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this meme:
regann asked for Top Five Andromeda Eps!
These are "favorite" rather than "best", mind you. I can admit that some of my favorite episodes really wouldn't qualify for a best list, and vice versa.
cut for length and images )
Comments 9
Did you ever read "Coda"?
"Its Hour Come Round At Last" definitely made the short list but didn't quite make the cut for me...personal preferences only. Into The Labyrinth kind of makes me ridiculously happy for the glimpse at Harper's tattoo [/shallow] and the Harper!agency and Harper kicking everybody's ass and basically the Harper.
Trust in the Harper, the Harper is goooood.
I did read Coda! Back when it was first put online. I was on ExIsle at the time and RHW was a regular poster and there was this big epic thread where people asked him questions about it and about Drom in general and I asked him to marry me. I really wish we'd gotten to see it onscreen; it would've been epic.
Yay, more Harperlove on my flist! I kind of keep wanting to take all my favorite clips of all the characters and make this pointless video montage. Also, I wish there was more fanfic.
So I take it you don't have a pic of Harper pre Maru with the Earring and all, I was planning on asking you because I was sure you would.
I used to have a bunch of fairly good pictures of earring!Harper, but they all vanished in the Great Laptop Crash Of '08, and my usual sources are failing me. :( Sorry. :(
Love the re-cap - they're all on my list of favourites as well!
(oh, and "Be All My Sins Remembered" has been fixed as well. If you wait a week or three there will even be new screencaps!)
That makes me absurdly happy, ngl. :D Let's be honest here, it's all about the pretty.
Oh, heck yes. You'll get no argument from me on this point!
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