Fanworksathon Fic: Galaxy Con 2011

Mar 08, 2011 20:44

Title: Galaxy Con 2011
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7,200
Summary: 8 year old Hikaru tries to figure out the real life identify of Commander_Andreievich, a poster on his favorite internet forum!
Prompt: Contemporary AU: Chekov and Sulu are hopeless nerds who catch each other's eye at a Galaxy Quest convention.

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fanfiction, rating: pg, fanworksathon 2011

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Comments 22

mercaque March 9 2011, 03:15:00 UTC
Welp, I'm going to go to bed and have a big old cry right now. And pretty much never watch Galaxy Quest the same way again.

Seriously you just nailed everything in this story, Pavel's internet grammar was great ("fly tricks" is like, the most freaking adorable phrase IN THE WORLD) and Hikaru's ragecaps made me laugh at first, and then made me really sad to think about the contrast with his real-life demeanor. I lurrrrrrrved the fandom-meta parts. This was perfect, the funny parts were hilarious and the sad parts just totally pierced my heart. And I completely gasped at the initial reveal that Hikaru didn't speak - I did not see that coming at all and his obsession with being the protector was just holy shit, so sad.


viivi March 9 2011, 19:37:54 UTC
Aahhh, thank you! :DD It means a lot to me to hear that this impacted you :3 Yes, Hikaru was like, BREAKING MY HEART the entire time I wrote this lol ;_____; and lol I am glad that reveal worked at the beginning, :3 :3


tallycola March 9 2011, 08:03:08 UTC
I am so impressed and thrilled with how this turned out. It was just incredibly cute and charming and TOUCHING and funny and sweet and sad! It made me cry in at least three different parts but oh gosh did it also make me laugh. When Pavel held Hikaru's hand after the fight, and how PROUD he was to learn how to say Hikaru's name omg bb ;______ ( ... )


viivi March 9 2011, 19:35:15 UTC
;_______________________________________________________; thank you so much!!!

I am very happy to hear that those moments worked for you, I was worried about working with two main characters who didn't talk lol, how i was going to get any bonding across between the two of them. SO I AM GLAD YOU FELT IT :3

Thank you so much for reading and I am SO PROUD that this made you want to watch GQ again!! :D


veryshortlist March 9 2011, 08:17:59 UTC
this was really cute, and at the same time a scathing critique of forum culture. you get kidspeak particularly right, i think.


viivi March 9 2011, 19:33:28 UTC
Thank you so much!!! :DD Haha, I have been in both roles in that forum situation. :))


secret_weapon March 9 2011, 09:50:30 UTC
Using my bb icon because OMG this was adorable and I wanted to hug all these kids so much.


viivi March 9 2011, 19:31:06 UTC
Hee, thank you!! :D


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viivi March 9 2011, 21:56:21 UTC
Thank you so much!!! YEAH as I was writing this I was thinking, ~*THE INTERNET*~ a new way to document your embarrassment, forever. ;______;

And I'm so flattered to hear that you enjoyed the story despite not generally being drawn to kid stories, ;__; Thank you!!!


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