026 [video]

Nov 21, 2010 11:59


[As the feed opens, you see a nice shot of one bedridden lawyer, who is...looking mildly panicked and is attempting to scootch as far back into his bed as possible. Why, you ask? Oh, only because the entirety of his Pokémon team are now attempting to launch themselves onto his bed, with a lively chorus of QUAFUUPIIMAAARIIIWEECROCONAW.]

N-no jumping the sick--!

[There's some giggling from whoever's holding the Pokégear (Maya, maybe?), and before the feed cuts off, you get a nice, heartwarming shot of Phoenix surrounded by his overjoyed team, and the vaguelly annoyed look on his face turns into a wide grin, complete with some affectinate chuckling.]

[...it reopens about five minutes later, however, and the scene shown is much less potentially catestrophic. Lady is the only Pokémon in imminent view, lying curled up on Phoenix's lap as the man scratches her behind the ears. His other Pokémon (and other people, for that matter) are milling around in the background, but since the Pokégear now appears to by lying on the bed, only Phoenix and his Furret are visible.

As for the man himself? Well, he looks...incredibly sickly. A worrying pale, with dark rings around his eyes, and you can see an IV drip off to the right side, barely in view of the camera.

But, if the relieved, happy, somewhat amused and -- apologetic? -- look in his eyes is anything to go by, the newly awake lawyer is feeling pretty dang chipper.]

H-hey, everyone. [He offers an, admittedly awkward, grin.] I, uh...I guess I'm all better now. Well, not completely, but...yeah. Apparently I've been out for...four days? Geez, I didn't think it was that bad...

[Phoenix, stop underestimating the severity of your fiascos. Personally, Phoenix knows he was flirting pretty heavily with Death for a while there, but his goal right now is to ease everyone's worries, not...escalate them.]

So, er...first things first.

[He folds his hands on his lap, behind the sleeping Lady, and briefly closes his eyes, attempting to gather his thoughts together.]

I want to thank everyone who helped me. Everyone who responded to that video, I...I really don't know what to say. [He chuckles, glancing down at his hands, and wehn he looks up, there's warmth and gratitude radiating from his (still awkward) smile.] You guys kept me going.  I'd...I'd really hate to think of what would have happened if that feed hadn't opened...

[He's a little somber for a few seconds, before his expression does a u-turn into...apologetic.] I'm sorry for worrying everyone, and...really, I can't thank you all enough. I'm sorry that I couldn't really, er, respond properly then, but I really am grateful. If there's anything I can do to repay you, then just let me know. As long as it's not something illegal or, y'know, life-threatening.


[His tone immediately grows more somber. Uh oh, I think you all know what's coming next.]


[His hands, still in his lap, begin to clench, and he glances down towards them again.]

She's a criminal. Attempted first-degree murder, that's...she can't get away with it. But...I don't want anyone to, y'know...go after her.

When I first found out she was here, I...I didn't know what to do. I was an idiot, I made some stupid decisions, but there's one thing that I promised myself, and that was...that I wouldn't let her hurt anyone. I wouldn't let her hurt anyone else, not because of me. Shes dangerous. She'll...you can't udnerestimate her, because if you do, then...well, you saw what happened to me, and...

...I can't let that happen to anyone else.

So, uh...well. [He glances back up again, still not looking directly at the camera, rubbing the back of his neck in that signature sheepish motion.] It's not like I can order anyone not to, but...try not to get yourselves killed, alright? I don't think I can handle it...

[And, with a little wave and a slightly less awkward smile, the feed cuts off.]

[ooc; Phoenix is...lounging about in his room in the Pokémon Center! Feel free to come and visit, if you'd like. He'll appreciate the company!]
Private text to Dahlia Hawthorne:

I don't know where you're going, now. And honestly, I don't think I care.

Just...stay away from us. My friends. Especially my friends. You don't have anything you can gain from us anymore, so, just...leave us alone. Please. We won't bother you if you don't bother us.

If you don't, then...I WILL stop you. I don't care what I'll have to do, as long as you don't hurt anyone else, Dahlia.

mauled by a something cute and fuzzy, what a jolly good nap, violet city, made it out alive, !ic, ex-girlfriend from the black lagoon, !video

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