GB: World destruction

Nov 08, 2011 11:59

World destruction

Our planets were destroyed. This is what we have been told once we arrive; everyone we knew, every place we visited is now gone. While very shocking to you, this is something that actually happens quite often in the universe. In a larger scale, you can compare destroying a house the same as destroying a planet.

As much I’d like to blame them for this, our captains did not destroy a planet. The purposeful destruction of a world must be, just like everything else in this bloody universe, bureaucratically taken care of, else you’d be braking a lot of intergalactic laws. There are many reasons why a planet is destroyed: asteroid, someone wanted to build a highway, perhaps the planet was just dying from the beginning, or someone was an idiot and pushed a red big button saying “don’t push”. In the end, it’s said that accidental destruction and purposeful destruction of the planets has 50/50 ratio.

Some groups believe this happens because the people living on those planets were evil and were “unbalancing” the universe. Basically: karma.

S.S.Fleet exists to rescue people from those planets that were destroyed, by using the Infinite Improbability drive and its side effect, the wormholes. Now, how can you believe them? And why should you believe this? If you do or don’t, it’s entirely up to you and no one really cares. There is, however, proof that they were.
- You can either check the list of the World’s destruction. There, you’ll find all the information you need regarding that event, some may even have records of it, and also coordinates and statistics of the planet.
- Other is the fact that once a refugee send a probe to the coordinates of their planet; they found familiar constellations and according to them, their planet was really located there. Except it wasn’t there. All that the probe acquired were pictures of rumble.
- Finally, a group of refugees left S.SThor for two months in order to search for their worlds. Very much like once done to the probe, they followed towards the coordinates given, located constellations and concluded that their world was not there.

Again, believe it or not, no one cares.

There is always the issue with the wormholes. Some people are “sent back to their world”, only to return again, or some people are sent back to their world and… end up dying there. Does that mean your planet is still alive? No. The best explanation for those who don’t understand quantum physics well enough, is: it means you were just taken from the past. Currently your world doesn’t exist anymore; you exist because a wormhole went to the past and picked you there.

For those who have a better imagination, this is what the captains explained once: Earth (or whatever you want to call your planet) was destroyed at any point in time; present, past and future. Who has seen or is from the future knows Earth as it is in the future and is now being told Earth exploded; however, someone from the past knows it as it is in the past, but they are also being told it exploded exact the same way. You don’t know when it actually happened. It just happened and affected the whole timeline, and picked people from many different moments. You can meet people who are from the future, the past or the present time.

In the end, you can be sent back to your world. If you are lucky, your world will only be destroyed in 100 years, so only your children get to feel that despair. If you are not lucky, you may feel it in two months. It greatly depends when you were picked relatively to the lifespan left on your planet.

Not all is lost, so they say. In order to get your world back, the captains are trying to find Magrathea, the planet to revive all planets. It is the home of a form of specialist industry: custom-made, luxury planet building. Sad to say that there are no coordinates, some call it a myth, and we are randomly hopping around space hoping to randomly find it by using the improbability of that fact (hence the drive).

There are, however, groups, such as the Purists, who believe the worlds are being destroyed for a reason and that the refugees should not be allowed the right to exist. These groups and beliefs are not uncommon.

[ A T T E N T I O N : Restricted access* ]

Haruno Sakura, refugee, wormholed
- Probe sent in order to locate her home world; use of coordinates given by the Vogons; constellations match.
- Objectives: Acquiring proof of said world destruction
- Date of departure: unknown
- Date of arrival: unknown
- Data retrieved: no presence of the world

- Refugees left in order to locate their home worlds; use of coordinates given by the Vogons; constellations match.
- Objectives: Deep space exploring, search for S.S series such as Sigrun, search for the Purists and search for the dead worlds.
- Date of departure: 1st June 20349
- Date of arrival: 12th July 20349
- Ship ID: Loki
- Crew: Akimichi Chouji, Alex "Wuertz" Renson, Cameron Mitchell, Chie, Devil Sword, Guy Cecil, Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, John Marston, Kamui, Kanaya Maryam, Katsura Kotarou, Kaylee, Kiriko George, Kiryuu Ichiru, Kiryuu Zero, Knuckles, Logan, Martel, Maxine "Max" Gibson, Mello, Minato Arisato, Nepeta Leijon, Pip Bernadotte, Polly, Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV, Remus, Renge Houshakouji, Rise Kujikawa, Souji Seta, Suguru Fujisaki, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Sasuke
- Data retrieved: no presence of the worlds in question

[* ooc: All this information is restricted and kept safe under a proper unhackable filter. Your character, if good with hacking technology to that extend, may notice there is something there, but it's unknown what. To those characters who are experts, you may actually find the words [Restricted acess], however, you will not be able to acess the information. If you want your character to learn said information, ICly, they'd have to contact Mello, who will ask them 3095896 questions. PM me or AIM me, if you have any questions!]
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