Undertow Chapter 1

Jun 06, 2012 12:22

Title: Undertow
Series: Naruto
Pairing(s): ItaHina(Main), and others.
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: T
Chapters: 3 (so far)
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Hinata had a lot of baggage that manifested. It fed upon two years ago and accumulated. She thought it was gone, but she had a net you see, and it dragged behind her. Being I. Uchiha's PA was complicated. ItaHina. AU.
Note: This is from my fanfiction account.

Chapter 1: Underlay

Thunder rumbled across the sky with the thick, greying blanket. Clicking a pen, Hinata didn't know how long 'till the morning would burst with flashing water.

"How's your job? You still sure about it?" Kiba asked, ripping into their silence.

"It's been t-two years-" her writing paused from the thought of that terrible, awful past "-I rather like working for him." It was much better then what she was doing back then.

Kiba's eyes quickly clued in on her with eyebrows drawing together, unsure. "You're not pulling my leash are you?" He said, looking back at the road, then turned down the street she was overly familiar with. She checked her watch and paled.

Giving her a slightly twisted, toothy grin he stopped the car. She didn't like that look and sighed while stepping out. "Thank you for the lift. I owe you," she said through the window and he frowned. Again, the breath left Hinata's lips; how tardy could she be?

Brushing some dark hair away from her face, she leaned into the vehicle and petted him on the head reassuringly. "Stop w-worrying," she said, smiling; really, Hinata didn't understand why he was fussing, but it only became apparent half a year ago which was around the time she got the new position. She never gave him a reason to, so she could only guess it was because he was overly protective... it was sweet in a sense.

"You're a great friend-"

"I better be your best!" He said, easily cutting over the top of her.

She giggled and looked behind her, towards the residence. She truly needed to leave, but... "Of course, along with Shino," she said good-humouredly - teasing did not come naturally. A pout formed on his tanned face. "I, I have to go. I'll call you later when I need a lift home."

Stepping away from the car, he nodded, revving it. "See ya! Hope your car gets fixed soon!" He said, driving off as she waved.

Turning around, she shakily smoothed down her hair and clothes. She checked her distorted refection in the gates before swiping the card and entering.

The house was luxurious, yet everything was closed. She breathed a sigh of relief. Letting fresh air in she admired the greying view. Fog stretched across the glass as she exhaled - it was going to rain soon. Pulling out the electronic organiser, she checked her bosses schedule for the day.

"You're late."

Almost dropping the device, a tiny squeal left Hinata's lips when a dark voice cut through the morning stillness. Slowly, Hinata turned around to face the person who granted her such a high position in his organisation. She was ridiculously grateful towards this man. If it wasn't for him, she didn't know where she would be now. It was such dim times back then...

Dark eyes stared at her, causing her to gulp. He must trust her to some extent if he allowed her to enter his house at almost any time she pleased, and she was late for this one person who helped her so much without knowing. White eyes demurely looked away from such an intense stare.

She fidgeted, starting to split at the seams, and before Hinata knew it, the dreadful stutter came out potently when she said, "S-s-sorry U-uchiha-san!" Bowing her head low with hands clenched tight, she didn't see his expression.

To her silence touched the air for too long.


It was one dry word but it made all the difference. Muscles loosened and shoulders relaxed. Hinata looked at him through her bangs, affection touching her lips; she noticed how relaxed he seemed.

Kiba did have a point, she shouldn't like this job, it was against everything she used to be but her boss, Itachi Uchiha, was the one who could make her like it to some degree. Sure, sometimes she went home with a migraine due to the heavy, uptight atmosphere and stuffy office rooms, except it was after hours or when he had to work from home was what she loved best. She could be herself, mistakes and all.

It was when Hinata flourished professionally.

Although this man was cold, aloof and sometimes distant, he was inspiring. She didn't know how he lived with his work load; on the contrary it made her work almost as hard so she could take some of the strain off. She liked helping people...

