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brijeana June 6 2015, 04:27:59 UTC
Enjoyed your write up and all the comments!

I was so sad when the Wildling Elder died. She was my favorite of the Hardhome wildlings.

I love the light comparisons.

"A man has to do what a man thinks best." I have a bad feeling about Ollie too.

Your Questions:
1. I think there are lands of always winter where the White Walkers live so maybe there are lands of always summer too. I think maybe Dorne and the summer isles might be lands where it's always temperate.

2. I think the white walkers want to take over the entire world. They want to make the whole world dark and cold and dead. Westeros is probably just the beginning. However I do think that in the past the White Walkers' power has been confined to winter. It's been so long since they've been able to attack that humans have nearly all forgotten what the wall is really for. There is magic in the wall that keeps the white walkers from being able to cross. But perhaps if the knocked it down or... the gate was open they could still get through.

3. Yeah I think some of the wildlings aren't going to change much when they transition from alive to undead. The Lord of the Bones and those Cannibal Thenns in particular seemed pretty macabre and homicidal.

4. I guess the White Walkers multiply by stealing baby boys. I wonder what it is about girls that exempts them from the process. I wonder if any other wildlings have gone Crastor's route and made a deal with the White Walkers.

I'm excited about the alliance between Dany and Tyrion but I'm sorry for Jorah. Arya's plot confuses me but I suppose she'll come out of there with the skill to cross all the names off of her list and that's good. I also enjoy her faceless man mentor whoever he is.... Jaquen... I'm excited to see where Sansa's development goes from here. I'd like her to be rescued by Brienne but I think I'd like to see her get out of this on her own even more. I'm enjoying Cersei's torment so much AND I'm also enjoying how stubborn she is. This season has been rocky for me as a book reader. Hope it ends with a BANG!


Hey There! chatchien June 7 2015, 00:56:59 UTC
Good to have you back! Stick around! ;-)

I think there are lands of always winter where the White Walkers live so maybe there are lands of always summer too. I think maybe Dorne and the summer isles might be lands where it's always temperate.
However I do think that in the past the White Walkers' power has been confined to winter.

It is beginning to dawn on me, like Sansa it takes a while for me to realize things, but this coming Winter might be a metaphor for Global Warming. So certain areas of this imaginary world might not be As Affected by Winter as others. As you say, in the south it might just snow once or twice where it hasn't snowed in years or centuries. But the White Walkers need the cold and snow. Can they make Winter spread and continue.

I am thinking of the Army of the Undead. Do they rot in warmer climates? Do the worms and the maggots get them if they go to Dorne? Or Southsex? Do the White Walkers become Mermen in the warmer climates if they go there? Do they melt like Snow Men? So many questions!!!

I have read somewhere that Martin had read and was influenced by Tad Williams' Memory Sword and Thorne trilogy which I have read, it was pretty entertaining.

In that book, because of powerful magic conjured up by a Crazy Human King, Snow Elves and the Oldest Elf of them all in the North were re-powered and able to make the magic to make a permanent Winter descend on all the lands. The most Southern lands just got a chill, but the magic that had held the monsters and beasts in the South in check was degraded and the Southern were beset by the monsters that could no longer be held back. The Elves wanted their lands back from the Humans who had conquered them and run them off. And they were willing to kill all the Humans to get their lands back.

I do wonder if Martin is doing something similar here with the White Walkers. But who knows? It is still fun to speculate.

I guess the White Walkers multiply by stealing baby boys.

Again, in the Williams trilogy, the White Walker equivalents, the Snow Elves, have a very difficult time reproducing. It was one of the reasons that the Humans were able to drive them from their lands. And if the White Walkers are metamorphisizing human babies to reproduce...it is interesting and confusing.

I am just enjoying Arya and her plot. Like you, I have no idea how it is pertinent to anything that is happening in the show now. That Tyrell guy from Cerise's Small Council is in Bravoos, isn't he? Is he on her list? Are the Boltons on her list? I haven't heard the list recited in a while.

And yeah, I want Sansa to use her pointy thing to poke at the Boltons or Theon, I don't much care which. It is taking both Sansa and Danys a long time to get to the Pointy Thing.

As a book reader, from what I hear, Season 6 will be like the Undead Lemmings who catapult off the ice cliff at Hardhome for you. Anything goes and it will be a wild-ling fall! ;-)


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