Fanworksathon Fic: Galaxy Con 2011

Mar 08, 2011 20:44

Title: Galaxy Con 2011
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7,200
Summary: 8 year old Hikaru tries to figure out the real life identify of Commander_Andreievich, a poster on his favorite internet forum!
Prompt: Contemporary AU: Chekov and Sulu are hopeless nerds who catch each other's eye at a Galaxy Quest convention.

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fanfiction, rating: pg, fanworksathon 2011

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Comments 22

katmarajade March 10 2011, 04:45:25 UTC
This is absolutely darling. Totally not what I was expecting and an utterly endearing surprise. Bitty Hikaru who doesn't speak after the trauma of losing his dad breaks my soul into tiny pieces and I want to cuddle him forever and ever. Kirk is absolutely wonderful here. Pavel is darling. I adore Panda class and all the teachers. And Hikaru's sweet explanations of what words like pedestrian and troubled mean were sooooooo adorable. Just loved this. Plus, I loooooved Galaxy Quest, so this is just extra darling. Hehe, and loved how you worked in the Kirk/Spock v. Spock/Uhura argument here. Niiiice! Great graphics too!


viivi March 10 2011, 13:34:50 UTC
Thank you so much DDD: The kid definitions of bigger words was something I picked up from Junie B. Jones, I'm so glad to hear that they worked for you, too :3 :3 AND I'm happy that the cast ~resonated~ with you, AND, haha, writing this was great as it gave me a lot of excuses to rewatch GQ ;))


therumjournals March 10 2011, 13:26:17 UTC
oh man, i loved being a safety. i felt like i waited my whole life for that shit.

Hikaru is kind of a big deal. On the internet. - love it!

i love the way this is written in super enthusiastic kidspeak. with lots of exclamation points! because everything is exciting when you're a kid! and OMG the online messages are just priceless :-D


viivi March 10 2011, 13:28:07 UTC
Hikaru!!! Is very!! PASSIONATE!!! LOL I had a lot of fun writing this, ngl. Thank you so much, I'm so glad to hear that you liked it :3


hollycomb March 10 2011, 13:44:54 UTC
I love love the detail that you put into the forum sections, like making "tactic" lowercase because they had to look it up and paste it ;__________; and the story portions are so heart wrenching, especially when he can't bring himself to talk in class, and how crushed he is over being banned. The choice of making him not speak was so smart, and works so perfectly with Pavel's anxiety about his English. When they make the BEST FRIENDS account it's such a huge and important victory, aosijdfodj it has a big impact the first time that adorable graphic appears. :DD All the background characters were great, too - McCoy, Nyota, JIM. ;___; I love the image of them in their fort with their popcorn.

I HAD A HUGE SMILE on my face the whole time I read this. :33


viivi March 11 2011, 00:14:42 UTC
like making "tactic" lowercase because they had to look it up and paste it

fdlkgjadf YES and he also c/p'd "Navigator" from pavel's post in his first ANGRY RANT lol

Thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear that it made you smile ;_____;


elfsausage March 12 2011, 22:36:16 UTC
Yay! The baddie got banned! I loved every word of this, and giggled hard all way through :-) Also, the drawings were brilliant!


viivi March 15 2011, 03:12:34 UTC
:3 :3 thank you very much!!! I'm so glad to hear that it made you laugh :3


sciencegeek March 13 2011, 20:43:20 UTC
Aw, this was adorable! I felt so bad when Hikaru got banned from the forums...poor guy.

Also enjoyed the critique of forum culture...well done!


viivi March 15 2011, 03:12:10 UTC
Thank you very much!! :3


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