warriorslash50 challenge

Dec 30, 2013 09:37

warriorslash50 challenge
- STARTED 10/24/2009
- FINISHED xx/xx/xx

001. all things to all men
002. amputation of pride
003. beliefs
004. blunt
005. clouded judgement
006. crush
007. curse
008. danger danger
009. do you believe in magic?
010. enemy camp
011. epiphany
012. favouritism
013. fight or flight
014. fighting blindly
015. fruit
016. Go
017. gold
018. goodbye
019. heart's armour
020. in case we die
021. incredibly incredulous
022. it started off like any other tea ceremony
023. it's funnier when you're drunk
024. it's not funny at all!
025. it's only a flesh wound

026. let me be your weapon
027. music
028. once under a red moon
029. our spirits are officially broken
030. perhaps
031. poetry
032. point of access
033. primitive
034. scandal
035. sharp blade, sharp mind
036. the stars are talking to me
037. the way I see it
038. this is why I'm the strategist
039. time? don't give me "give me time"!
040. tomorrow might be another day
041. tooth and nail
042. when push comes to shove
043. wine/whine
044. you will die and I will take over
045. you will never get to heaven if you break my heart
046. author's/artist's choice
047. author's/artist's choice
048. author's/artist's choice
049. author's/artist's choice
050. author's/artist's choice

EDIT: so... I regret to inform this, but after leaving this post as sticky for four years, I'm backing down on this challenge, mainly because I no longer hold interest in the Koei-Tecmo games. I mean, I still like them a lot, but not nearly as much as I did when I decided to take this challenge.
During these four years I have been to at least five different fandoms and now I'm addicted to other things, so I really don't think I'll love the DW/SW games as much as I did before. Still, I'm glad to see that I was actually able to get something written in spite of my limited skills. I do plan on keep on writing eventually, but considering the amount of stuff I have to do, I don't think it will be anything too fandom-specific.

Anyway, for those who took their time to read my fanfics and left a couple of random comments, I really appreciate your support and feedback. Thanks a lot!

samurai warriors, challenge, dynasty warriors

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