FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 7)

Sep 14, 2008 20:11

„So, how about eating at my house, Tegoshi? Or do you still want to go in a restaurant?”

“No, eating at your house is fine, Massu. Thanks for your invitation!”

“Since when are you so formal?”

“Eeeh? I’m always polite!”

Tegoshi pouted while he avoided to look at his best friend. Massu knew this situation well. He grabbed the wrist of his best friend and pulled him forwards.

“Massu, that’s too rough!”, shouted Tegoshi and stopped again. He would always be this little kid.

“Tegoooshiiii”, pouted Massu. “Only a few metres! You can see my house already! Don’t be so mulish!”

Tegoshi gave up and followed Massu to a beautiful house. He was so often here. He nearly thought of it as his own home.


“What do you want to eat, Tegoshi?”, asked Massu from the kitchen.

Tegoshi sat in the living room and looked for the umpteenth time through Massu’s CD’s.

“What do you think of ‘L’arc en Ciel’? I can put it in, ne?”

“Do what you like to”, answered Massu. “You know, it’s nearly as if you were in your house!”

Tegoshi smiled. They knew each other so well. It was scary sometimes because Tegoshi had the feeling that Massu knew him more than he knew himself. They experienced so many things together. They knew each ..

“Tegoshi! Come! I finished cooking!”, called Massu and pulled Tegoshi out of his thoughts.

He nodded for himself and walked towards the kitchen. We’re like an old married couple, thought Tegoshi and smiled wildly.

“Heh? What are you smiling about?”

“.. Nan demo nai!”, answered Tegoshi and looked into the questioning eyes of Massu.

“Let’s eat, ne? Itadakimasu!”

“What about some wine?”, asked Massu while he took already the bottle out of his cupboard.

“Heh? Massu, we have to work tomorrow ne. But, I think, a bit is okay, ne.”

Massu poured red wine into a glass and gave it to Tegoshi.

“Thank you, Massu.”

They ate in silence for sometime. Tegoshi looked sometimes at Massu and asked himself if he should say something. It was awkward. But instead of saying something they drank more wine. And with every glass they talked more. Finally, the bottle was empty.

“We drank the whole bottle of wine, Massu”, giggled Tegoshi.

He stood up and grabbed for the chair again because he needed a hold.

“You’re alright?”, asked Massu.

“Yeah, maybe a bit drunk?”

“How about a walk?”, supposed Massu. “Maybe fresh air is good for us, ne!”

Tegoshi nodded and balanced to the wardrobe to get his jacket.

They stepped out of the house and walked for a while when Tegoshi put his hand on Massu’s shoulder. Massu looked questioning at his friend. Sorrow was in his eyes.

“I’m okay”, said Tegoshi.

“Give me your hand”, smiled Massu.


“Give me your hand! You need something to hold, ne?”

Tegoshi hesitated but then he laid his hand into Massu’s. When was the last time he held hands? It felt good. They crossed their fingers and walked for some time without talking. They hadn’t a destination but both of them walked towards a lake. They stood at the edge before they sat down on a bench, still in silence. It was already dusky and they could see the stars. Tegoshi sighed happily.

“Huh? What’s with you?”

“Nothing, Massu. It’s just a beautiful scene, don’t you think so?”

Massu nodded. They still hold hands. Then he noticed that Tegoshi glanced at him from the side. He ignored it. Suddenly, Tegoshi
laughed out loud.

“Eh? What is it?”

“I just saw that you have still some food on your mouth”, grinned Tegoshi. He couldn’t hold back his smile.

“Eh? Where!?” Massu tried to wipe it away.

“Wait, Massu. I’ll wipe it off for you.”

Tegoshi approached slowly Massu’s face and looked concentrated while he was wiping something from Massu’s mouth.

He’s so cute, thought Massu. And before he knew what he did he kissed Tegoshi.


“Ohayo gozaimasu!”, shouted Tegoshi happy as he entered the door. Although he had a little headache, he was in the best mood ever. He looked at his bandmembers who were already in the room and looked surprised at him.

Ryo sat alone on the sofa and looked at him. He seemed to be morose. Koyama and Shige were sitting on another sofa and played a game like always. Yamapi talked with someone on the phone and smiled salutatory at Tegoshi.

“Ohayo”, answered Koyama then friendly. But his eyes widened when he noticed that Massu entered and he was holding hands with Tegoshi.

“Tegoshi, please, don’t speak so loud, okay?”, asked Massu smiling and rubbed his other hand against his head.

Koyama was the first one to ask. He pointed at their hands and asked “You are .. are you .. eh?”

Tegoshi laughed.

“Yes, we are! Since yesterday.”

Koyama stood up immediately and hugged Tegoshi.

“Congratulations, Tegoshi! Congratulations, Massu! Now you’re really Tegomass!”

