025 [video; that girl is a monster]

Nov 17, 2010 18:11

[This takes place after the events of this thread.]


The feed opens to...grass. It looks like Phoenix's Pokégear was dropped, maybe, and the sudden impact caused the opening of the feed.]


[Phoenix's voice is hoarse, as if it's being constricted. In pain. With an almost jerky motion, the lawyer comes into view, staggering a bit until he lurches forward, stumbling to his knees awkwardly and clutching at his throat. He can't be seen clearly -- the Pokégear's angle is the cause of that -- but it's obvious that something is horribly, horribly wrong.

He makes a move as if he wants to get up, but before he can, he doubles over once more in a violent fit of coughing, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as the other clenches at the ground in front of him, keeping him from keeling over completely. His entire body his shaking, quivering.]

W-wh--what-- [Another bout of coughing. He bends over further, his hand moving away from his mouth enough to give the camera a nice view of the gloss of blood on his palm.

...before he begins wheezing again, that is, and his hand claps back towards his mouth once more.

Feminine chuckling can be heard from off camera, and the soft crunch of grass as white, butterfly-patterned heels come into view. The light pink hem of a dress.

By now, Phoenix has completely fallen onto the ground, slightly on his side as he tries to still his violent spasms of painful coughing. He can't seem to decide whether to keep his hands at his mouth, or around his middle, and it just looks like he's flailing awkwardly to anyone viewing the feed. When Dahlia enters view of the camera, however, he looks up. Even without being there, one can tell that Phoenix's skin would be clammy to the touch, covering in cold, sickly sweat.]

H-help me, Dahlia. God, please --

[That chuckling can be heard once more, positively venemous, dripping with cruel amusment.]

Goodbye, "Feenie."

[Again with the coughing. As his head falls to the ground again, Dahlia daintily steps over the spasming man, her heels making soft crunching sounds in the ground as she struts off camera.]


[She pauses, momentarily, glancing back at her lover. Only the bottom half of her face is visible, her mouth a smooth, emotionless line. Phoenix has lifted his head once more, staring at her as she walks away, the look in his eyes panicked, pleading.]

Don't leave me, p-please--

[...and her lips curl into a smirk before, with another giggle of amusement, she disappears from view completely.]

[Silence, but for the wheezing of the abandoned lawyer and the soft rustling of the grass as he twists and turns with pain. His breathing is irregular, ragged, and you can see specks of blood dotting the green grass near his head.

Idly, he wondered if he was going to die.

...a few minutes later and Phoenix stills, the rise and fall of his chest the only thing indicating that he's still with the living. But even that was worrying -- the irregularity and scary slowness of his breath makes his chest appear to spasm.

He stops writhing, and his strained grunts descend into a low, pained whine...before even that dwindles off into utter silence.]

[ooc; Phoenix has collapsed near the entrance to Dark Cave -- the poison is working fast, but as long as he recieves medical attention within the next few hours, he'll be alright.

...if anyone can get around to finding him, that is. :3 Feel free to reply via video, as well -- although I can't guarentee that he'll be able to respond.

His Pokémon -- namely, Butch and Lady -- have been poisoned, as well, and are lying near their trainer, off camera.

Use of Dahlia has been approved by her mun!]

shit just got real, phoenix the butt monkey, fuckity fuck fuck fuck, trauma trauma trauma, !ic, !video, should've stayed at home, ex-girlfriend from the black lagoon

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