OneShot: The bond between friends

Sep 04, 2008 06:13

First of all ..

Tanjoubi omedetou

That sounds so weird but I can't find a cuter form for Nakamaru since I use Maru-chan for Maru from K∞ ~ Gomen ne Nakamaru! He's already so old ne xD [I shouldn't say that because Uepi will be the same age next month T__T]
[And I didn't know which icon to use XDD There's not one with Nakamaru ^^]
Ah hai hai ~
Actually, I wanted to post something I've written on his birthday [because actually, he already had yesterday birthday ne ~ The time is always confusing me!]. I wanted to try writing a drabble. And something with Nakamaru in it as well. But I failed in all possible ways xDDD Because .. I think I can't write something that short and also ~ it turned out as RyoTego instead of a pairing with Nakamaru xD
Yesterday, I felt like I HAVE TO write something. So I started thinking about it because all my other ideas were long OneShots and I didn't want to write them because I hadn't that much time. I thought soooo long about it and I'm still not satisfied because the plot isn't that good.
But somehow I can't write anything except my fanfic now! I feel like I have to end this fanfic because .. at the moment, I feel like writing a lot of OneShots. But I can't when I know that there's the unfinished story. But there are still some chapters. I have to write it. And finish it so I can write on with OneShots ~ I nearly finished the next chapter. And I totally hate it T_____T I liked the other chapters but what's with this one ..
Ahaha, yeah okay ~ I get off topic. I'm posting this now here because after school I'm going to Sarah and won't have much time :] Probably Nakamaru doesn't have anymore birthday when I come home xDDD
So, posting now is probably better. Ah, and sorry Nicole, that you had to wait. I don't know what's up with ICQ. Somehow it won't work with us. Gomen ne xD
And Biggy! I'm sorry but you weren't online in the evening [haha, I knew it because of Trang ne ~] so I couldn't send it to you! Just wrote it yesterday evening for today, so gomen that you couldn't read before posting. And oh, I want to read my Uepi-Story T_____T ~
I could've at least written something with KAT-TUN, ne xD I just love RyoTego so much >__________________<

Ah, talked too much. Gomen ne! Here we go.

Author: cherrylady6 
Title: The bond between friends
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: RyoTego
Words: 1.726
Summary: When friends become more than friends ..
A/N: Posted for Nakamaru's Birthday :] Used some lyrics from several songs. Unbeta'd.

The bond between friends ...

“Are? Tego-nyan! I won’t let you win!“

“Haha, we’ll see, ne, Ryo-tan! I’m sure I can win ne! It’s only you!”

He grinned evil at Ryo while he started the game. They were both standing in Tegoshi’s living room, in front of his TV screen because they were playing Wii. Tegoshi just started a game.

They were knowing each other for quite a while now. They saw each other the first time during work because both of them joined the same band. After a short time they became really good friends and it was normal that they hang around together in their free time. But although they were every minute together they never stopped talking. They never bugged each other. The other members always teased them about their relationship but they were just best friends.

“Okay, let’s start ne!”, shouted Ryo and hit the tennis ball back to Tegoshi.

They laughed while playing and it seemed like nobody would win because both were hitting the ball back and back again. But then Ryo’s mobile phone rang.

“Uwah, gomen ne Tegoshi! Could you stop the game for a moment?”

Tegoshi stopped immediately but Ryo’s character already lost the ball and so Tegoshi got a point. He looked nerved at the TV screen. But then he smiled. Ryo stopped playing, so it was his point anyway, ne?

“Moshi moshi? Ah .. hai .. Actually, I’m now .. Well .. Yeah, I’m coming. Wait there, I’ll be there in a minute, ne?”

He hung up and looked apologizing at Tegoshi. He already guessed that Ryo had to go.

“I’m sorry, Tegoshi! Alison called me. You know .. she told me to she wants to see me. Now. So, I guess I have to go there ne?”

He hugged Tegoshi tight and when he was letting go of Tegoshi their faces came dangerous near to each other. But there was no embarassment. They just smiled at each other.

He waved at Tegoshi before he walked out of the door. Tegoshi looked after him.

Aren’t I enough for him?What’s this?, he asked himself and put a hand on his chest. There was a pain inside he never felt before.

Tegoshi dialed the number of Ryo. He just wanted to talk with him while Ryo walked to his girlfriend. But he couldn’t reach him. He walked again into his living room and switched on the TV. There was movie and he watched it for some minutes until there was a kissing scene. While Tegoshi watched it the people in the TV slowly changed into him and Ryo. And finally he realized why there was this pain in his heart. He fell for Ryo!

That can’t be, he thought. I can’t fall for my best friend … can I?

Ryo is happy with Alison .. I can’t interfere in their relationship. The best is to have distance. Probably it helps me to see him again as a friend .. Just as a friend.

He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from the table and started writing.

Dear Ryo-tan!

Just wanted to tell you that I’m going away for sometime.

Don’t worry, I’m back when the things for NEWS come up.

Maybe it sounds weird to you but ..

I have to think about our relation.

See you!


He ended the letter and pinned it on his door. He was sure that Ryo would return soon so he would see his message. Tegoshi packed his most important things together and took his money. Then he went out of the door and walked on. He could probably go to his penpal. He lived just some hours away from him. But somehow his feet led him to the place where Ryo was supposed to meet Alison. He knew that they were meeting there because it was something like a code between them. And Tegoshi knew it since he was the best friend of Ryo. He looked over the market place when his eyes caught them. Kissing.


