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Comments 8

jlvsclrk June 4 2015, 06:03:59 UTC
*snicker* All the fanboys who are raving about this episode are probably going to be ripping the next 10ish episodes to shreds, because GoT sure doens't have the budget to do the zombie War Z again anytime soon. I was pretty bored by the fight. My favorite part was when Jon and Tormund were trying to convince the Wildlings to join their side. F*** this and f*** that - I really enjoyed that. And Sansa learning about Bran and Rickon was cool, though god only knows where they're taking this. The Danny/Tyrion scenes kind of bored me - did we really learn anything? Maybe I'm just reaching my limit.


Just Waiting for the White, Right to Happen chatchien June 4 2015, 13:11:19 UTC
All the fanboys who are raving about this episode are probably going to be ripping the next 10ish episodes to shreds, because GoT sure doens't have the budget to do the zombie War Z again anytime soon.
I have seen a spoiler picture of the Fighting Pits of Mereen, which I guess is coming up in the next episode or two, and that appears to be another budget buster. So, maybe they will get through this season and let the fan boys forget a few things (I know that I do in the Off-Season) before they plot for Season 6 ( ... )


dawnybee June 5 2015, 08:31:13 UTC
Ahhhhhhh! Run Away! Run Fast! Run Swift!
You don’t bring a few shards of dragonglass to a White Walker fight. Jon Snow has learned this the hard way.

These Live people were not Olympic Rowers. I think that I could have rowed faster and run faster and swum faster than that Giant could water walk to get away from the Army of the Undead.

Such ineptitude. Rubbernecking Wildlings and Jon watching the destruction and not rowing. The Giant could’ve helped out and gave them a push, but that Giant was smart and saving itself.

But NO, the King of the Dead and Jon Snow had to give each other lingering looks as they parted, as if they might never meet again in this World.
Jon just got served.

... )


dawnybee June 5 2015, 08:32:41 UTC
The only person who will visit Cersei in jail, other than the Avenging Nun, is Dr. Frank. I think that he is looking at her head just a little too fondly. It could be just what he needs for his collection.

She should get out by having him use her as his science experiment! He could transfer her withering glare and distasteful smirks to the Mountain.

Here is my example. A Wild-ling Elder with more sense than either Cersei or Theon ever imagined they could possess. She had a life and a soul.

She should’ve never sent her kids off and promised she’d see them. That was her death knell. Ned told Jon he’d see him again and look what happened to him! At the very least she should have used her children as shields!

Then came the King of the Undead with his Zombie Children who tore her self away from her.
Ever the mother she couldn’t bring herself to attack them. I would’ve ran in the opposite direction and threw some wildlings at their feet. She had children to live for!

Suffering is not making Theon smarter or Cersei more empathic. ( ... )


Last One... dawnybee June 5 2015, 08:33:10 UTC
Love doesn't not inspire great thoughts in Jorah, just great emotion.

His pain is too great for common sense. Work with him here!

Jon Snow is fighting with a White Walker at Hardhome. The White Walker walks through flames because they part like the Red Sea to let him through.

Just how useful is a dragon's flame breath going to be against the White Walkers?

Dragonfire/wildfire is different than normal fire. That’s why the wildfire was so devastating to Stannis’ ships during Blackwater, water doesn’t extinguish wildfire. If only there was someone who had three dragons to help defeat the growing hoard of White Walkers.

Jon's sword repels the White Walker's icy thrust and kills and shatters the White Walker. Both Jon and the White Walker have a moment of suprise at that. Jon didn't need any Stinkin' dragon glass.

Those dudes at the Wall need to crack open those books lying around. Surely there’s info about the ways in which to defeat wights and White Walkers. The damn Wall was created to keep out White Walkers.

The White Walkers ( ... )


Re: Last One... chatchien June 5 2015, 20:31:08 UTC
I’ll be interested to see if they’ll replace Isaac Hempstead-Wright

Why would they replace him? I haven't heard anything about that. Hmmm.

And those Squirrels had better quit flicking their tails in front of Rickon's face. It would be fun if Rickon showed back up in Season 6 with a Davy Crockett Squirrel hat on his head. Hee!

She should confess, take the oath, get the brand like Lancel did and live to see another day.

It would be a hoot to see Pious Cersei. And she would wield the Confession Dipper even more ferociously than the Avenging Nun.

Was it where Ned was locked up too? All the people she screwed over were there before her.

And who said that there weren't Seven Gods? Seven times the payback in each lick of dirty water.

Ramsay took Theon’s pride and joy, the only thing the High Sparrow can take from Cersei is her kids. That will devastate her.

Tommen won't see her. Surprisingly, it just might be Tommen's refusal to visit her that just might break her down.

It was like a job interview. A job interview with wine.
I never had ( ... )


brijeana June 6 2015, 04:27:59 UTC
Enjoyed your write up and all the comments ( ... )


Hey There! chatchien June 7 2015, 00:56:59 UTC
Good to have you back! Stick around! ;-)

I think there are lands of always winter where the White Walkers live so maybe there are lands of always summer too. I think maybe Dorne and the summer isles might be lands where it's always temperate.
However I do think that in the past the White Walkers' power has been confined to winter.
It is beginning to dawn on me, like Sansa it takes a while for me to realize things, but this coming Winter might be a metaphor for Global Warming. So certain areas of this imaginary world might not be As Affected by Winter as others. As you say, in the south it might just snow once or twice where it hasn't snowed in years or centuries. But the White Walkers need the cold and snow. Can they make Winter spread and continue ( ... )


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