FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 6)

Sep 08, 2008 21:22

Ryo hold his breath. He knew the voice. But it couldn’t be. Everyone could be here except this person. Did he really recognize the right voice? Maybe he was mistaken and ..

“Ni - Nishikido-kun?” The voice shook a bit.

Ryo sighed. It was the person.

“Damn, Ueda, what are you doing here?”

“I can ask you the same.”

There was an awkward moment of silence. Ryo was hardly able to breathe. He couldn’t escape. He had the choice: To keep silent in a room with Ueda or to talk about his performance with his bandmates ..

Ryo weighted  his thoughts out. He nearly forgot that he wasn’t alone in the room.

His thoughts were going crazy. What should he do now? Even for him it was really uncomfortable to be in a room with someone when there wasn’t a conversation at all. Although this someone was Ueda.

He could hear the breathing of Ueda. Clearly. It irritated him. Normally, he was alone in any room.

“Ueda, could you please stop brea …”

Ryo realized what he was about to say.

“Eh? You want me to stop breathing? Did I hear this right?”


Ueda stood up. Before, he was leaning against the wall. His eyes were already used to the darkness. He could see clearly the silhouette of Ryo. He walked towards him and clenched his fist.

* * *

Well, thought Ueda, he shouldn’t provoke me today. He thinks he’s stronger than me? He thinks that I’m the weak one? That I won’t protect myself if he attacks me? I’ll show him that I can fight. And if I fight, I’ll definitely win!

Before he realized what he was doing his fist grabbed the shirt of Ryo.

“Don’t tell me ever what I have to do, understood?”, whispered Ueda drastic. “Don’t tell me ever! You can’t tell me anything, Nishikido Ryo!”

Ueda expected everything. He expected Ryo to hit him. He expected Ryo to shout at him.

But he never expected what Ryo did.

“Maybe …”, he said slowly. And gentle.

“Can I tell you something?”

Ueda wasn’t able to breathe or even to think.

Has Nishikido Ryo asked him something? Him? Now?

“I .. anou .. yes, why not?”

“You first”, said Ryo.

“EH? I haven’t said that I want to tell you something! Or anyone!”

“Do you want to decline that you’re unhappy about something?”

“Eh? Anou .. I mean ..”

“Sou ka. Since we’re both here, we can talk to each other. I think there’s no chance that you tell it someone else. Otherwise, I’ll kill you.”

“Same for you”, answered Ueda.

It was still dark. They didn’t see each other.But they felt the presence of each other.

Ueda sighed deeply and slid down the wall.

“You know .. today there was a photoshoot .. and I got into a fight with Kame ..

I mean, see, he was really, reaaaaaally close with Taguchi! Not even a tissue would have fit between them!”

“Sou ka. Lovesickness.”

“No! I mean .. They hadn’t to do this so closely, ne? And Kame saw me standing right in …”

“Why don’t you tell him?”

“It’s not that easy. You can’t tell me what to do in a relation. You don’t know how ..”

Ueda stopped. He glanced at Ryo. Why did he say that!?

“Gomen nasai, Nishikido-kun. I .. I didn’t mean to .. I ..”

“Probably, you’re right. Sad, ne?”

Silence. Ueda hadn’t the heart to say something.

“You .. you wanted to tell me something, too, huh? What was it?”

* * *

Ueda’s voice shook again.

Am I that scary?, Ryo asked himself while he smiled lightly.

“Right. Promise to keep silent. You won’t speak to anyone about this, will you? Including Kame. Don’t say a word!”


“Anou .. I don’t know what to do. Since some days my sister calls me to tell me that …”

* * * * *

“The performance was great”, said Koyama while he sprawled on the sofa.

“You looked really good, Shige!”

Shige blushed immediately and turned away.

“Stop complimenting me, Koyama”, he said and went to the other side of the room. But he noticed the satisfied smile of Koyama.

“We all did great”, said Tegoshi while smiling.

“I’m hungry! How about going out to eat afterwards?”, Massu asked.

“Shige and I are already going to eat something. No way you join us. Gomen ne, Massu!”

Massu noticed Shige who turned his head to Koyama and whispered something. He looked so emmbarrassed that it made Massu smile.

“Pi? Tegoshi?”

“I want to go to the gym with Ryo afterwards”, apologized Pi himself.

“By the way, where’s Ryo? He left right after the performance, ne?”

All members looked surprised. Ryo? Right, they haven’t seen him since then.

“Let’s go look for him”, supposed Pi.

He stood up and walked towards the door. Before he opened it Pi listened. There were steps on the floor. Fast steps. He opened the door and couldn’t believe his eyes. Right in front of him was Ryo running down the floor. Pi grabbed immediately Ryo’s wrist, made him stop and turned him around. He looked straight into his face - and was shocked.

Tears were running down his face. Not only one, many tears. He had never seen Nishikido Ryo crying.


Another voice showed up.

“NISHIKIDO RYO!” Pi turned his head into the direction of the person who screamed Ryo’s name. Could it be … ?

Suddenly Ryo broke free and ran down the long corridor. Without looking back. Just in that moment Ueda turned around the corner and chased after Ryo. Confused looked Pi after them. What in the hell are they doing!?

“Pi? How about eating together?”, shouted Massu.

They haven’t noticed anything. Yokatta. They don’t have to worry about Ryo. He’s okay .. ne? Ryo, you’re okay … ?

