I went out and saw V for Vendetta the other day. It is a decent movie - not great, perhaps; I wouldn't recommend if you were going to see one movie in your life you would make it V for Vendetta. But I would certainly recommend it if you were only going to see one movie based on a comic book this year, you should go see V for Vendetta.
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Comments 2
I liked the movie, but I got really annoyed when the Wachowski Brothers felt they had to sit you down and have a character launch into a big long spiel. Like when V poses as Rockwood or whatever and it's basically just him sitting there explaining a conspiracy that is already apparent.
Personally, I would have liked him to be a bit more villainous (and not so cheesy in some ways), as he still came off as a guy with good intentions. V needed to be a much more hateful person.
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