Mistake Chapter 4

Jun 06, 2012 09:23

Title: Mistake
Series: Naruto
Pairing(s): NaruHina(Main), NaruSaku and others.
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T
Chapters: 4 (so far)
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Already heartbroken while still sewing herself back together, she would have to push her feelings aside for that exact person who unintentionally ruptured her. For once, Hinata would pick up the pieces.

Chapter 4: Disposition
Placing the apple Hinata gave to Naruto on the table, he sat back onto the couch to study her as she tidied his apartment from the few haphazard things. He felt like a fish out of water in his own surroundings.

"She..." He coughed from the rustiness of his voice. "Hated this place."

With subtle changes like Hinata's movements slowing and head further turned his way, he squinted, still unsure if she was listening. After all shinobi are masters of deception. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, he trudged on.

"It's too small, she would always say. What if I... Do you think that's what was wrong?" The pretence of happiness was gone; a hollow edge touched the walls of his words.

Hinata's hands clenched as she felt his sorrow like needles to her skin. This subject was always elusive when broached, and now for the first time truly mentioning Sakura, he was blaming himself. She had hoped when he opened up it would be gradual so she could feel her way through helping him, but she shouldn't have expected anything less.

"Naruto..." She looked around. "It's fine."

It was. It wasn't perfect or completely ghastly, but it was fine. You could live, survive in it and even love it with the correct attention. Maybe it wasn't big enough for two people-his wooden dining table she cleared was a cosy squeeze for two-however she didn't think that was the problem.

She quickly realised that cut the subject short. "What happened between- Do you want to-"

"I've seen you look at that crack and the peeling paint in the corner," he snapped harshly, cutting her off. His head tilted while his eyes stayed glued to her in a disturbing way. "Liars aren't friends."

As her breath shortened and sight blurred, her arms moved outwards, gesturing to their surroundings. "Is a relationship based on material things, a house?" Further distracting herself from her body's reactions, her white eyes with violet flecks in them brushed over his trinkets. "If push came to shove, moving would've been simple for you - Sakura would have stamped her foot down. Did she talk about living together?"

At Naruto's silence Hinata knew the answer. Her syllables softened, "A house does not make a home... and a home doesn't mean a person loves you."

She tried keeping a straight face at his obvious pain, but she crumbled. This step was one of the most agonising, she believed. You went over and over things you could never change, that is why she had to be brutally honest with him.

Ever so slowly, she sat next to him on the couch. His callous nature washed away as he leaned his head on her shoulder for another first. Her unspoken feelings from long ago defined this easily - there was nothing to define. He was an affectionate person who was a friend that needed help. She was jittery as the realisation hit her; she was almost free.

"Why couldn't Sakura be like you?" He sighed out.

Her thoughts were cut short as her heart briefly stopped. What was she to say? 'How come you don't see me then? I am right here!' or 'Because I am me, she is not!' However that was selfish to think. She was not that sort of person - she wanted Naruto to be happy regardless if it was to do with her or not (and not some odd combination of her and Sakura - they are two different people). Her head throbbed from the mixed lot of feelings.

"W-why do you say that," she said. Waiting with baited breath, she didn't know if it was a question or a statement.

He shrugged only one shoulder, however it still jostled her. "Dunno-" he mindlessly fiddled with her long hair "-You're patient even when I'm an ass."

It wasn't anything profound-she didn't expect it to be, no really, she didn't-so she relaxed. Hopes were wasted, especially with the position she was in outside this room. Much was still being written, both literal and figurative. Holding old hopes, however frayed they may be, was like capturing smoke.

So she breathed in something old and wished it to turn towards something new as they stayed this way for a long time whilst watching the first hint of sunlight scrape across the living room.

"D-d-do you w-want to tra-ain with m-my team to-oday?"

It was the worst jumbled mess she had done in a while. Interestingly enough, it made her realise how much she prolonged their-if not stilted-conversations.

He barley understood her, so it took a few moments longer than usual for any reaction. He stood, and since there was no resistance, he dragged her out of the apartment like he always did; Hinata was beginning to wonder if it was a form of abuse.

