It's In The Blood (30/)

Nov 21, 2010 22:30

Title: It's In The Blood (30?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating:  (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and plot.
Warnings: Sex, Vampires and heartbreak for one.


Can I get some nachos with this cheese?

When Jack woke, he knew something was wrong. Alex wasn't by his side and with a quick scan around the room, he found that the vampire wasn't there at all.

Jack groaned. "You said you'd be here when I woke up," he mumbled to the room, feeling suddenly alone without Alex.

His eyes fell to the silky duvet around him and he adopted a bit of worried look. Alex wouldn't just leave him here, would he?

"No," he thought but then again, he'd never seen Alex so ashamed of himself than what he'd been only a few hours before. Jack swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the bad taste in his mouth that the sleep had brought upon him.

Slowly but surely, he made his way out of the warm, cozy bed and after a bit of convincing, he got into the shower, which he then realized could easily fit four standing people and two could sit up under a seperate spray of water in a cubby in the corner of the shower. He bit his lip, pausing as he took a bit of the hotel shampoo into his hand. With a little laugh, he crawled back into the small space, curling up under the warm water. He then continued to wash his hair, rinsing it and then scrubing it twice because he loved this shower. He took as much time as he could in there for that reason. Or at least that's what he told himself.

Really, if he wanted to admit it, it was so he didn't have to feel alone. If he occupied himself with cleaning then he didn't have to think about it. And that's why he took extra time to dry himself off and he tugged on a pair of briefs from Alex's bag before heading back into the bathroom to make himself pretty. He used the hotel hair dryer until his hair was completely dry and used the straightener that he'd packed (it was Brendon's) until his hair was perfectly straight. After that, he styled it until he was completely content with it, all in all taking about an hour just to get himself ready.

When he returned back to the room, he was surprised to find a bouquet of white roses on his side of the bed and he smiled wide. The room was filled with the, ever lovely, smell of bacon and he glanced around, looking for Alex. When he found him, he was standing on balcony, leaning over the glass table there as he set up what was possibly the biggest meal Jack had ever seen. The silk, white curtains on the balcony doors were blowing in the cool, night breeze.

"Hey, Jack," he said, a shy half smile appearing on his lips as the boy leaned against the balcony door frame.

He'd changed into a fresh pair of clothes, showered and done his hair just like Jack did only of course the vampire looked a thousand times better. His messy caramel hair falling around his face from the grey beanie that he sported that was tastefully paired with a purple v-neck and black skinnies.

"Hi," Jack said, smile widening when his eyes met Alex's again. He looked hopeful.

"You weren't there when I woke up," he pointed out, taking a seat as Alex pulled it out for him like a gentleman.

"I-I know, but I figured that you'd be hungry," Alex explained, taking a seat across from the boy. Jack had never seen him particularly nervous before but he sure was now, fidgeting his thumbs together with a reluctance to get close to Jack at all. He found it almost humerus. Almost. That is, it would be if it didn't pain Jack to no end seeing his love like this.

"And I had to get a few other things too," he mumbled on, with zero intention of making a point.

"Alex," Jack stopped him, reaching forward and touching the vampire's hand gently. Alex's eyes met his then. "Relax and tell me what's wrong."

"I- there's nothing wrong, really. I just," he started, looking absently around until his eyes rested up in the sky at the crescent moon. "I know this is a lame way of making things up to you."

"That's what this is?" Jack asked, quirking an eyebrow because he knew that wasn't all.

Alex nodded a bit. "Jack," he paused then to meet the other boy's eyes. "I know that what I did was wrong."

"Lex-," Jack said, rolling his eyes a little but he was cut off.

"Let me finish, okay?" Jack nodded, allowing with an annoyed sigh. "I know I'm horrible, but I think that maybe there's a way that I could make it better. It's stupid but it'll take some weight off of me."

Jack tilted his head to the side a bit in a nod for him to continue but it took a good few minutes for Alex to even open his mouth again.

"If you want to go back to your old life,...I can make that happen," Alex offered and Jack scowled.

"You could do that?" he asked, leaning forward a bit for the answer.

Alex's expression seemed to drop a bit. "I want to give you the choice that you didn't ever have."

Jack let out the smallest breath, taking his eyes away from Alex's for a second and dropping them to his full plate. The first thing that came to him was his mother. He wondered what she'd think if Jack just showed up one day back home. All the questions would be asked and he couldn't answer them, not that that would ever matter; she'd just be happy to have him back. He could have his dream job, taking pictures of anything he could ever want with the best equipment one could offer.
And William. He'd cry. But none of that, it didn't matter.

"Alex," he whispered, their eyes meeting again he saw the man across from him take in a small, hopeful breath. "That's great and all but...I want you."

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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