FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 6)

Sep 08, 2008 21:22

Ryo hold his breath. He knew the voice. But it couldn’t be. Everyone could be here except this person. Did he really recognize the right voice? Maybe he was mistaken and ..

“Ni - Nishikido-kun?” The voice shook a bit.

Ryo sighed. It was the person.

“Damn, Ueda, what are you doing here?”

“I can ask you the same.”

There was an ( Read more... )

kameda, koyashige, tegomass, nishikido ryo, fanfic, forever yours, ryotego, tegoshi yuya, ryoda

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Comments 34

laftkeichan September 8 2008, 21:16:20 UTC
YAAAAAAAAAY!! you updated^^
i got got up from bed and i saw this hehehee^^

ryooo.. why did he cry??
aaah, ryo-chan!! *hugs him*

and massu, oooh the sweetest bestfriend ever XD
and tegomassu walking together heehehe cute image isn't it?

ryoo what's wrong? why are you yelling??
nooo it can't stop there!! i'm so curioussssss^^

please update soon^^
i'm curious XD
i see you writing chapter 8 already^^ fu fu fu fu fu^^

i'll be waiting^^


cherrylady6 September 9 2008, 19:43:09 UTC
Yeah xD I took years, so sorry ne xD
Ah? You got up from bed? xD Sou ka ~

Ryo-chan shouldn't cry kyah ~
I want to hug him too ^-^

Yeah, it definitely is a cute image xD
But it would be even more cuter with RyoTego ♥
TegoMassu is hard to write for me xD You like them? ~

Ah xD I'm happy I could make you curious ^-^
So so so glad you liked it ne!!
And thanks for reading sooo much! :]

I'll give my best to update soon ne ~
You too, ne? ♥♥
Yeah, finished Chap 8 now xD
I'll hope to find time to post Chap 7 soon ~

-hugs back- *-*


laftkeichan September 11 2008, 08:32:44 UTC
yea yeaaa post chapt 7 soon^^ heehehe.
hahahaha ofcourse! ryotego would be even cuter^^

i LOVE tegomassu! hehe, but friendship! XD
actually i really really can't think of them as a pairing, i mean romantic and stuff.. hehehehehe XD
because they're the cutest bestfriend, right??

you really made me curious^^
heehe okay^^ lets ganbatte together, ne^^ yossshaaaa XD
this is very fun XD

*hugs you hugs you*


cherrylady6 September 14 2008, 13:10:37 UTC
I post today ^^ I took again so long +

TegoMassu friendship is awesome but more .. not xD
I can't imagine them as pairing either ^^
I wonder why I write them then >__<

Ganbatte ^^


marielizangela September 9 2008, 05:46:59 UTC
that made me even happier! aha, anything involving my Uebo & Kame-chan ^_^
uwah, so omg RyoDa.And if I fight, I’ll definitely win! UEDA will win forsure. When it's Ryo V.S Ueda i'll go for Ueda ne! :DDD
i was grinning for some reason at those parts ne.

tegomassu:) is so cute ne, But still going for RyoTego mostdeff!

aws, i wonder whats up with ryo & his sister ne.

uwah, last night my mom was also getting mad at me!
She was telling me that i stay up to late since i had school the next morning ne.
>.< So today like you did last night i have to sleep earlier also! haha

Can't wait for the next chapter ^__^


cherrylady6 September 9 2008, 19:55:40 UTC
Ahaha xD Kameda is love ne ♥
My first fic [I ever wrote about JE] was actual Kameda xD
I couldn't help but put them in ^-^

Don't be surprised but uwaaaah I so love RyoDa xDDD
Writing this part was kinda hard because there's no LOVE at all xD
But yeah ~ if Ueda WANT to he can win for sure against Ryo!! We'll cheer for Ueda then? xDD Tat-su-yaa ~ xDD
Happy that I could make you smile *-*

OmG. I'm not okay with TegoMassu as pairing at all so xD
But I'm still writing them. Kyah. Should stop xD
RyoTego for win!! xD

Ah, you'll find out soon. At the latest in Chap 8 I think xD

haha xD same ^^ I have like 5 minutes now until my mom wants me to go to bed and I'm not finished at all.
Kyah xD Same ne? xD I want to stay up laaaaaaate ~
I don't need sleep haha xDDDDD

Thanks for reading ne! I'll give my best to update! :]


marielizangela September 10 2008, 01:30:47 UTC
uwah chotto!?
You wrote a KAMEDA fic?
i need to go look for it. now now now.
Unless im reading your words wrong and this is the first time you've put them in?
uwah, i'll go look after posting this comment

Ryoda is coool to ne. haha, no love. Just like silence and like they're not hating on each other too much. Yes, cheering for Ueda. Gomene Ryo-chan! Tat-su-yaa forsure!

haha, TegoMassu as a pairing.
Stop then ne!
I can't tell you to stop though, you decide!
haha, but it makes in interesting ne.
hai, ryotego SHOULD win.