Blinding light forced Naruto to raise an arm for shade. He didn't know why he was urged out of bed for this - his eyes were being attacked. He wanted it to rain again or for him to crawl into a ditch. It had been weeks of displaced weather, and he liked it.

His nose crinkled as Hinata directed him to the left so they would avoid the hustle bustle of people. When they passed all the trees and arrived at a large clearing, Kiba was hitting a pole into the ground. It was a strange site indeed, especially since Shino was allowing Kiba to do so.

"Umm Kiba, do you need help?"

Kiba flung around, briefly greeted the two before ushering Hinata over. Setting her next to the other pole, he handed her some rope.

"Here, tie this to that." He pointed the pole and scurried off to where Shino was. "Sonofa-! Shino, where'd I put it?"

Naruto stood there oddly as Kiba zoomed around the place, trying to find whatever it was he lost. A loud bark made Kiba change direction and let out a loud whoop of joy, patting Akamaru in thanks. A small crease gathered in Hinata's brow as she watched her teammate drag a long strip of material over.

When whatever he was constructing started to take form of a hammock, Naruto finally said, "You know there's trees for that."

"Yeah but then there's no sun."

Naruto laughed. "What, want to tan like a girl?"

Kiba scoffed, tightening a knot. "I hope you know chicks dig tans."

"Still means tanning like a wittle girl." Naruto made a kissy face as he fluttered his eye lashes exaggeratedly.

"Shut it," Kiba bit out. "Just wait, they'll be crawling all over me while you stand there looking stupid," Then for good ol' times sake, he laughed like a manic.

"Ha, you wish with that ugly mug. They're probably blind and fell on you, hence the crawling."

Hinata's eyes widened. "Naruto!"

Kiba bared his teeth at Naruto and growled out, "About before, let me correct it. You always look stupid! I'm surprised you know the word hence."

Hinata covered her face with her hands and weakly pleaded, "Please stop! Both of you!"

Blue eyes focused on her as she peeked through her fingers from the silence. Seeing that Kiba was lightly swaying with the wind in his hammock as he scratched Akamaru's ear while Shino was inspecting a bug within the shade, she relaxed. This was her team's time after all.

Naruto tapped his thigh a few times. "So I take it your team has the day off?" Naruto finally spat out, unnerved with nothing happening.

The question was directed at Hinata since she was the closest who hadn't ruffled his feathers, but Kiba replied anyway. "Rodger."

Naruto twitched and then something Hinata very rarely got to see up close crossed his face. He turned to her when his features straightened out. "Just remembered, I need to buy something. You can come if you want since..." He thrust his thumb at Kiba. "This bustaaa-" he changed his wording but not the meaning when he, for once, saw her disappointed look "-since he is oh-so comfortable."

She nodded jerkily, joining him. All she wanted was a stress free day since it was warmer out. She supposed she shouldn't be too worried about the fighting; Kiba and Naruto were always at it when they were younger as well.

Kiba snorted as they left. "Hey Shino!" His teammate came over.

"You know, if you want me you should come get me instead of calling me like a common dog."

Akamaru barked in agreement, regardless of it being about his master.

"Traitor," Kiba sniffed at Akamaru and looked back at Shino. "Anyway, did you see that?"

"I believe you'll have to be more specific."

"Naruto was somewhat considerate of Hinata's feelings."


Kiba huffed. "Of course that's all you'd say." Kiba grumbled something under his breath. "Gah, I'm taking a nap."

Naruto's nose did not scrunch when they entered the shop. It made Hinata wonder if she jumped to conclusions with him disliking flowery perfumes, or if there was a strong difference in relation to having the real thing. No matter, she breathed deeply inside Ino's shop.

"My golly gosh, the man of the hour has left his rut!"

Naruto squinted at Ino's dig as he and Hinata turned to see her come out from behind a display. Regardless of Naruto seeing Ino this way a fair few times, the apron she wore was still quite unusual for him to comprehend since it gave her a mellow, down to earth look in comparison to what sprouted from her mouth.

