Mistake Chapter 2

Jun 06, 2012 08:23

Title: Mistake
Series: Naruto
Pairing(s): NaruHina(Main), NaruSaku and others.
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T
Chapters: 5 (so far)
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Already heartbroken while still sewing herself back together, she would have to push her feelings aside for that exact person who unintentionally ruptured her. For once, Hinata would pick up the pieces.

Chapter 2: Fray

A few weeks passed as Hinata slowly but surely took care of Naruto. It was hard trying to help someone with their personal problems, especially when they did not want it. That is why Hinata decided to do it in her own quiet way; to be there and care, but to keep out of their hair. It was simplistic; feed him, give him an ear or a shoulder if he ever needs one.

Although she was quite unsure as to how to give him proper comfort, she did know healing was a hard and long process; she knew it was worth it, even though it was taking far too long herself.

"Why are you here?" Naruto said as he watched her clean. She paused briefly with the chopsticks in her hands, then promptly ignored him. She collected the bowl.

Naruto's eyes hardened. "I don't want your pity."

She stilled just before him, and their eyes locked while she placed the dish in front of him.

Naruto watched Hinata stiffly walk to the front door; she did not turn around to look at him when she opened it, nor when she softly started to talk. "I don't-" she tucked some hair behind her ear "-I just don't want to see you like I was." And then she left with a silent-deafening-click.

The blond stared after her with a flabbergasted look on his face.

Naruto felt like shit for making Hinata upset - little own making her feel unwelcomed. He sat there, not even caring about his favourite food Hinata made for him as he let her words sink in. What did she mean like him - was she almost engaged once? He thought this over for a few minutes until he realised he really didn't know her, albeit being in the same class.

He felt worse when he finally took a bite of her food and hoped what he so ignorantly said did not peeve her too much. He became restless when she did not visit 'till a few days later.

Veins bulged as eyes steadily looked through everything. Biting her lip, she trembled in the thickening rain. "I-I can't see anything," Hinata said into the microphone. It was surprising that the little device was still working in such harsh conditions. Team Eight regrouped.

Kiba flicked his hair trying to get some sort of organisation. "Well I can't get anything; the trail's long gone now," he said in a rough tone. He flicked his hair again. "And this rain is pissing me off."

She almost gave him a sympathetic look, but disagreed due to the weather calming her bubbling nerves. Hinata was so unsure of this mission. It had been on such short noticed with only vague directions. How were they supposed to pick up leads with this rain, after a full day for the person to get a head start? Right now they were depending on Shino - her eyes only went so far.

"There are faint traces of charka, however they're scattered and hard to find and-"

"Think it's a trap?" Kiba said, cutting Shino off.

Shino gave him a hard look before nodding. "They seem to be heading in the same direction."

Kiba jumped onto the next tree. "What are we waiting for? There's nothing else to go off! Let's go," He said, jumping away at a rapid pace.

Shino watched him go and tersely said, "keep a look out," before disappearing himself. The last sounds of his bugs dispersing snapped Hinata into action as she quickly followed.

Their team dynamics was sometimes hard to understand. Most of the time Shino was the leader due to him becoming Jounin first, but other times it fluctuated between the males. Hinata didn't know if this was due to Kiba's striving want as alpha or because it just kept them as a team; to share roles, to be somewhat equal. It worked, if not most of the time...

It was twilight when Shino abruptly stopped while Hinata and Kiba did too. It was time to set up camp. The sleeping bag shuffled and scuffed against Hinata's skin as she shivered inside. The temperature was rapidly dropping and she wasn't sure if she wanted to be here any longer. It has been a few days since they started this mission and it was grinding on her nerves like her teammates.

She almost smiled when she saw Shino minutely turn his head. A very, very good sign. "They are two miles ahead."

Kiba laughed throatily also very pleased. Hinata suspected he was getting the touch of the flue. "Thank fuckin' god!" He almost brashly got up if it wasn't for Shino grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt.

"We're packing up and waiting-" he turned to Hinata before Kiba could object "-you're going in alone. Your flexibility is ideal."

She gave him a confused look before helping them clean up whilst trying to calm Kiba.

The frown tugged at her lips more as she peered down to the sleeping figure. His other partner was long gone - probably to get their other teammate before changing directions once again. She could see why Shino chose her. Invisible Charka strings were around the perimeter.

Damn, that was going to take some time.

The boys were watching as she jumped to the ground as quietly as she could. She stilled when her feet touched and allowed some time to pass before moving again. Breath hitched and deepened as she twisted in ways that surely were not possible. Hinata knew Kiba was cringing when she had to move in a way that would hurt.

But, this is why they chose these missions. They knew they weren't the strongest team-even though they were working on that-but they excelled in scout and stealth. Breathing stopped and lungs harshly constricted as she tilted slightly too far before placing a foot firmly on the ground. Sweat slid as she gained her bearings.

Chakra laced fingers quickly tapped the sleeping figures head, knocking him out, before Hinata grabbed the scroll with the Uchiha emblem on it and got the hell out of there. Quietly and affectively, the mission was a success.

A green scarf was wrapped around her neck and hair fluttered with the wind as she ambled the street merrily - this wasn't the sight Hinata thought she'd witness when Team Eight returned. The smile was coy and then stretched further when the shop keeper said something to her. Green eyes glittered when she waved him goodbye.

Hinata watched Sakura a bit longer before turning to leave - her team didn't need her anymore. It wasn't until a few blocks away from her living quarters when she was forced to stop once again to quickly swoop into the fray of angry bodies.

