OneShot: 10 things I hate about you Part 1

Sep 21, 2008 21:58

                               10 things I hate about you

Ueda sat alone in a room in the jimusho and tried to write some lyrics. But there was absolutely nothing on his mind what was worth to write it down. He really wanted to have a new song and thought hard about it. He knew that thinking about a songtext was definitely not the best way because he had to have them already in his mind because otherwise they wouldn’t turn out well.

There was no music in the room, only silence. Ueda played with the pen in his hand and twirled it around. He laid his head in his hand thought hard of his last days. What did he do? Was there something interesting?

Finally, Ueda decided to turn on the music. Maybe it would give him some inspiration, who knew. He stood in front of the stereo and looked through the CDs.

There were actually a lot of CDs but Ueda didn’t find something to please him. Finally, he decided on an album from Gackt. He turned on the music. Loud. It was already really late, Ueda was the only person in the jimusho who was left. So he could do what he wanted to. He listened satisfied to the songs and felt suddenly the need to play guitar. He took his guitar which leaned against the wall and put his hand on the strings. When he started to play, the door suddenly opened.

Wasn’t he alone in the building?

“What the hell are you doing here!?”

A man with black hair stood in the doorway and looked angry into the room. The hair fell in his face and his eyes sparkled dangerous.

“Oh. Ueda. Of course it has to be you.” The man sighed.

Ueda looked angry. “What are you doing here? I thought I am the only one in the building that’s why I turned on the music so loud if you want to complain!”

“Anyway, turn it down”, said Ryo decisive, turned around and closed the door. He didn’t ask, he didn’t say ‘please’. It was normal for him to talk not at all respectful with Ueda. It was only Ueda, though.

I hate the way you talk to me.

Ueda looked at the door, sulky about Ryo’s way to talk with him. And while he was still staring at the door through which Ryo just left, he noticed some lyrics in his mind. Finally, he knew something for a song!

“You’re my survival, you’re my living proof.

My love is alive - not dead.

Tell me that we belong together.

Dress it up with the trappings of love.

It’ll be captivated.

I’ll hang from your lips,

Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.”

He wrote this without looking up or stopping once. His hand was just moving without his own will. The lyrics came without thinking. And after he wrote them, he read them again and wondered. He just met Ryo! How came he had those lyrics about love in his mind? Anyway, he was satisfied with this beginning and packed up his things. It was time to go home, he had been too long here.

He went out of the room and walked down the corridor. Before he walked down the steps he threw a glance into an open door. He saw Ryo playing his guitar. Somehow, this scene calmed him down and he left the building smiling.


The next morning, Ueda entered his work place. He was actually a bit late because he slept too long and walked fast to the bandroom. He was surprised to see no staff people at all because actually the day had begun. He opened the door from the

KAT-TUN bandroom just to see NEWS sitting there and chatting with his bandmates.

“It’s good, ne? I look so hot! You can’t top that, Jin”, said Ryo while he pointed to his haircut. He laughed while he looked at Jin to say that he was only joking.

“Of course, Ryo. At the moment, I can’t top you. But wait until I go to the hairdresser! It’ll hit you for six, I’m sure.”

“But only because it’s too bad!” laughed Ryo and threw himself on the sofa.

Ueda stepped in and looked at Ryo. When everybody was talking about his new hair he had to see it himself.

“Ohayo, Ueda-kun!”, said Tegoshi in his super-sweet voice, smiling at him.

Ueda greeted him back but couldn’t take his eyes from Ryo’s hair.

“Don’t stare!”, said Ryo, acting embarrassed, causing the others to laugh.

I hate the way you cut your hair.

Ueda liked his old hair a lot better. There were these wisps. They always fell in Ryo’s face which made him a lot nicer. And now, they’re away.

“When do we start work?”, asked Ueda, turning his face towards Kame.

“Ah, soon. We waited for you, everybody is here. Anyway, Ueda, how about going out tonight? NEWS invited us. It’s great, ne? We never went out all together. It’ll be a nice experience!”

“Ah, sou ka. Of course, I can’t say ‘No’, can I? If you invited all of us, I’ll be there. It’ll be fun”, said Ueda and tried so smile.

“You can say ‘No’”, answered Ryo and looked at him teasing.

Ueda just ignored him. Yeah, and now guess why we never were going out together!, he thought.