"And hello to you too, Hinata!" Ino smiled brightly.

Naruto watched in fascination as she swooped in for a hug from Hinata. He wondered if Hinata was an awkward hugger (well, she is awkward to be around) or if she gave one of those squishy full body hugs that warmed up your day (what? She's caring and nice, too!).

His face pinched. "Anyway, while you two do whatever girls do, I'll be at the supermarket... Bye!"

As he left, a very hushed "Did you get the special orders in?" from Hinata just reached his ears that made him wonder why she'd need to be secretive.

Ino blinked at Naruto's abrupt departure, shrugged, then turned all her attention to Hinata with an odd sparkle in her eye.

"Yes, here they are, however have you heard what they've been saying?"

Hinata frowned in confusion as she looked away from the flowers. "What- Who?"

"Them. Everyone." Ino waved her hands around. "The village!"

Hinata shook her head.

"Oh... well some are quite jealous by it might I add, but you're the rebound girl. You're not are you?" She eyed Hinata before prattling on without Hinata's response. "Who would have ever guessed Naruto would turn out so popular? You know, maybe I should have a go at him. They do say this is the time their ripe for the picking." She gave an impish grin from her tacky joke.

"Ino!" Hinata chastised.

Ino pretended a gasp. "What? He'd forget his problems and we'd have a little fun!"

Hinata's lips thinned, Ino laughed. "Ok, ok, I'm kidding. Now back to what I was saying..."

The light blush on Hinata's cheeks receded as she counted to ten. "To your last comment on popularity, it tends to happen when one becomes a war hero. And no, you know I'm not that - we aren't dating. I'm helping him like a friend should; his team is so broken and they're the ones who usually help."

Ino nodded in defeat as she untied her apron. She was hoping to hear something interesting today. Regardless, she linked arms with Hinata. "Alright, since it's my lunch break and nothing interesting seems to be happening in your world with Naruto, and you've seen the flower arrangements, let's get a bite to eat."

Hinata fruitlessly tried finding Naruto after lunch. In a challenge to start off the trek, she concentrated on her other senses instead of the byakugan. Thus, it often led her to the busy parts of Konoha. Every time her hands closed in on each other in an old habit as she shrivelled under all the stares, disappointment overcame her. Because of Ino, she didn't know to thank or curse her from the warning of sorts.


Hinata squeaked; firsthand experience with his touchy-feely nature was still to catch up with her as she flinched under Naruto's hands.

"Wow. You're really tense," he said. His thumbs slowly moved to knead the knots out of her shoulders, coming across an exceptionally tender one. "Gosh Hinata-" he sounded so much like the old Naruto that Hinata had to mentally shake herself to remember "-you need to relax."

Hinata's head tilted as she ignored the tingles traveling across her skin. "Isn't that what today is for?"

"If you say so," he said.

She could picture him grinning. Not the way he used to, but still grinning. She was entirely too grateful when he moved away so they could go back to her team.

"So, uh, how's Ino?"

At his stumble she held in a giggle; him being nervous around anyone was astounding.

"She's good-" Hinata's lips twitched "-she's boy obsessed."

Naruto laughed. "Hasn't changed then."

The conversation fell short. Naruto frantically searched for something else to talk about. "What you going to do today since your team's doing nothing?"

He saw her mouth twist in thought a few moments before she responded, "Probably train somewhere nearby."

A slight look of admiration crossed his face.

"Oh! I almost forgot," she said, surprising Naruto when she handed him the bag she was holding. "I-I got this. I mean, if y-you haven't eaten already, I got you this while with Ino..."

He looked inside and did a great show of smelling it in pleasure. "Smells amazing, thanks Hinata! Defiantly gonna eat it!"

This started a nice yet awkward conversation about food, particularly ramen, between them until they reached the clearing Kiba was at when Naruto evilly rubbed his hands together. He then put a finger to his lips in a shushing sign while he crept over. Using sunscreen, Naruto quickly drew something on Kiba's upper body who was 'stupidly asleep' as Naruto gleefully said.