Haha i also think that many times.
"I don't need sleep" but then when i sleep really late sometimes in the morning it's basically HORRIBLE cuz i don't want to get up. -_-

and gambatte for the next chaps!


cherrylady6 September 10 2008, 19:53:31 UTC
ahahah xD You better do not.
'cause I never finished it xD
I didn't post it in any communities or whatever ^^
I don't know why I wrote it xD
It's the first RyoTego one where I put Kameda in ~ I think so xD
I hope you didn't found it ne xDDD

RyoDa is cool? ~ Ahaha xD
Do you read a fic already? :]
I don't really know if they hate each other or if they don't xD

xDDDDD You don't like it either ne xD
So I really have to stop when you don't like it xD
But first there's love coming T___T
RyoTego IS win. RyoTego SHOULD win. RyoTego HAVE TO win xD

xDDD I noticed it today in school. I was somehow sleepy xD But hyper at the same time. And then I'm always like "Ah, today I'll go to bed earlier!!" but end up the same as the last evening - late in bed xD

ahaha thanks ne?
Waiting for your update too ne! ♥


haizul September 9 2008, 06:32:49 UTC
ah! you updated~~! \(^.^)/

aww~ i loved the RyoDa moments!! ^__^
it's the first time i read something about them...
but more RyoTego please!! XD *bricked*

oh! you're already writing the 8th chapter?
YAAAAYYY!!! \(≧▽≦)/
you better post them up soon! >:D

ahaha gomen, gomen.. XD
i just can't wait to find out what ryo's problem is...
why was ryo crying? and why was ueda chasing him?
so many questions....kyuuu~~ >___<

will wait for it ne~~


cherrylady6 September 9 2008, 20:00:50 UTC
Ah yeah xD Seems like I took years to update ne? xD

Really? Haha xD So, here I am, RyoDa fan xD
But I can't write about them at all ~
I'm happy you liked the RyoDa moments kyaaah ♥♥
haha xD Sure. RyoTego is WIN against them.
Probably not the next but .. RyoTego is def more to come ^-^

Yeah xD Finished the 8th chap. It got kinda long, so.
I give my best to post them soon ne xD
Ahaha xD Your reaction makes me so happy ^-^

Ahaha xD I'm somehow happy that I could make you curious!
It'll be cleared in Chap 8 ne ~
Keep thinking about them ne xDDD

I'll give my best to update >__<
Thanks for reading so much!
-hugs- ♥♥


yamapishige September 9 2008, 20:05:19 UTC
Woah! I feel terrible~ How come I haven't read this fic at all? T___T
I want to know why Ryo was crying. Why do the sexy Osaka man have to cry? :'o
I guess that the girl is his sister. Or else he wouldn't yell at her? OR WHO IS IT? :'''O I want to know~~

Ahw, poor Massu. Totaly ignored by Tego D':
I hope that it'll turn out to be RyoTego at the end x'3
I love your RyoTego fics. x'''3

Update soon ne~


cherrylady6 September 10 2008, 17:27:35 UTC
Ah, it's okay ne ^^
Don't feel terrible! I'll feel terrible then too T__T
I haven't updated for some time so ~ and it's not this long online ^^

Sexy Osaka Man ~ kyah I love him!
I can't imagine at all that he's crying T__T
Ah, you'll find out in .. yeah, chapter 8 I'd say so :]

Yeah xD Somehow Tegoshi is ignorant ~
Or probably only naive ^^
Ah, I don't want to say too much ne ..
But you know that I love the RyoTego pairing ne? xDD
So ~ I hope it'll turn out as RyoTego but am not sure ..
Ah, thanks for reading ne!!
And I'm happy you liked it *-* Thank you so much!

Give my best okay :]
You too ;)
Chu ~ ♥♥


knuddy September 9 2008, 20:17:38 UTC
waaaaaah eyleen :D
this chapter was really good :D
i can't understand why you don't like it ^.^

I want to know why Ryo is crying :(
you know that i don't want him to cry...
and that i used this icon was your fault ;p

why did he yelled at this girl?
btw...who is she? xD

so much questions^^
but now i have to go to bed :(
it's already late :'(
i want to write much more :(

good night^.^

chuu ;D


cherrylady6 September 10 2008, 17:33:36 UTC
You really can't? xD
Then please look forward to Chap 8 because I like it a lot like you know ne ~
This chap is just .. uwaaaaaaaaaaah >__< xD

Kyah? xD
I thought you like crying men!
So don't complain about making Ryo-chan cry! xD
The icon is cute so why not use it xD
I don't see it as fault :DDDDDD

You'll find out soon I think ~

haha xD I don't have to say Oyasumi because I'm talking with you now so ^^
Keep going na ~

Chu :]


knuddy September 11 2008, 18:14:16 UTC
I think I'll die when you upload chap 8 ;)
this would be soooo great^^
I know how much you like this chapter and this makes me even more curious about it :D

you're right...
I looooove crying men but I want to comfort them and ryo's so far away^^
also I don't want him to cry because he didn't deserved to cry...

I'm happy you like it :)
because i really love this icon ^.^
but because you said that it makes you sad or kind like this, i thought you may not like it that much...
but I'm happy that i was wrong :)

i hope you update soon :D
I'm looking forward the next chap :D

hmm I think I have to say have fun now, because I think you'll get off to watch popstars now, don't you?

so have fun :)

chu =D


cherrylady6 September 14 2008, 13:30:22 UTC
xDD I even cried during the chapter so I don't know if it's only me but I like it a lot. Today, there's chap 7, so you have to wait a bit xD

xDDD It'll be a bit difficult to console Ryo-chan from here xD
In some way yeah ^^ But otherwise, Ryo-chan can be so mean xD

xDD Yeah. Kyah ~ that reminds that this comment was already on Thursday. Gomen ne for my replay now xD
And you have fun with your kakao and marshmellow or whatever you're doing with it xD

Chu ~


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