Ueda couldn’t believe it at all. It was late in the evening and he was in a club with 11 other people and the person who sat next to him was Nishikido Ryo. It was just unbelievable. All the others seemed to have disappeared. Ueda felt lonely next to him because he didn’t want to talk to him in any way. He drank a cocktail after another one and finally he looked to his left side to Ryo. He was flirting with a mysterious girl and ignored Ueda, too. That made Ueda feel even more lonely.

He decided to go and stood up from his bar stool. But he was already more drunken than he thought and so he had to find his balance again first. His hand grabbed the stool. Ryo turned his head around and saw Ueda balancing.

“I have to go”, he said smiling to the girl he talked with, took Ueda’s arm and pulled him out of the club.

“Nishi .. Nishkid .. Nishshida .. “

“Yeah, I’m here. What do you want?” He was surprisingly sober but that was only because he could deal with alcohol. Seemed like Ueda couldn’t.

“I’m o-okay. I’ll find my way alone, ne. You ca .. can let me go, now ..”

“You’re here with your car, aren’t you?”

“Haii ..”

“Sou ka. You want to drive home now? In your current condition? You’ll cause an accident for sure. Let me drive you home. Where’s your car?”

“No-oo .. I won’t let you drive, Nishshi ..”

“Where are your keys?”

“H-here.” He reached into his left pocket and took them out. Ryo grabbed them from Ueda’s hand and pressed the button to unlock the car. A car on the left side blinked up and he walked towards it, Ueda slowly following.

Both entered the car and Ryo started it wordless. He turned around the key and drove the street along.

“Why are you doing this?” Ueda gave up to try to pronounce ‘Nishikido’.

“I can’t leave you there, can I? I couldn’t see the other and you are unable to drive. Probably I’m the last you want to drive you home but there wasn’t someone else. You have to deal with it.”

Ueda wanted to say ‘Thank you’ but he couldn’t. He just looked at Ryo from the side. Ryo drove very fast and not very careful. Somehow, Ueda was afraid. And all he could think of was ..

I hate the way you drive my car.


On the next day, Ueda had a complete hangover. He felt miserable. They had break for lunch and Ueda laid his head on the table and closed his eyes. He heard a knocking in his head and his headache was nearly unbearable. Why did he drink yesterday? He should’ve stopped after one cocktail or he should’ve looked for the others. And why was he driven home by Ryo? He was the last one Ueda wanted to drive him home.

That thing really bothered him. What would he have done if Ryo hadn’t been there? Would he have driven the car himself? He wasn’t sure. He had to say ‘Thank you’ to Ryo for bringing him home, safe. Otherwise he probably would have driven against a tree. He opened his eyes just to meet the eyes of Ryo. And he decided that he wouldn’t say ‘Thank you’.

Ryo still looked at him, a little sorrow in his eyes. Ueda turned his head into the other direction.

I hate it when you stare.


Now, he could look out of the window. It rained. It rained a lot.

“I hope it’ll stop soon, ne”, Ueda heard Ryo’s voice. His eyes opened in shock. Did Ryo just talk to him? He turned his head again to look at Ryo but he couldn’t see him because there was a person in front of Ryo. Tegoshi?

He stood in front of the sitting Ryo.

“Hai, Ryo-tan! Otherwise we could have gone outside afterwards, ne? I wanted to play soccer with Massu later. That won’t be possible if it continues to rain! That would be too bad. By the way, will you come and watch us? You can cheer for me!”

Tegoshi smiled at Ryo.

And for some reason, Ueda felt uncomfortable together in a room with Ryo and Tegoshi. He stood up slowly, smiled at Tegoshi and walked out of the room. He looked through a window before he opened it. He felt the cool breeze and enjoyed it. He reached a hand out and felt the raindrops on his hand.

I can hear the raindrops ringing in my heart

Standing there, he just had had an idea for a new song. He looked at his hand and ran with his finger over his wet skin. Then he closed the window and walked towards the bandroom. The break was over and he had to work. He heard the voices of Ryo and Tegoshi coming closer. They were joking and flirting. Ueda walked faster, he nearly ran. And when he reached the bandroom, he closed the door and leaned against it. He met the surprised eyes from his bandmembers. He looked with an apologizing smile at them and sat down.

“What are we going to do?”

“Actually, we should’ve done some photoshoots outside. But it rains so heavily now. Probably we have free time this afternoon! Sounds amazingly good, doesn’t it?”, said Nakmaru with a smile.

