So, if you are wondering what or who is Arashi, then let me tell you that I am only going to be able to give an impression of what do I think it is... like through my eyes. So previous to everything I want to say sorry for my grammar, sometimes I just type down the weirdest sentences just because they sound to me like that lol, and obviously because I'm not a native speaker! ha
First of all, as it is said a picture says more than many words...
what is this? Are they some sort of clowns? So, try not to focus on their outfits even tough it's almost impossible The more time it passes the more familiar you become of their ridiculous flashy outfits. At least we can say that they are five, five... I know a boy band! so long not seen! But stop those prejudices!...
Then I will introduce them, the order will be by their ages, they are all grown up to care about that though, the first one,
lol, I know he looks shy!
The leader of the group or riida, he is the eldest, the main voice on their songs, his voice, his voice is amazing, he really can sing, and you will totally fall for his voice... Also he is the best dancer among them and many others. Even though all of that and more he is not much of a leader himself, sometimes, most of the times he looks apathetic and remains silent, but they say he is the best leader they could possible have, and everything proves so.
Looks like a regular guy not particularly representative, I can not even say what I thought of him in the beginning because of the affection that I have grown over this short man. So, do not underestimate him, especially NOT him.
Just look how great he can look with the proper suit and hair style!
wow, by the way he is an incredible actor, very skillful and with a strong presence
Funny guy, by the way he is also an artist, you can not be help it, the more you know him, the more he grows on you in affection and awesomeness lol
And he has a little of a hobby obsession
And he was adorable as a chibi
Looking into his pictures from internet stealing I lose the notion of time ha, it is quite hard to pick but I have to, so the final is this, maybe later I could upload more stolen pictures ha!
Ok next! entering number 2,
the complement of the yama pair, here is a very popular guy among the ladies, if you haven't heard much of them you will probably pick him, and I certainly do not understand why. The truth is that I really tried to avoid him, no, you will no grow on me! It has became a lost battle after all, he is much adorkable!
Here is the rapper, Sakurai Sho, he is also an actor, haven't seen much of him though sorry, he is the MC, the newscaster, yes he actually is a suited newscaster!
The ikemen meaning good-looking man, I know he has more pictures like this, but looked them by yourself! to me he is more than a pretty body face
and when you think he is the most reliable one he, will do something so stupid or fail in such an extraordinary way that you wouldn't believe it! Here comes!
kawaiii!!!!!!! By the way I love this hair style the most!!!
And we can't forget that he is very afraid of snakes, and specially from hights, this is used for amuse us, I never thought it could be so funny cruel to see someone facing his fears!
He is the keio boy, graduated, so smart! and yet the one able to make so many stupid faces! And you just can't forget his drawings!
And he really loves food, but that is something they all do...
And of course you will learn which is なで肩 and how often he do cosplays! Everything ikemenly if that word would exists!
So he is the one with the rap lead, the one with the manly voice, and really you just can't avoid caring for this very particularly person, even against your will, maybe at the beginning I was just jealous because of my ichiban!
The glasses, always one with glasses!!
*OK Kaze trio is taking me forever!! pictures are so cute, I cannot make a choice!*
Ok, next, entering number three
is Aiba Masaki! He is such a sunshine, he is really a nice guy, I don't even know why at the beginning I didn't think he was handsome, because he is such a pretty baby. This person is really special, he is a very considerate and happy person. His laugh is just contagious, he has a very breathy voice, but he sings amazing in concerts, I love all his solos!! Dahh the title of this lj He is one side of the tennen pair, '嵐's one & only hentai miracle boy', the tallest one, and the sweetest!
Look at that adorable face!! he is awsome!
I just love him in knitted fabric!!
These are very recent, I don't like that hair that much, but he can be so handsome!
Ok this member really can pose like a model, really look great with his long limbs
Cute eyes and great lips, and knitted fabric!!
Also he works in varieties shows with animals, they get along pretty well... maa..
And he can be the sweetest!! If you have the chance look at this amazing dorama!! He can act, and all the time I was thinking why is he so handsome?
