
Then they have to blow them off, but they are really having fun, just check at Matsujun
And then again to Sho-kun, even in the floor his hair look awesome, at least to me lol
'It was really fun!!'
And then this is also unbelievable, if I haven't see it in the right order I actually would not be able to ... not
there is no way to explain it
So apparently it is scary for Nino to make them blow, so Ohno really helps him!
Even though it meant get in there and get dirty
And I bet you would not guess why on earth did they finish like that!
Of course thy lost, but I'm not sure what or what the hell where they exactly doing!!! Anyway, Shukudai-kun is short so we have reach to the end! To me it was a long journey, one last thing, I kind of think it was the time when Sakurai was doing the quiz show, haven't see it though, but after this, I think it is a big deal of a reason to give it a try!
Bye, bye, and if you are needing a reason to laugh just search for it, I'm sure it won't disappoint you, I think it is very enjoyable, because it really looks like they were enjoying it by themselves. Weird ha?
And the last picture of the day!
so long time ago!
Sorry for the mistakes!!