“Are you free this afternoon, Ueda?” Kame smiled questioning at Ueda.

“Eh?” Ueda was surprised. “Well, actually I wanted to go to train ..”

“Don’t be a grinch, Ueda!”, interrupted Nakamaru him. “We planned to do something with NEWS! You know, actually we had photoshoots with them. So, both bands are free today, that’s really rare! Come on! You can’t decline!”

“Sou ka. Well, when I can’t decline ..”

Ueda smiled unsure. Doing something with NEWS? That means Ryo as well. That can’t be a good idea. He already had a hard time with this guy at work. And now he had to deal with him even after work?


Ueda walked out of the jimusho just to see the others who were already waiting for him.

“You’re late”, said Jin looking at his watch.

“At least I’m here”, answered Ueda. He wasn’t in a good mood at all. He still felt his headache and spending his afternoon with Ryo didn’t make it better at all.

He let his eyes wander and stopped at Ryo. He wore dumb combat boots. What the hell … ?

“You look so cool in this boots, Ryo-tan”, screamed Tegoshi in that moment. As if he could read my thoughts was in Ueda’s mind.

They started to walk, Ueda still didn’t know where they were aiming for to go to. But what he noticed was a really huge puddle in front of him. He tried to avoid the water but he had to walk through it and he could already feel the water. He looked back to the ones behind him and his eyes caught Ryo again. He was walking without worry through the slop, not paying attention to it at all. And Ueda was sure his feet weren’t wet at all.

I hate your big dumb combat boots.


They spent the whole day together. It was really rare, both bands together. They went to a bowling bar, had dinner after that and now they were heading towards singing karaoke. It wasn’t far away so they didn’t take a taxi but walked. Ueda stopped for a moment while walking and looked through the big houses at the sunset. It was so beautiful. He got lost in his own thoughts and just continued staring.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”, said Ryo in a girly and ironic voice next to him

“No, it isn’t”, answered Ueda grumpy and walked on with fast steps.

I hate the way you read my mind.


Finally, Ueda was at home. The day was really tiring. There was no need to repeat this in the next time. Somehow, Ueda felt really sick. But he just couldn’t stop thinking of that day. And especially, he couldn’t stop thinking of Ryo. He tried to stop his thoughts with several things but everything seemed to remind him of that guy. Ueda became slowly angry.

Get out of my head, put yourself to bed,

I don’t wanna see you ever,

So please don’t come back, never!

After finishing those lines in his head, Ueda smiled to himself. Why was he actually thinking about Ryo?

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

It even makes me rhyme.


“You saw this guy with this blonde hair?”, asked Massu excited. NEWS were going down the corridor and Ueda just went up the stairs.

“Well, it was more light brown, wasn’t it?”, asked Ryo in between.

“Ano, maybe you’re right. Anyway, I think he’s popular! I thought I know him!”, continued Massu, ignoring Ryo.

“Ueda-kun! Did you watch basketball yesterday?”

Ueda was surprised and looked at Massu before he answered.

“Ah, yes, I did! The basket was amazing ne! I mean .. Yuka Oga did really well!”

“Wasn’t it actually Yuta Tabuse who threw a basket?”, asked Ryo.

“Ah, you’re right! Gomen ne, I forgot! Ah, I have to go to KAT-TUN now! I’m off.”

Ueda turned around and walked down the corridor. Damn, why did he have to mix up the players? It was really embarrassing in front of them because they knew Ueda was somehow good at basketball and he watched the game. How could he!?

I hate the way you’re always right.


Ueda couldn’t believe his eyes when he was lingering in the city in the afternoon. He was just walking through the streets without an aim but he couldn’t stay in his home because he had to take a walk. He didn’t know why.

And while he walked around he saw Ryo. That wasn’t something special, Ueda could’ve just ignored him. But he was really surprised when he saw Tegoshi with him. He was clinging to Ryo’s arm and seemed like he didn’t want to let him go ever. Ueda stared at them in disbelief and hid behind a corner. They laughed, they seemed to be happy. Ueda remembered when he thought that Ryo talked to him but he was actually talking with Tegoshi. Was there more between them? More than friendship? He continued to look at them when Ryo pulled his mobile out and looked at it. Tegoshi took it from his hand and pressed a button before he returned it to Ryo. Did he just decline a call for Ryo? They had to be close, very close. Ueda started to go home with a lot of thoughts in his head.

