Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Rating: PG
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal); Bruno Labbadia/Arturo Vidal. (And many more)
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft..
Disclaimer: F.I.C.T.I.O.N
Warning: Threesomes, some foursomes, non-con.Some slang and swearing.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - The pendant secret ritual of the captain armband is going to be concreted.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 The team is stronger than before, but the anarchy in the relationship between trainer and players is ruling due the cirumstances around Bruno Labbadia's person. The 'Transference Armband' has another connotation. The old captain leaves to the new all the secrets inside the team. And now the relationship between Bernd and Arturo is a secret owned by Simon Rolfes.Empty seats. Lights around the pitch.
Everyone wearing the complete uniform.
Simon was keeping secrets even before the ritual. He was keeping his silence agreement already.
It was a pendant task, before 'The Great Revenge' planned by Stefan Kießling...Gonzalo had a black ribbon to cover Simon's eyes.
All the team was waiting for him; including Arturo. He was part of the rules...their own rules, codes and rituals.
Simon was guided by Gonzalo. Until he arrived to the center of the pitch, where Bernd was...with his captain armband on, with the German flag colors."Due the lack of time we couldn't make this. But now that I carry a secret it's time to choose another one.
The captain is the visible face for fans, for journalists...and trainers.
But the captain is more than just a visible face behind a team.
Is the one who keeps the secrets of their colleagues. And even... they have their own.
Inside and outside of the pitch, the secret keeping must go on; like a treasure.
Not even millions of Euros will buy the secrets of one person.
It was my time. Now it's his turn"
Bernd commands to Simon's guide to extend his arm.
When Gonzo obeyed, Schnix says with his powerful voice:
"Simon Rolfes...Do you promise to be our guide inside of the pitch, no matter if we win or lose?"
"I do"
"Do you promise not discriminate anyone by their origin, color of skin, and even for lack of knowledge of
German language?" Schnix said with a teardrop on his face.
"I do"
"Do you promise...defend our country in international matches with honesty, accepting the defeats,ties and victories and not pollute with the color of money?"
"I do"
"And finally...Do you promise to keep our secrets safe, inside and outside of the pitch?"
"I do"
"You said 'I do' with honesty. That affirmation comes from your heart, Simon.
It's time to seal our agreement." And Bernd kiss Simon softly on his lips.
Arturo was going to be jealous, but Bernd winks and Arturo made an approval signal with his hand.
Then the team repeated the same gesture with him.The symbolic kiss represents every secret he must keep from every player.Including Arturo.
With the kiss on his lips, he's sealing them. It's called between them in German 'Silent Kiss'
Finally Bernd puts the armband on Simon's arm.
Then he said:
"Choose your sucessor in case of red cards or injuries...please"
Simon touched everyone. He didn't knew anyone by touch except by one.
He recognized who it was. "Du" Simon said.
He took a thin black armband, almost like a ribbon.
Bernd was surprised and even cried. Incredibly, Simon was showing his hidden talents:
"¿Prometes guiar al equipo en caso de yo fallar?"
"Lo prometo"
"¿Prometes no discriminar a nadie por el color de su piel, ni el origen, ni siquiera por no saber el idioma hablar?"
"Lo prometo"
"¿Prometes...prometes los secretos guardar, dentro y fuera de la cancha en caso de yo fallar?"
"Lo prometo" (*)
'Oh's and 'Ah's' were heard around the pitch.
"Lo dijiste con el alma y el corazón. Ahora la venda...¿me la puedes quitar?"
"Tu español es muy bonito, Simon. Ni idea que hablabas"
"Porque quiero lograr una comunicación mejor contigo" (**) Rolfes said.
The Spanish-speaker finally removed the black ribbon.
Simon, very excited and happy he said: "For me it's a great honor to present my vice-captain... Arturo Vidal..."
Bernd couldn't believe it. Simon Rolfes speaking Spanish and then Arturo named vice-captain.
After the ritual was finished, Arturo hugs Bernd and cry in his arms.
"Aw,Arturo? I don't like to see you cry..."
"I'm not sad, Bernd, it's not that..."
"What then?"
"I didn't know Simon Rolfes speaks Spanish!"
"He does it...it's just that he's shy...surely he'll kick René's and Labbadia's asses when his talent is shown"
"Since when he speaks Spanish?"
"According to sources, since he was just a U-21"
"Is that... he left me glad...you know...he got skillz!" Arturo praised Rolfes finishing the speech through smooching.Seems the bridge is really building between them.
But there's one who wants to break it... And that man has name...and is just in front of them.
t.b.c/t.s.c 03/30/2009.
(*) = "Do you promise guide to the team in case of a failure from my own"
"I do"
"Do you promise not discriminate anyone for their skin-tone, origin or even because can't speak the language?"
"I do"
"Do you promise...(here Simon has a germanic lapsus) do you promise keep the secrets, inside or outside of the pitch in case of a failure of my own?"
"I do"
(**) = "You said it with heart and soul. Now...the bondage...could you remove me that,please?"
"Your Spanish is pretty, Simon. I had no idea you spoke it"
"'Cause I wanna improve my communication with you"