“Pi?” Massu stood right beside him and tapped on his shoulder.

“Oh, Massu, gomen ne. Well, I forgot, I have a meeting now. Sorry! I have to go now!”

He ran out of the door along the corridor.

“You’re jacket!”, shouted Tegoshi. But he was already too far away.

* * * * *

Koyama and Shige had left to eat. So there were only Tegoshi and Massu left.

“Where do you want to go, Tegoshi?”, asked Massu.

“I’ll leave it to you, Massu. You have a great taste, ne?”

Massu blushed. “Hai, arigatou!”

“Tegoshi! Wait. I .. I have something for you.”

“Eeeh? Maji de? What is it, Massu? What is it?”

Tegoshi was nearly jumping up and down with a big smile on his face.

“Close your eyes and give me your hand”, advised Massu.

“How exciting! What are you doing, huh?”

Massu pulled a little box outside of his jacket. He opened it. A sparkling ring was inside the box. He took the ring careful and pushed it on Tegoshi’s finger.

“Open your eyes, NOW.”

At first Tegoshi didn’t say a word. He just stared at the ring, wordless. Then he jumped around, hugged Massu and shouted like a little child.

“Massu! Waaaaah, how cute! You’re the best friend I could have! Arigatou!”

“I saw the skull and thought immediately of you.”

“Was that a compliment?”, asked Tegoshi laughing.

“Yeah, you can see it as a compliment!”


“Why not?”

“You’re giving me a ring out of nowhere? That’s not you, Massu!”

“I mean .. because .. I gave you the wrong medicine .. and you got ill .. and I caused ..”

“Oooh Massu, I should’ve known! You don’t have to do me any favours, okay? I’m fine with it. It’s not your fault, okay? I’m happy again, so you should be too!”

Tegoshi smiled at his best friend. And he smiled back.

“May I should cook today?”, supposed Massu.

“No, you’ve cooked that often at my house that my mom is already asking if you moved in!”

“Maji de? Okay, then let’s go eating today!”

“Hai! What about a walk with Tinny-chan afterwards?”

“Great idea! We haven’t walked a long time together with her, ne?”

Tegoshi stopped and made a serious face.

“Massu - it was just two days ago!”

He burst into laughter.

“Oh well”, answered Massu, blushing.

“Let’s go to the restaurant, ne?”

* * *

“Your dog is really full with energy today, isn’t he?”

“Kawaii, ne? Look at her! She’s so beautiful!”

“Haha! I guess your girlfriend has to be beautiful, ne?”

They walked on, sometimes giggling, sometimes silent.

“Look Massu, there’s Nishikido-kun”, said Tegoshi, pointing through some trees. Both of them were walking a bit through the forest.

“RY …!”, shouted Massu before Tegoshi pressed his hand over his mouth.

“Pssssst! Let’s keep silent! I don’t want to disturb him! I wonder what he’s doing here?”, said Tegoshi and loosened his hand on Massu’s mouth.

Don’t want to disturb him?, asked Massu himself. He’s our bandmember at least, ne? We CAN disturb him! And - why would we disturb him?He’s just staring in the air. Why don’t we...

“What is he doing there?”, whispered Tegoshi.

Massu rolled his eyes.

“Ask him”, he answered.

“No, Massu! He seems to wait, ne? I wonder for whom he’s waiting?”

Tegoshi stared at Ryo. He sat lonely on a bench in the park. Anxious. His foot went up and down all the time. He looked several times at his watch and gazed all the time from right to left.

“Look, Massu! Someone is coming!”

Why is he so excited? It’s none of his buisness. It’s Ryo’s. It shouldn’t interest him, ne?

Tegoshi grabbed Massu’s arm.

“What a pretty girl, ne?” Tegoshi sounded nearly nostalgic.

What’s with him!?, asked Massu himself.

“Maybe she is his girlfriend? What do you think?”

Tegoshi won’t register if I answer, thought Massu. He looked at the girl who was coming towards Ryo. She was really beautiful.

“Why did Ryo hide her in front of ..”

Before Tegoshi could finish his sentence, Ryo stood up and ran towards the girl. Tegoshi expected a kissing scene and became a bit sad. Why did he become sad? He didn’t know ..


Tegoshi’s eyes got big. What happened? Ryo stopped in front of the girl but instead of kissing or hugging her he yelled. Loud. Nout loud enough that Tegoshi could understand what he shouted but loud enough to hear the anger in his voice. Tegoshi noticed the face of the girl. She was nearly crying. But Ryo didn’t stop. He yelled again at her.

Tegoshi and Massu were shocked. Unable to move they watched the scene.

Why was Ryo yelling at this girl?


Ending here!
I failed so much with this chapter -hits head against wall-
I hope I can do better with the next one. Ah, I know.
But I'm still hoping you enjoyed somehow xD
I couldn't help but put KameDa in ~
Biggy, don't kill me ne xD
And KoyaShige isn't even worth to be named as pairing >___<
Somehow it turned out as RyoDa? ~
And uwah. TEGOMASSU. How can I write this. -dies-
Anyway, comments keep me writing and make me happy ne :]
- is writing too much - GOMEN. ENDING HERE.

kameda, koyashige, tegomass, nishikido ryo, fanfic, forever yours, ryotego, tegoshi yuya, ryoda

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