The next day, Ueda went to work, still thinking about those both guys. He really wondered what was going on between them. And he didn’t know why he cared so much about it.

He opened the door and greeted his members inside the room. The first thing he could hear when he closed the door was Ryo’s voice. Ueda turned around in shock just to notice that Jin was phoning with him and had his mobile on loudspeaker.

“Why the hell didn’t you pick up, Ryo? I tried to call you all day! I wanted to ask you something but I just couldn’t reach you. Well, if you don’t want to talk to me, just say it and I stop calling you, okay? You could’ve sent me a message like ‘I’m busy now, call later’ or something! But you just rejected my call! I’m so not okay with it Ryo. Just for you to know.”

Jin sat on the sofa, talking to the phone in his right hand. He looked seriously mad. And now Ueda knew who called Ryo yesterday.

“I was really busy, Jin. I had a lot of stuff at home and I had to do it, otherwise I can’t be relaxed at home. Please, don’t be so mad at me. I know I should’ve called you but I couldn’t. You know me. How about having lunch together?”

Ueda couldn’t hide his surprise when Jin agreed. Was it so easy to trick Jin? Well, how should he know. So, he already tricked his best friends, just to spend time with Tegoshi. Ueda couldn’t believe this person. He never thought good of Ryo but now his opinion became even worse.

I hate it when you lie.


Because they weren’t able to do the planned photoshoots on the rainy day, they wanted to give it another try and called NEWS and KAT-TUN together. They weren’t neither in KAT-TUN’s bandroom nor in NEWS’. They were just sitting in the huge entrance hall of the building, waiting for their turn to go outside. Everyone did his own things, they weren’t really talking or anything. Ueda looked at Kame who typed something on his laptop and seemed busy. He gazed around just to see everybody was busy. His eyes stopped when he saw Ryo and Tegoshi sitting together. He didn’t want to look at them but he couldn’t take his eyes away.

He saw that Ryo whispered something to Tegoshi, grinning widely.

What could he have said?

“Hey guys, listen to me, I have to say something”, said Ryo, looking at the round, smiling.

“Go ahead, Ryo-chan”, said Koyama and looked expecting at him.

“Ano .. Bu zhi dao ma ~“

It was completely silent because everbody looked surprised at Ryo. He never made those jokes, not Ryo! Suddenly, everyone turned his face from Ryo to Ueda.

Ueda really couldn’t hold back his laughter. He first chuckled about it but he couldn’t hide it and laughed out loud. He was the only one who laughed and he could feel the looks of the others on him but he didn’t care and just laughed on. Even Tegoshi and Ryo stared at him in disbelief.

I hate it when you make me laugh …

“Are you laughing about me?” Ryo had a serious expression on his face, he wasn’t even smiling while he gazed questioning at Ueda.

Ueda stopped laughing immediately and was a bit afraid. He never laughed about a joke from Ryo. He was unsure how to act now. And in the end he didn’t answer.

“You are laughing at me, right? What gives you the right to laugh about me!?”

Ryo looked now really angry and glanced at Ueda.

“Are you trying to make fun of me? Before making fun of others, look at you! There’s enough to make fun of!”

Ueda was in a shock. He thought it was good to laugh about one of Ryo’s jokes. That it would bring them closer. But everything he did was wrong. So terribly wrong. It turned them even more apart then before.

In the next moment, Ueda felt a tear running down his cheek. He wasn’t sure if it was because Ryo had said those mean things to him or because he failed. Failed with a conversation with Ryo.

Before he could think over it, he felt the consoling arm of Koyama around his shoulder.

“Don’t take him seriously, Ueda. He’s just joking around, you already know. He’s a bit moody, just don’t think too hard of it, okay? Promise?”

Koyama smiled at him and Ueda smiled back.

“Arigatou, ne. It’s okay now. I should’ve known this better.”

“Uebo, you better get your tears dried, we’ll have a photoshoot in a few minutes”, said Jin. It sounded cool but Jin was still caring and Ueda knew.

“Yeah, I’m back in a few minutes.” Ueda stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

… even worse when you make me cry.


The end >   Part 2 ^^


Srsly, why is this post too big kyah >__<
Mom's gonna kill me xD
If I'm not online tomorrow you know why ~
-hush- Read on! xD

nishikido ryo, ueda tatsuya, one shot, 10 things i hate about you, ryoda

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