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Comments 31

dirtbunnies May 10 2013, 14:32:59 UTC
Hey! I often don't mind being proven wrong, but perhaps you will notice that Jesus' Favorite Uruguayan is not DRINKING it.

Lots of lovely nekkidz here. If I were managing this event, I would leave out the ADL, make Grava keep his clothes on, make Britos take his clothes off, and get Insigne to lift his shirt a little bit so we can get a better look at his junk. Then again, I imagine that these guys are really hard to manage in situations like this (like trying to herd psychotic cats), so maybe this is the very best they can do.

Bye bye now. I'm off to look for more Britos.


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 14:59:06 UTC
1. Maybe he did! I mean, he cheated on his wife, so...
2a. Hey, I did my best to exclude the ADL! He keeps on shoving himself where he's not wanted. (Lol look at Gokhan's face.)
2b. How very dare you. Grava might as well get his kit off; he's not looking bad and he certainly doesn't play football.
2c. I did not know you had a thing about Britos. Is it the eyes too close together thing that does it for you? I'm surprised he's being so modest, but maybe he's stuck in the role of Jesus's Favourite Uruguayan now Cavani's crashed out.
2d. Blimey, this isn't a close enough look?? Then again, I'm not surprised his shirt's too long, if it was sized for an average-height human being. XP
3. I'll try to find you some; don't think there's much hope, though.


dirtbunnies May 10 2013, 15:13:07 UTC
2a. YOU did a great job. I'm talking about the field agent trying to get him to pose there, and him to pose here, etc. You're only chronicling what happened.

2c. I'm undecided about Britos. He interests me, but I need more information before I decide. He seems to have a much less vivid personality than most of my harem, but his shoulders are awfully nice.

2d. We need confirmation that he doesn't have his mother's name tattooed above his package, and we're never going to get it if he doesn't start wearing a child-sized kit from the gift shop.


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 15:35:29 UTC
2c. I know his wife Tweets a lot... Ah, she's @virgi_regueiro. She did contribute this image, if that helps?
2d. Good point. The non-religious Neapolitans seem be getting inked at a prodigious rate, though; there's nothing to say he won't do it in the future. Perhaps we should send him a letter: "Please do not write your mum's name over your knob."


dirtbunnies May 10 2013, 14:40:56 UTC
While looking at Britos, Google asked me if I perhaps might be interested in this:

... )


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 14:52:39 UTC
(The really amusing thing is that if that's from the post I'm thinking of, it's by Martha.)


dirtbunnies May 10 2013, 15:15:15 UTC
Of all of the zillions of photos of Inler, Google randomly coughs up this one with the dripping and the wet pouty slightly-parted lips and the fierce glare of determination.


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 15:18:02 UTC
It was pretty funny when I found that post. I was like "Martha, I've found someone else who lusts rabidly after Inler!" and then I was like "...Oh. It's you."

Of COURSE they use that picture. The fanboys want him too, you know.


jerseyfabulous May 10 2013, 20:26:28 UTC
The Napoli twitter was marvelous after this match- shirtless pics every minute or so. :)

o_O ADL...

Wow, PCan. I wonder if that tat was his idea or hers...


Let's hope on the extra shirt removal!


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 20:55:35 UTC
Oh god, no woman would ever come up with an idea like that, would they? I was assuming he came home all proud and she pretended to like it. (Though it would be pretty funny if she insisted on it after he cheated on her loads of times. "There! NOW try telling them you're not married!")

Still wondering if Cavani got hammered. Doesn't look as if it would take much.

They've got to give us something special on the last match day, haven't they? HAVEN'T THEY?


jerseyfabulous May 10 2013, 21:10:36 UTC
Oh, I've known a woman or two who would have thought of it as a preventive measure...

What short of complete nudity tops this?


cheryl_bites May 10 2013, 21:14:41 UTC
Looks pretty good on the beach, too.

Oh. Well, I expect it won't top this, but I do expect them to look happy and jump around a bit. And if they want to strip again, that's perfectly fine.


bustedflush May 11 2013, 22:43:38 UTC


cheryl_bites May 12 2013, 10:10:24 UTC
Heh. D'you think Dzemaili's retained any of his religious scruples? His going out with that tacky beauty queen would suggest otherwise (she's always posting pictures of them draped over each other half-naked while he looks embarrassed), but then, I notice he hasn't taken his shorts off...


bustedflush May 14 2013, 21:49:07 UTC
I went through a very similar thought process, but remember when he was just a wee Swiss champion? Even then he celebrated in the pants -- this might not be his gross girlfriend's fault.


cheryl_bites May 15 2013, 10:38:22 UTC
True, very true. (I wrote about a quarter of a giant orgy about the wee Swiss champions. I really ought to dust off my WIPs sometime.)


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