She looked really beautiful today. Ryo was greeting her when he was still some metres away from her. She walked towards him as well and hugged him tightly when she reached him.

“I missed you the last two days”, she said and looked into Ryo’s eyes.

“Well, you were going to this musical without me, ne?”, asked Ryo smiling.

She smiled as well. And then Ryo pulled her closer and kissed her ..

But somehow the kiss didn’t feel as good as always. He felt her soft lips on his, could smell the scent of her hair and felt her soft skin. But something was missing. He closed his eyes and tried to just concentrate on feeling. But after a few seconds a picture of Tegoshi showed up. He was so surprised that he was pushing Alison away.

“Ryo-chan? What’s up?”

Ryo looked in hurry at his phone. It showed one missed call. Without looking who called he knew that it was Tegoshi.

“Sorry, Alison, I have to go!”, he said while he was already running back to Tegoshi’s apartment. Ryo didn’t know why he was running. He didn’t know why he wanted to see Tegoshi. He didn’t know why he felt that Tegoshi needed him. And he didn’t know why he saw him while kissing. He didn’t know anything at all. He just ran.

He was breathless when he reached Tegoshi’s door in the second floor. He was about to ring the bell when he saw a piece of paper on the door. He scanned the letter and put it into his pocket while he was already running again. There was another question popping up in his mind. Why the hell did he know where Tegoshi was going!?

The future is changing


Tegoshi sat on the bench and waited. Fast. That was the only word he could think of. Everything changed so fast. This morning he thought what he has for a wonderful friend in Ryo. But when Ryo hugged him he felt something other. And now he was sitting here, on this bench, waiting for the train to bring him somewhere else. Somewhere where he could forget about his feelings for his best friend. He didn’t want to destroy their relationship. But it would be hard. It was so weird. Why did all this happen?

Under the torn subway poster, I squat down, lost in memories
The truth is silent and I don't call out to passersby


Ryo ran. He ran as fast as he never did in his whole life. He felt that he lost his power with every step but he didn’t lose his speed. He didn’t know if he was able to reach Tegoshi. But he kept on fighting. He didn’t felt his legs anymore but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to give up. This was probably the last chance. And Nishikido Ryo didn’t want to lose.

The bond between friends
I finally see the light
I can't lose to this


“The train to Tokyo will arrive in a few minutes!”

Tegoshi listened to the announcer and stood up. He walked towards the platform and waited with several other passengers. He probably should’ve called his friend there. But he could do this later. When he was in the train and didn’t have to worry anymore about the time being here. The next thing he had to manage was just getting into the train. He was afraid that he couldn’t manage it. That he couldn’t go inside. But he would fight. He would win over his heart.

He heard the train. He looked into the direction and saw it coming. The train which would take him into another future. He stepped a bit forward and tried to smile. It failed. The doors opened. Tegoshi looked around while all passengers were getting in. Then he went in.

Closing the album I'd treasured

I travel towards the eastern sky


Ryo reached the train station and tried to run a bit faster. He was on his limit but he was unable to stop. He didn’t look at any signs and just took the next stair upwards. He looked around all the people. And then he saw him. Tegoshi. There he was. Ryo wanted to scream but his throat was too dried to say anything. He saw the back of Tegoshi. He was going into the train. Ryo ran forward. He noticed that the doors were closing slowly and ran even faster. When he reached the door there was only a little space left. He put both of his hands inside and pulled the door open again. He didn’t feel the pain. He jumped inside and rushed through the door into a rail car. Tegoshi was alone inside and Ryo walked towards him. He didn’t sit down. He rested his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath again.


Tegoshi looked at him with a surprised expression on his face.

“What the hell are you doing, Tegoshi?”

Ryo could hardly speak. It was hard for him to say even this words.

Tegoshi couldn’t speak a word. He stood up and pulled Ryo into a seat. Then, without thinking, he hugged his best friend.

“What are you doing here?”, he whispered. He had tears in his eyes.

Ryo took a deep breath.

“What are you thinking? I mean .. just going away? What’s with me?”

“Ryo .. it’s not that easy. I .. probably .. You see .. I can’t think of you as  a friend .. not only as a friend .. if you understand me. And I don’t want to destory our friendship. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Who said that I wouldn’t understand this? Did you think of my feelings for just a moment? Why are you always that selfish, Tego-nyan?”

Tegoshi just looked at Ryo. Did he hear the right things? Was Ryo saying that he felt something for him too?

“Ryo .. don’t play around okay ..”

“I’m not playing. You think I ran the whole way as a game!?”

“But .. that would mean ..”

“Please, stop talking. You’re so annoying.”

And then Ryo pulled Tegoshi closer and kissed him ..

Now, in this second, embracing the life that'll begin
Now, in this second, there are times when I know it's for eternity


I'm not that satisfied with this story because the plot isn't good and I wrote in a hurry.
Please tell me what you think of it :]
I'm quite unsure and comments are love ♥
But I like Ryo-chan in here.
Going to his limits for Tegoshi .. *-*
Ja ne ~

nishikido ryo, one shot, ryotego, tegoshi yuya

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