In a more selfish manner, a moody boss was not someone Hinata wanted to be around practically twenty-four seven.

"What's the agenda today?" He said with a neutral tone, breaking her thoughts.

Shaking her head, she quickly double checked. "You have a one o'clock meeting with Inoichi Yamanaka and his daughter, Ino. I believe he said something about one of the androids malfunctioning. Then at two thirty you're father wants to get a late lunch while going over some information."

He sighed at the last part, and Hinata quickly followed his strong, powerful strides to the kitchen. "Is that all for the day?"

"W-well..." It was quietly done, but she didn't like how much talking her new position required. Transferring weight from one foot to the other, she bit her lip. He offered a seat and she awkwardly accepted. "You have to catch up on some last minute agreements and possible negotiations from other companies that came late last night, and I'm sure more stuff has happened this morning."

Itachi's lips thinned. It was going to be a long day.

Eyes blinked when something warm touched her finger tips. Coffee. "We're to leaving soon." Dark eyes bored into hers longer than needed. Subtly, he was telling her to drink it quickly; it was later then what he would have liked with this day ahead.

It was a loud clunk that rattled the pens on Hinata's desk. "Here's the files you asked for, Hyuga-san."

Said person did not look away from the computer screen as she addressed the taller, overwhelming woman, "Thank you, Karin." She tried to give her a smile, but it didn't feel right. The typing didn't recede.

Because of this the red haired female felt she was being brushed off. "Shouldn't you address me properly since you're my superior?" The sneer was tightly held back, but nevertheless Hinata still heard it.

Clicking slowed to a stop. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she completely faced the woman who loved stepping on her toes at all the wrong times - today was not looking good at all. "I didn't realise you wanted me to throw my weight around, Ms. Sato?"

It was said feathery-light however it rattled the person who was once Hinata's superior - honesty, what did Karin expect for her to say? If Hinata was any other person she would have loved the effectiveness of her words, but she didn't. So her lips pressed tight as she hoped the woman wouldn't blow a casket. It wouldn't be good for Karin if Itachi heard.

Karin's fist shook and she stepped closer to the once neat desk. Her taunt mouth opened-

"Sato, did you bring the files to Hyuga that I asked for?" Itachi enquired with a calm edge, walking out with the Inoichi's. Ino briefly grinned at Hinata as they left.

Karin connected eyes with Hinata while scooping up the said objects. "Of course, Itachi!"

He curtly acknowledged her as the paperwork was handed over. Stepping around Karin, making her teeth grit, he gave a few files to the only other person left in the vicinity, nodded then subsequently went back to his office with the left over documents.

Karin's hands clenched and unclenched. The heels she wore clanked harshly against the floor as she walked back to the sector she ran.

Once everything was in the clear, Hinata's head dropped into her hands that attempted to massage the stress away, and that was how Shisui found her. "Water?" He handed her a plastic cup whilst casually leaning against the desk. As she graciously took a sip, he pointed by thrusting a thumb over his shoulder down the hallway to where the redhead walked off to. "What's up her ass?"

Hinata almost choked.

He continued regardless of her spluttering. "Seriously, she just ran into me, making me almost lose that precious water you're drinking-the news always complains about wasting it-and didn't even say sorry! It could have ruined my clothes."

She almost rolled her eyes, but instead laced her fingers together and waited patiently for what he wanted.

"So, ah-" he stood, putting on a somewhat professional face, "-is Itachi available? I need to run something by him."

She chewed her bottom lip as she checked the time. "He may have a couple of minutes to spare before his next meeting." She said more than needed, always having to keep up pleasantries. "One moment, please." She then double checked by the person in question on the receiver. "He said it was fine."

He quirked a smile before walking into her bosses office.

While Hinata's soft-white eyes squinted over paperwork Itachi left, she realised water and coffee wasn't going to do the trick today. She needed food. Badly. Flexing her fingers and stretching out her back, she collected her purse. The pencil skirt she wore swished as she walked around her lovely desk.

