Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal); Bruno Labbadia/Arturo Vidal. (And many more)
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Disclaimer: F.I.C.T.I.O.N
Warning: Threesomes, some foursomes, non-con.Some slang and swearing in Chilean Spanish slang.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo completed his first week without playing despite of his 'private' injury. In the second week, Bernd calls Arturo and make fun with a bad word in Spanish.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 It's not easy sitting down and being under the effects of lidocaine and controlled by medical staff.
With a bag of ice, he makes longer the effects of lidocaine, but sometimes, ice pricks and uncomfortable.
Leverkusen lost to Stuttgart 4 x 2* in the last match of the first week out.
Monday... 6: 30 in the morning.
Phone rings.
"Conchetumaaaadreeee"** a voice says.
And cuts off.
"¿Qué onda?" Arturo asks. "Is not René... he cannot be"
He went to sleep and once more the phone rings.
"Conchetumadre bo..¿qué querí ahueonao?"
"Conchetumadreee" the hoarse voice says.
The accent was rough, but hoarse,deep, but funny. He wanted to check out the number.
After Arturo captured the number, he dared to dial it
Then he answers.
"¡Conchetumadre ahueonaooo!"
"¡Ahueonaooo!" he repeats, an easier sound for a rookie.
"¡Conchetumadreeeeeeeeee!" he screams louder.
"¿Qué pasa conchetumadree?"*
"¿Qué pasa?" Bernd repeats
"¿Qué pasa conchetumadre?"
Arturo was amazed by the sounds recently pronounced, with clarity and emphasizing 'r' Spanish sounds, or trying to reproduce them.
"Conche de tu madre!"
"Nein, conchetumareee..."
Then silence on the phone...
And then he makes it...
"Hueón que me haces reír oh..." (You jerk, you make me laugh)
Arturo laughs once more, but then he complains despite of his injury, and again he recovers the intensity.
"Conchetumadre hueón, que me haces reír" Vidal sighs. "Ich liebe dich, Bernd..."
"Ich dich auch...I only want to wake up you"
"No problem...puta que me hiciste reír... andabai puro dando jugo."
"Dando jugo...eheheeee" Bernd chuckles."Aw, Arturo, you're so wonderful... even they're bad words... dando jugo" he repeats.
"Uhm...ja. Puro dando jugo"
"Puro dando jugo" Schneider chuckles once more. "How I love you...!"
"Ich liebe dich..."
"Ich dich auch. Wake up and I hope your sitting's better..."
"At least I can sit down with a little bag of ice... a puro hielito no más. Igual me duele un poquito."
"I understand you, but speak to me in German...ok?"
"Naw! Du bist zärtlich!" (You are tender)
"Aw, Arturo...du auch...tchüs!"
"Ja, gute...tchüs!"
Arturo in that way could complete his day off...
Endorphines are higher than before. In the half of the second week his wounds were healed and he was integrated to regular practices.
But day after day he has to listen Bruno's instructions. He must listen to the voice and read the lips from the man who tortured and left him out for two weeks...Bernd wanted to Arturo to get closer to him.Then he asks Stefan to cover them.
"He's the man who fucked up all..." Bernd whispers to Stefan "he'll tell you the truth" concludes indicating to Arturo."Just listen to him..."
"Ok, ok."
Then at the end of the practice, Bernd was alone with Arturo.
"Hey du,Arturo..."
"When you said the last name, you said it wrong..."
"I thought it was La-ba-dia." (no stress)
"Well, it isn't. Hör zu. La-ba-día... "
Arturo pronounced 'b' as the sound in Spanish.
"La-bbadía...La-badía..." Arturo corrected.
"Gute.Just in case of anything... I wanted to correct it..."
"I don't want to do it anymore!"
"But you must do it,Arturo! Face the things as you used to. As you lived all the things in Canada. You were fucked up, but you were complete and making your goodies for the third place! Damn you,Vidal! That's the reason why I fell in love with you. And I don't wanna lose that reason... for... a thing worse than that..."Arturo was astonished about the knowledge of what happened during the semifinals of the U-20 World Cup in Canada settling after-match against Argentina.
"Did you know about the incident with the Canadian Police in Toronto?"
"That...the bus was filled with pepper gas and the glass was broken?"
"And also, my partners suffered damages by the Tazer weapon?"
"Ähm, nein..."
"But I suffered that damage too"
Arturo kissed Bernd on his lips.
"I knew about these things not because I read it on the news... you changed my life...before I met you..."
Arturo breaks in tears...
"Arturo...what happened? Did you feel sad...? You don't want to remember that?"
"Nein, Bernd... is another secret..."
He was afraid of another sexual violence fact, but Arturo clears that before saying it:
"Nein, das ist nicht..."
"While they were taking me, even I didn't meet you... I already knew you were there ...watching over me..."
"Aw, Arturo!!"
Bernd passionately kisses Arturo... the last one couldn't resist Schneider's passion and wet lips...
Arturo is fighting for not losing the reason Bernd fell in love with him: passion, bravery and for all, perseverance.
Bernd already know about Arturo before he appeared in Germany... all the time was knowing more about him and even he downloaded the torrents for watching the U-20 World Cup games already recorded.
Maybe he saw coincidences...in that time Bernd even didn't interchanged any word with Vidal.
But Bruno Labbadia didn't destroyed the bridge...at least for the moment...
* =Based in a real match
** = This is inspired in "What's up?" phone call Scary Movie's skit
They just say "mother fucker...what's going on?"
Puro dando jugo = pouring juice [literally], 'wasting time' [conceptual] or 'bad behavior' when is about drunk people.
tbc/tsc 03/25/2009