He laughed about his own joke.

“Please, Koyama, could you be a bit ..”, began Massu but Koyama talked on, ignoring the poor Massu with headache.

“I’m so happy for you! You’re a really good couple, ne! Shige, don’t you think so? Shige?”

Koyama turned around and saw that Shige was communicating with Ryo. When he noticed Koyama’s glace he smiled and congratulated them. Yamapi took the phone down and whispered “Congratulation!” before he talked on. Tegoshi looked expectant at Ryo but he just looked at the floor. Tegoshi gave Massu a soft kiss before he walked into the room and looked closely at Ryo. He was worried about him. Really worried.


The day went by fast. Ryo was all the day in a bad mood and he wasn’t able to congratulate Tegomass, either. They seemed to be so happy that Ryo became even more sad.

Ryo decided on the day that he had to tell someone his secret. The secret he kept by himself because he thought that no one could feel with him. But for his own happiness it would be better to share it with someone else. And who would better fit than Tegsohi?

Ryo sat alone in the bandroom because he still didn’t want to return to his home. He had turned the TV on but he hadn’t watched a single scene. He didn’t even kow which program he was watching. He held his phone in his hand for some minutes already. He just couldn’t decide what to do. He dialed the number of Tegoshi for several times but he hung up always before Tegoshi’s phone would really ring. Again he dialed Tegoshi’s number and held the mobile to his ear. He listened to the sound but took it down and wanted to hang up. But then he heard Tegoshi’s voice quiet out of his phone and stared for some time at it.


Ryo looked at the mobile in his hand.

“Hello? Is there someone?”

He held the phone to his ear but he couldn’t say a word.

“I’ll .. hang up then?”


“Who’s .. Nishikido-kun?”

“.. yeah. It’s me.”

“Why didn’t you say something? I was really scared.”

“I .. I don’t know.”

“Then - what do you want? Why did you call?”

“Err .. I .. Do you have time this evening, Tegoshi?”

“This evening? I’m really sorry, Nishikido-kun. I’m going out with Massu tonight. Maybe tomorrow? I think, I’m free then!”


“Nishikido-kun? Are you still on the phone?”

Ryo hung up. He threw the mobile next to him on the sofa and laid his face into his hands. Then he stood up and went sulky out of the room. He didn’t know where to go but he couldn’t stay any longer here.

Am I not good enough for Tegoshi anymore?


Tegoshi walked into the bandroom and looked in it. It was empty but he could see his jacket on the wardrobe.

Finally, he thought. He searched his jacket the whole afternoon at his house. He walked towards his jacket and took it off the wardrobe when his gaze rumbled through the room. He noticed a mobile phone on the sofa. It could only be a phone from someone out of NEWS.

So Tegoshi haeded for the sofa and looked at the phone. It seemed to be Ryo’s. Tegoshi pressed a button to confirm that it was really his mobile and was surprised when he opened a menu with all his calls. But there was only one person. His sister.

Eh? Since when does Ryo have so much contact with his family? He never talked about them!

Tegoshi really wondered. He decided to tell Ryo that he found his phone and dialed the number on the phone but noticed that it wasn’t possible since he had Ryo’s.

“I’m such an idiot!”

Tegoshi slapped himself on the forehead. He reached into his pocket but noticed that he had forgotten his own mobile at his home. He decided to search Ryo to give him back his phone. And maybe he could ask by the way about all the calls he received from his sister. And about the girl Ryo yelled at. When Tegoshi thought about it there were many things he really wanted to know from Ryo. He had to find him.

Tegoshi walked out of the building and looked right and left. Where could he find Ryo?

The city was so big that he could look hours for him without the chance to find him. Tegoshi just followed his instinct and walked on through a park and found himself finally at a cross. He wanted to turn around and go back when he saw a person he knew in a restaurant. He couldn’t believe his eyes and stopped. His feet didn’t go any further. Tegoshi looked through the glass and tried to identify the person. Massu?

He could only think about food. Tegoshi smiled. Everytime he saw Massu outside he was eating. Tegoshi walked forwards to enter the restaurant and meet Massu. But when he looked again inside he stopped. Massu was there with another man!

That couldn’t be! They were laughing together. Massu smiled all the time. They seemed to have fun. Tegoshi just stood there and watched the two of them. When Massu picked something to eat from the plate from the other man Tegoshi had enough, turned around and walked back.

Did Massu really think that he could betray Tegoshi? That Tegoshi wouldn’t notice it? He was wrong. So wrong!


A/N: I failed so much with TegoMassu xDD
Probably because I don't see them as pairing.
But .. they just got together in this chapter and
at the end not anymore!? Too fast!
Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter!
Comments are ♥
And I like Ryo-chan more and more ^-^

nishikido ryo, fanfic, koyashige, forever yours, ryotego, tegomass, tegoshi yuya

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