GB: Magrathea

Nov 06, 2011 16:16


Thor’s objectives (and everyone’s objectives, at least that’s what the Captains hope for) is Magrathea: the planet to revive all planets. It is the home of a form of specialist industry: custom-made, luxury planet building. While there are other planets that will do the same, they seem to be fakes for their products are just very tiny planets same size of a tennis ball.
The only way for us Refugees to get our worlds back is, indeed, with Magrathea, the real one.

The sad part of all of this is that no one knows where to find this planet and is actually considered a myth and a bed-time story for some - as matter of fact, the only proof our captains have of its existence is brochures and some unknown indication that it exists.

I will also tell you there was once a refugee who came from Magrathea. Now, don’t get your hopes up, because I will remind you what it means for a refugee to show up on the Thor: the planet they were at was destroyed. If this is true, it means Magrathea has, indeed, exploded.

Same refugee brought from the planet a quite amazing engine: Point-of-View gun. According to the Guide, it was built by Deep Thought for a council of angry housewives who were tired of ending arguments by complaining to husbands that they "just don't get it, do they?" When fired, the Point-of-View gun exposes the target to the Point-of-View of whoever fired the gun.
Quite a useful gadget. So, as you can see, Magrathea isn’t just to rebuild worlds; our captains have admitted that everyone wants something different out of Magrathea.

In order to keep on searching for this mysterious planet, S.S.Thor uses the Infinite Improbability Drive: the probability of finding Magrathea is extremely low, hence why they need improbability. We are randomly hopping around space in hope to one day find the planet - since S.S. Fleet has been searching for it for a while, you can see how hard this whole task is.

Other thing to note is that we will need money to rebuild our planet and the quantity will depend on the planet’s characteristics. That is why we are told to work on the Thor, make and save money. Once our planet is rebuilt, we won't need the Improbability drive any more because Magratheans can do some "vodoo" that can coordinate the new planet to the body's metabolism which will stabilize it in the same way the Drive does (so the brochure said).

[ A T T E N T I O N : Restricted access* ]

Trillian, refugee
- Claims to have been on Magrathea; has Point of View gun
- Date of arrival: 22nd of October 20349

[* ooc: All this information is restricted and kept safe under a proper unhackable filter. Your character, if good with hacking technology to that extend, may notice there is something there, but it's unknown what. To those characters who are experts, you may actually find the words [Restricted access], however, you will not be able to acess the information. If you want your character to learn said information, ICly, they'd have to contact Mello, who will ask them 3095896 questions. PM me or AIM me, if you have any question.
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