It's In The Blood (31/?)

Nov 24, 2010 11:45

Title: It's In The Blood (31/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Sykecest, More pairings very soon.)
Rating:  (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and plot.
Warnings: Sex, Vampires and heartbreak for one.


"Dear god, we're home," Alex sighed with a big smile as they pulled into the drive way through the forest.

Jack laughed a bit and pulled his hand away from the vampire's and got out. "C'mon, Chris, wanna go for a walk to stretch our legs while Alex takes care of the bags?" He watched Alex huff a laugh and shoot him a look. Jack just winked at him, popping him a cute little smile as Chris tugged on his hand.

"Yes! There's an ant hill over here and they're really nice..." Chris trailed but Alex wasn't paying attention. Something else had caught his eye. He dropped the bag in his hand and headed for the house.

He swung the door open with clenched teeth.

"Alex!" Tom greeted with a big smile but it fell instantly when he followed Alex's glare.

"Why is he here?" Alex spat, staring at the dark haired boy who cowered now in his seat. "I didn't want to see him here again when I left."

David frowned a bit, flicking the hair out of his face nervously.

"Oh, Alex. Relax!" Tom sighed and pulled him in for a tight hug. "He's a really good kid."

Alex hugged back loosely, keeping his eyes on David still. "How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen," he said, voice cracking a bit and offering a bit of a fearful smile to Alex.

Alex's tense body finally relaxed. "You're only seventeen?"

David nodded. "I-uh, I just got turned in the summer."

"Maybe you should go home," Alex suggested cooly and Tom shot him a look. Alex cringed away from his bright blue scowl.

"I don't have anywhere to go," he whispered, frowning down as his hands.

"Yes, you do," Tom assured and took a seat next to the boy, cupping the boy's cheek with one of his small, cool hands and offering him a sweet smile. "I have to go check on Oli now, so don't hurt each other."

"What's wrong with Oli?" Alex frowned, shifting his weight to one foot and wrapping the other around it.

"He's not feeling well," Tom said quietly and Alex could hear the worry in his voice and see it in his crystalline eyes.

"Tell him I'll be in to see him in a few minutes."

Tom nodded and picked up the bowl of warm water from the table, setting a cloth in it and carrying it out of the room and up the stairs.

David frowned a bit though he didn't say anything to express his concern.

"Alex," Chris whined, coming in the front door with Jack close behind him. "Jack got stung by a bee."

Alex turned on his heals to pull Jack to him as he nursed his arm gently. Jack had a little tear in his eyes that Alex wiped away.

"Did you kill it?" Alex asked and Chris gasped.

"No! Why would you do that? It's terrible."

"I'm gunna kill it," Alex threatened with a smile as he dragged his thumb nail over the little lump forming on Jack's forearm. Jack whimpered a bit. "Easy, babe. I gotta get the stinger out."

"You're not really gunna kill it, right?" Chris asked, kneeling down by them and watching what Alex did.

"Be useful and go to the kitchen for a bandage," Alex instructed and Chris nodded.

"Ouch, Alex!" Jack whined trailing off on something as Chris started toward the kitchen. He never made it though. Instead, he stopped half way there, noticing David now.

David had been watching the boy intently but adverted his eyes now, a thin layer of blush forming on his cheeks. When he looked up again, Chris was standing in front of the table, looking down at him with a curious smile.

"Hi," he greeted and David glanced up at him shyly through his dark brown bangs.


Chris giggled, obviously startling David enough to make him jump a bit, and pulled up a seat in front of him. "What's your name?"

"Uh,...David." Chris grinned widely.

"I'm Christofer."

David nodded, lips tugging up a little at the edges.

"Wanna be friends?" he asked excitedly and David scrunched up his nose with a bit of a smile. He paused a bit like that before nodding. Jack, having watched the entire thing let out a soft little "aw" and hugged Alex tightly.

Alex just rolled his eyes, hiding his smile a bit. "I'm going to get the bags."


"Hey," Alex said quietly, trying not to disturb Oli from his sleep. Tom nodded at him, holding the bowl of water carefully in his delicate hands. The cloth was draped over Oli's forehead with care.

"How's he doing?"

"He's," Tom started, sighing a bit and offering a smile. "I think he just caught something. It doesn't seem serious but I'm making him sleep for a while, just in case."

Alex gave him a warm smile, pulling him into a loose hug. "You're too good to him."

"I love him," Tom answered simply. "What's Jack up to?"

"He's with Christofer. Ironically, they're playing Jack's in his room. Chris found that hilarious."

Tom giggled a bit, setting the bowl down onto the hardwood floor. "Oh, Chris. And what about our newest?"

"He wanted to take a shower, I guess."

"You like him, right?" Tom asked, adopting a small frown that hit his bright blue eyes.

"Don't worry so much," Alex answered. "I think he's fine, and Chris and Jack seem like like him. Where's Bren and Rian?"

"They went on vacation, I guess. Left a note; something about a warmer place," Tom answered. "It's probably a blessing too 'cuz Oli couldn't handle hearing them anymore," he giggled.

Alex rolled his eyes. "I'd better go find my boy."

"Oh wait, I meant to ask you how your little trip went."

Alex smirked, sitting next to Tom on the bed and pulling him closer to whisper to him, "Boy are you gunna love this."


A/N: How are you liking the quick updates?

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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