First answer to
this meme:
regann asked for Top Five Andromeda Eps!
These are "favorite" rather than "best", mind you. I can admit that some of my favorite episodes really wouldn't qualify for a best list, and vice versa.
"Revolution's not like a switch, you can't turn it on or off. It's like a fire."
Bunker Hill. Generally speaking, Bunker Hill is the last episode I include in my incontrovertible-canon list; starting with the very next episode, things start going downhill. But enough about that. I love this episode so much. I love the glimpses of Harper backstory, and I think post-Fall Earth is realized very well, and Mark Hildreth as Brendan is awesometastic, and the Harper/Rommie stuff makes my shipper heart very happy, and also have I mentioned that I'm a sucker for the Harper and Earth and the Harper on Earth?
"I swear I will dump you back on that trash heap where I found you."
It Makes A Lovely Light. The Beka angst is strong with this one, yes. For a Very Special Episode About Drugs, this is amazing. Okay, for any episode of TV this is pretty much amazing. Beka's deterioration is done really well, I think, and the way it affects the rest of the crew, and how wanting to protect Trance is one of her reasons for falling, and how Harper holds her even after she's threatened him with return to Earth...I really love this episode.
"If you don't show each other a little peace, love, and understanding, I'm going to kill you both!"
Fear And Loathing In The Milky Way. What looks to be a fun Harper&Trance adventure romp turns out to be both that and something much darker. We get Harper spilling a little information about his past, Trance revealing some of the darker bits under the purple, and John Tench as Gerentex chewing up the scenery something awesome. The I'm-going-to-shoot-you no-I'm-going-to-shoot-you no-IF-YOU-TWO-DON'T-PLAY-NICE-I'LL-KILL-YOU-BOTH scene is one of my favorites in the series. It's also a great look at Harper and Trance's friendship, and the many secrets they struggle to keep from one another.
4. I used to have screencaps from this episode, but they've all vanished and andromeda-web is failing me. :( So this will have to do, tiny and low-quality as it is:
"But in space, you can run to Jupiter."
Be All My Sins Remembered. Don't lie, you knew it was going to make the list -- solely for the flashbacks, the rest of the episode is...not so awesome. But streetpunk!Harper! and redhead!Beka! and the Maru! And they're all so cute. Harper and Beka start snarking at each other basically from the moment they meet. He snarks on her taste in boys, she snarks on his name, she introduces him to space, IT'S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Also, the earring. The earring. Hee. I love the flashbacks!
"Daddy always said, never mess with time travel."
Angel Dark, Demon Bright. Objectively speaking? Probably the best episode of the series. Second-best at worst. Amazing episode. I debated between it and Una Salus Victus for this spot, but Angel Dark, Demon Bright won out for the awesome time-loop and fuck-with-your-head stuff and the fact that everybody gets their chance to shine. Tyr shares some Nietzschean legends with us, Beka shows off her awesome piloting skills and Ignatius's foresight in advice, Harper's past comes up yet again (do we observe a pattern here?), there's Trance's much-debated Jedi Mind Trick and manipulating the hell out of events, Rev plays adviser and devil's advocate, Andromeda is thrown out of her depth, and Dylan is clever and reacts understandably to events. What a brilliantly-written, brilliant-acted, brilliantly-directed episode. So much wonderful in 42 minutes.
In other news, I think today definitely qualifies as a Good Day. <3 I went in to work this morning with the set crew to try and label the electrics to make changeover easier; we got some stuff done, but the Mousetrap set made us stop early. Which wasn't a bad thing, 'cause the Monmouth fair is this weekend! *flail* A bunch of us went down and spent the afternoon checking it out. Fair food! Games! Rides! Animals! (In games, I won a big stuffed snake and a tiny stuffed dolphin. The dolphin is named Cassie. The snake has not yet been named because I can't decide on an appropriate one for her. She's going to be the electrics mascot, though! Any ideas?) Also, I had fried dough and French fries and strawberry lemonade and I rode the carousel twice and it was very dorky fun. Then some of us hit up local yard and garage sales, and I wound up with two Star Wars books and a new pair of jeans and a fantastic sweater and a shirt and a mug for my mom, all for $2. Yes. $2 for all that. Then we had Mousetrap this evening, and everything was working at dimmer check, so during the show roommate and I holed up in our room and watched Coraline and ate ice cream and popcorn. Then changeover went kind of awesome -- my crew is very proud of themselves for their third changeover with no mistakes.
So...yeah. Good day. :)
Two shows tomorrow, though.