Hinata really did hope Naruto ate what she bought.

Dirt puffed up every time Naruto stabbed a kunai into the earth next to him. Blowing away the particles, he continued swiping sweat away from his eyes from the vigorous workout. It felt like he'd been lying here for hours without cooling down as he ignored the food next to him regardless of his stomach's protest.

Making sure he wasn't nuts, he peeked through his fingers, checking where the sun sat, and swore when some of the dirt entered his eye. Stumbling to the lake, he tripped head first, luckily, into the water. Eye now clean while head and shoulders bitterly cold, he growled, walking over to pick up Hinata's food.

Naruto swung the bag over his shoulder and began looking for a spot to dump it.

"Where's Kiba's mutt when you want it?" He huffed under his breath.

It would be the perfect crime, Naruto believed; at least someone would eat it!

A loud splash was heard making Naruto stop in confusion, then a soft giggle emitted into the air. Going around a bend, Hinata was standing with water shimmering down her as she ran away from Akamaru, Kiba's mutt, who kept jumping in and out of the water near her. Goosebumps sprouted on Naruto's skin from the sight.

He coughed and she turned towards him still with her hands over her mouth in mirth. Sparkling eyes dropped and arms fell away to show her changing expression.

"You didn't e-eat any of the food I brought."

His unwitting smile eroded away. "Not hungry."

"You said that-" She stopped. "If I try to relax more as you asked, will you eat something?"

He didn't respond.

"What about Ichiraku? Please?" She begged weakly.

His stare lowered and he sighed at Hinata, who had such a disarming look he didn't know if the meddling she did in his life was beginning to be too much. He nodded without looking at her, already knowing her expression, as she took the bag of food he held and gave it to Akamaru. He had a love hate relationship with her helpful side.

Hinata stared with a quirk to her lips at Nartuo as he heartily ate. She remembered why her younger self was so undeniably fixated with him - he was alive; no matter how dark the times were he endured and used them as building blocks for his strength. It was quite easy falling for him, she realised, because it was safe, warm.

Being alive was so unrealistically unattainable in this world of death though, well, for her it is. That's why she built her own fortress, no matter how many cracks were still being filled.

Going back to her ramen, she for once felt the quiet between them at ease. No awkward conversation fills were wanted. Dishes clicking, fabric posters swishing and talking villagers took up the space instead. Come to think of it, since Hinata was actually listening, it sounded like there was a commotion outside that Naruto already noticed if it was any indication by his changing expression.

Naruto was smug, oddly enough, as he watched Kiba with no shirt on walk through the crowds towards him and Hinata. He admired the untanned marks that spelled out 'I'm with stupid' with an arrow pointing down to Kiba's pants to accompany the writing. It showed them that Kiba thought with the wrong part of his anatomy; Naruto'd like to see Kiba pull chicks now!

Naruto couldn't believe his luck that it worked with everything else not being so grand today. Swivelling around on the chair in Ichiraku, he folded his arms, winked at Hinata and waited. Now he just had to endure the repercussions.

"Hey, Naruto!" Kiba said as he got closer with a few scary-looking women following not far behind.

"What?" Naruto said, trying to not laugh.


Naruto opened and closed his mouth a few times. "What? Why!"

Kiba came inside and leaned against the bench near Naruto with a toothy smile. "For this."

Kiba then walked up to the women, nodded his head in greeting and used one of the most boring sayings, "Hey there good looking, how you doing?" And then of all things, he winked. Winked! And the women still responded with a giggle.

One of them even stepped up to Kiba and traced the arrow, saying it was cute how Kiba was being truthful.

As Kiba led the small group away, Naruto and Hinata sat in complete and utter silence. He twitched as the silence stretched to the length of one of Hinata's noodles, which weren't very long, if you could ever variate time like this, until Naruto exploded.

"What is wrong with people?"

"What isn't?"

Naruto blinked from Hinata's offhanded response while she blushed.

Now that was a surprise. He grinned.

Go to: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
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naruto fanfiction, mistake, romance, naruhina, het, narusaku

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