And yes he has the most wide and charming smile of them, he really can be hyper and happy...
And he was adorable as chibi
I love him with with long hair, beautiful, and with puppies! And with puppies and glasses even more!
And he once wrote a letter when he was sick, and he could not work properly, he was hospitalized, and he can not longer play the saxo... what a sweet and sad story, he can be very delicate with his health... That letter was an epic moment for them.
Now, entering number four!!
One of the hardest to summarise, Ninomiya Kazunari, what can I say, he is well known by his acting skills, he is pretty good at singing as well, he writes the lyrics for many of his solos, and he is amazing at it. He is pretty much awesome at been kawaii, but he is much more than a pretty pair of beautiful eyes!!
And my friend could not believe that a Japanese guy could have beautiful eyes! what???
Oh one for me? I just love his moles, they often get erased, that's why I love this picture! He likes to steal other people songs and sing them in his own dark style, how can you make everything sound so sad??...
BTW I love this one
When he was a chibi he looked pretty much the same
Did I mention that I love his eyes, sorry I just lost all my objectivity... *fails at being concious!!*
And he looks awesome with glasses! and hora the moles!!
Weird hair, but somehow he manages to worked out, how? yes he loves the camera and the camera loves him back
And glasses of course, anyway... what was I talking about? oh yes he is really bratty and he is always watching over others mistakes, to make fun of them of course, he says he likes to stay home, likes magic and games, he just loves to play videogames. I think he is lazy, he is proud of his one pack, and ..
He can pretty much be mean, yes even with those angelical eyes!!
Love this photoshoot!! he is so good on this!!
Basically I fall in love with this bratty, I don't know what I love the most, is it his look or his bratty talk, and yet he can be so sweet and caring, and baka and he is indeed talented, umm definitely my niban!
And entering number five, and the last
Ok, the only one preventing me for betraying my original idea over a certain Ninomiya is this beauty. Of course, I was baited by him, by Doumyoji, and since then I fall over and over his charm. beauty
I really think he is a great actor, love all of his doramas, and fall for all of his characters, just enjoy too much his dorky charm!!
He is called a DoS, a sadist, also the cool one, he is surely not the best singer in the group, but maybe the one that has improve it the most. He has a very nasal voice, and he surely is an entertainer. He is the youngest, but doen't look like it. He is the main responsible for the concert ideas... he is very awkward in some situations, and sometimes looks weird interacting with normal people. He sometimes looks frightening, but I think it is because of his strong facial features! He is known by his eye browns, and he usually speaks his mind, even in situations when he might sound a little mean or weird... He is very perfectionist and neat, and maybe a little obsessive.
Here, so handsome, I just put many of his haircuts, just to keep it interesting, he has so many..
Yes he is so shy, no really he is shy!
Oh Momo, who could not like Momo!
I love when he wears hats, and glasses and rings!, the big ones!, he also loves them
And with long hair!
And the Gokusen hair, who could not fall for Shin!!
Did I mention he is an entertainer? And he likes to takes off his shirt in concerts, because he is an entertainer...
My very favourite picture of him!!
Those rings, and those boots!
He was adorable as chibi, and I love those teeth!! They were a mess!
Ok I did mention his prince-like aura
One of the things I love the most are those moles on the lips, just beautiful, I don't know what else to say haha!! And those eyes, and the hands, and that he loves cooking...
Ok so it was so long, and took forever to finish, wonder why, anyway I'll end up with a couple of facts, to keep it short, these ones are of course my opinion/experience, which does not meant that surely many others share... I think
1- Arashi would not be Arashi withouth any of them!
2- Arashi's appealing can not be translated into pictures, you have to see them
3- Laughting with them is one of the best things!
4- They are primarily bakas!
5- And in the deep end we love them because we love to see friends getting along so well with each other, and sharing their years of experience with us. Not kidding 13 years until now!!
So, this is just the beginning, there is much left to say, but I guess is a quite of an introduction! So long!
And to finish, once again, who is Arashi?
Jaa ne!
*Pretty much nothing is mine! :) just the insanity blabling!!*