I'm trying to prime the pump and get back into the creative mindset so I can start writing and then drawing the comic again before my last reader gives up. I've been playing a lot of Scrabble to build up my vocab musculature, but that isn't creative. Then I remember the One Different Letter game I played in my LJ for a while.
In case you forgot, here's how I play: I make a post like this one, inviting people to each submit one word for my consideration. I pick my favorite one (or three, or five, or whatever number I want). I take each word and do one of the following:
- Add one letter.
- Remove one letter.
- Change one letter to a different one.
I then take the altered word and come up with a new definition for it. Finally, I make a new post announcing the winning word(s) in their old and new forms, along with the names of the person(s) who submitted them.
Example: when I was doing this before, one of my readers submitted the word zombie. I added another "O" and came up with zoombie (one of the extremely fast-moving variety of flesh-eating undead, as in the movie 28 Days Later.
So here we go, folks! I'm officially doing this again. Post here with your suggested words, and make it interesting!
Edited to add: This round is now closed... the results are