Dark hair harshly flicked into Hinata's face when she had to twist away from a kick, and she cringed when she landed too hard on her sore leg. Eyes activated and hands went into a blur as she disabled a small portion of the people.

"Naruto! Stop!"

Blue eyes widened for a fraction of a second when he heard her. They intensified and ignored her, getting more angry, he attacked blindly now. Tanned knuckles bled as he slogged the guy who was really pissing him off. Persistent ass.

Naruto's head hit the pavement with a loud, dull slap when a small body tackled him. The two scrambled to gain an upper hand. Limbs bound, Naruto looked up to the harsh face of Hinata Hyuga. Her cheek had a small bruise forming as her lips tinned while looking at him. The disappointment vividly shone within her features.

Slowly, as everyone who was still around backed away, Hinata withdrew her chakra from lacing Naruto. Her expression softened to the one he was familiar with, and Naruto wasn't so uncertain of the girl he knew back in the academy anymore.

After hours of Hinata healing Naruto at his apartment, she finally fell asleep due to chakra depletion. He frowned at her as he fingered some of his freshly healed wounds. Some were still to be done, but that didn't matter, he didn't feel them.

"Are you ok? Do you- d-does that hurt?" Hinata finally said, and he knew there were unspoken statements and questions she wanted to make. It was so easy to see.

"I'm not pissed! Shut-!" He growled without thinking and snapped off half way through. She kept quiet and he wanted to bash his head into the floor again. Idiot.

Naruto violently shook his head from the memory only hours ago, briefly looked back at her, then quickly jumped into the wet darkness.

After knocking on the door there was a loud crash and stomping. "What the hell is it? This better be important or I'll-" the door flung open with a fuming Hokage standing there. Tsunade's lips tightened when she saw his wounds. "What's it this time? You better not be here for me to get you out of trouble you insolent, little-"

"Sakura rejected me," Naruto harshly broke in. Her lips further pursed.

And so they talked, well Tsunade attempted to make him talk, while she healed. Her house was vast and extravagant - Naruto almost didn't like it if it wasn't for the somewhat homely feel.

Honey-brown eyes twitched from her voice sounding like a broken record. Wasn't it good enough that the storm was damping her mood? A high pitched whistle of wind coming through a small crack stretched the last of her nerves - those bustards hadn't fixed that yet? "Damnit Naruto! Why did you come here if you didn't want to talk about it?"

He carelessly flicked some mud off his hand. Eyes narrowed when it landed on the carpet. "I just wanted to have a connection-" he growled, fisting his hair, not getting the words right "-Family. I wanted to be with someone who... I considered family."

Her eyes softened.

It was early in the morning as Hinata waited outside. The wind nipped at her as she looked up to the clouded sky. She smiled from the pitter-pattering of rain and allowed her hand to grasp the droplets.

She turned back around when there was a soft click and bowed. Tsunade waved her off, lightly smirking from the silliness of it. It wasn't a proper meeting or anything. "How is he?" Hinata asked.

Tsunade looked at the petit girl. Her appearance was awfully crooked and messed up, showing that she was in a rush. Tsunade leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed and lowly chuckled. "I should be the one asking you that."

Hinata's face pinched in confusion; Tsunade rested a hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention and said in a much quieter, almost tender voice, "he was worried you wouldn't come back-" she waved her hand around "-something about being rude." She snorted and there was a brief pause as Hinata digested that.

"O-ok. I... don't understand," Hinata finally said with a small trace of bewilderment in there.

"Before your mission, which your team still has to give me a report on."

Ah, Hinata had forgotten how Naruto acted that day. Her mission lasted only a few days and with everything else going wrong in her life she hadn't taken much notice of his behaviour. She understood, Naruto was, and is, angry. It was one of the steps of healing.

Tsunade turned serious. "Also, you're clan wants to see you soon. Remember your options."

"Do you know when?" Hinata asked.

"No. To them soon can mean weeks away."

Wistfulness befell Hinata.


As all the rain drenched everything around her, she did not feel its cold wrath, only its cleansing aura. It had been hours since she left Tsunade's house knowing Naruto was in good hands. Right now all she wanted to do was wallow in her own memories.

It seemed like Hinata's life was a spiral of terrible events. Her mother died when she was only young (although Hinata could hardly remember her, it still left a scar to her being), which then lead to her father becoming stricter and her clan's expectations hammering heavier on her shoulders.

Then, even though it was childish for her to be jealous when it first happened, there was Naruto and Sakura. However she was happy for them when they were dating, it just hurt a hell of a lot. It didn't even seem like any time passed when she told him of her feelings when he started dating Sakura...

Gods, Hinata didn't want to think of the other things.

"Have you seen Hinata? We need her to sign the report." 'Darn these official things. Darn us not having an official group leader.'

Shino shook his head. They were both worried about her.

They both split up to look for her and sadly due to Kiba's recklessness, he had a few snares in his clothes. Don't mind the bleeding on the tip of his nose...

Kiba finally stumbled out of the lush foliage and stood there, staring at her. He liked it when Hinata was like this. He felt at peace like her. Sitting there, her soft eyes were looking up to the clouds, and he knew she was shivering, but he did not move-no, not yet-because he wanted her to savour this time she had without any worries. And so, he joined her peace, but from a distance. He shall be her rock if needed, even if she did not know.

Go to: Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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naruto fanfiction, mistake, naruhina, het, narusaku

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