"-no, tomorrow."

"But it needs to be-"

"Use your team if you can't wait. That's what they're for."

Hinata's eyes widened at Itachi's steely tone. Thank goodness she chose her lunch break now.

...or maybe not. Both Uchiha's followed her down the hallway. Their overwhelming presence was suffocating in the elevator; she didn't know how she survived here.

It was awkward sitting the cafeteria. Hinata wasn't used to it. If she had her car or umbrella, she would go to the modest corner store down the road that sold amazing pastries.

She didn't understand how people-even she a few years back-were able to interact so easily. Perhaps she never could and it was only a figment of her imagination. Blocking out the past was easier, especially when it seemed like a series of bad events.

Eyes slightly looked up when a tray joined the table. "Shesh, they have terrible food here. I'll be surprised if my insides don't clog up."

The yogurt almost fell off Hinata's spoon as she kept staring. "W-what... why a-are you s-still here?"

The blond pointed at the spoon. "Where did you get that?" She then proceeded to steal it away, swapping it with something of hers, and eat it herself. "Want some?"

Hinata eyed the thing that almost made a mess of her. She was enjoying it... "No, thank you."

The bond shrugged, eating the rest. "How are you?" Hinata opened her mouth to reply, but she wasn't allowed the chance. "So, yesterday I saw this really cute guy, it was such a shame-" she started unravelling the sandwich she bought "-I don't think he swung my way. Kinda reminded me of you weirdly enough."

Hinata's brow puckered. The blond laughed. "Not like that! As in adorableness." She fluttered her fingers teasingly near Hinata's face. "Plus," she continued on with her story. "It was so embarrassing - my best friend laughed at me when I told her this morning. I don't know how I'll live it down!"

There was a still in time as the blond sulked. Her hair slipped over her shoulder as she turned to look somewhere behind Hinata. "Oh! Look at that cutie. No seriously, you have to! Oh! He even has a piercing!"

"Ino," Hinata finally said, making the woman direct her blue eyes to the smaller woman. Hinata swore everyone was taller than her if she didn't wear heels. "Y-you didn't answer my question before."

A little 'o' shaped Ino's mouth in surprise. "Dad wants me to gain some practice in the outside world. Apparently I don't have enough real life skills... Don't see how; this top was twenty percent off," she said, joking at the end.

Seven o'clock rolled around quicker than Hinata would like. She needed to stay back because when returning from lunch more files were innocently sitting on her desk along with a note from Itachi saying he was going home to work on a new project.

Shuffling of papers was the only noise heard in the dim room. Occasionally a few clicks of the mouse along with the key pad disrupted the flow of a scribbling pen. The clock's ticking seemed to get louder.

"I thought you would still be here," Ino's voice said quietly as to not startle Hinata.

Hinata didn't look away from what she was doing as she replied, "I'm almost done - grab a seat if you want."

Wheels rolled across the floor. "How're you getting home?" Ino asked once comfortably sitting. Hinata gave Ino an inquisitive look. "I didn't see your car."

Hinata looked out the window and saw rain pelting down. "Kiba."

Ino nodded. Opening and closing her mouth, a troubled look lit her face. Compared to Ino's usual bubbly expression her eyes looked harsh. It was disturbing to see.

"What's wrong?"

Ino shook her head. "I'm not sure." Her lips puckered at Hinata's concerned look. "Hey, just... just watch your back around here, ok? They're not very nice." She squeezed Hinata's hand.

Hinata didn't know what to say. All she could do was nod and smile back as Ino left. Maybe tonight when she got home and relaxed over a book she could think of possible reasons. Right now she didn't have enough time to ponder over Ino's words. They seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things.

Go to: Chapter 2
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naruto fanfiction, fanwork: fanfiction, undertow, itachixhinata, fanfiction, het, itahina

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