The Towel The towel is one of the four items given to you once you arrive (one being
the Guide, the other being coordinates to your new room and the third a card or credits.
The fish can't be considered an item since once it’s in your ear pretty much becomes part of you, in a way) .
While we are still very unsure about why the hell is a towel so damn important, fact is that people here say it’s the most massively useful thing any interstellar Hitchhiker can carry since it has great practical and psychological value. I speak for myself when I say this is utter bullshit but many things in this place are, so we just go along with the whole thing.
It is advised to keep the towel near, for there is the so called "Towel Day" on May 25th. Usually this day relates to the towel the
refugees have (like forcing us to use it because all the other clothing disappeared on the Towel Day). This doesn't seem, however, to happen every year, so perhaps it's yet another random and illogical thing going on.