It's In The Blood (29/?)

Nov 19, 2010 14:46

Title: It's In The Blood (29/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating:  (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and plot.
Warnings: Sex, Vampires and heartbreak for one.
Authors Notes: Oh dear. Ultra cheese in this chapter. I'm so sorry.


When Jack woke up, Alex was already staring at him contently and a little smile found it's way to his lips.

"Good night, beautiful," Alex purred, leaning in and kissing the boy's cheek softly.

"Good night, handsome." Jack laughed a little, curling into the vampire tighter and closing his eyes again, trying to return to sleep.

"Wake up, love," Alex cooed and Jack mumbled something like a "no".

Alex chuckled. "You never did wake easy."

"What do you mean?"

When Jack didn't receive and answer he glanced up at him, realizing that he'd suddenly taken a serious tone. The human eyed him skeptically, like what he was going to say next was the most important thing he'd ever say.

"Do you remember the day that I saved you?" he asked, discarding the boy's previous question all together.

"Like it was yesterday," Jack confirmed and nodded. "Why, baby?"

"I can't ever forget the look of sheer terror on a twelve year old's face as I pulled you out of the water." Alex admitted, adverting his eyes from Jack's as the boy sat up on his elbows. All thoughts of sleep had been abandoned; he was intrigued. He, himself, was trying his hardest not to think about the mentioned time because even though Alex made it a good memory, it had scarred his brain ever since. He used to have on-going nightmares about it when he was a kid, ones where Alex never came to save him.

"I feel in love with you that day," Alex said and paused for a few seconds like he was trying to think of what he was going to say in fear of offending the boy. "When you asked me to stay with you. I knew you were only twelve but you wouldn't be forever. And for years and years I waited, rejoicing the day that I could have you and you'd be mine forever," he continued, sad eyes finally meeting Jack's with a sad smile.

"Well, you're not the only one; I dreamt of you everyday. You were my prince charming, my knight in shining armor," Jack said, trying to make Alex smile...but the smile never came.

"Jack," he said quietly and Jack gulped, feeling this sickness in the pit of his stomach at what would come next. Just the look in the vampire's eyes told everything. The tell-tale look of regret.  "Jack, I've done something horrible."

Jack opened his mouth and closed it a few times before he asked Alex to go on.

The vampire paused and it seemed like the longest fucking time to Jack, each second, his stomach getting weaker and weaker.

"Jack, those guys that hurt you in the woods. That was never supposed to happen. It was a mistake, okay?!" he said in a rush and Jack scowled upon him mentioning it at all.

"Slow the fuck down. What are you trying to say?" Jack asked, throwing his hands out in a confused gesture.

"I asked them to hurt you, Jack. That was me," Alex admitted, choking a bit on his words as they came out of his mouth. He could practically feel them biting his throat like angry dogs. And Jack's eyes on him...the look in the boy's deep brown eyes couldn't be described, a million emotions running through them.

"What?" he spat. "No."

Alex remained unmoving and above anything else, he kept their eyes from meeting. "I went to tell them not to, that the deal was off, a few days later but they didn't listen and I knew they would kill you so I went to find you."

"You...pulled me from my family. From my life. You did that?" he asked and a little tear spilled out onto his cheek bone despite how hard he'd been trying to choke them back. His eyes burned and tingled a bit along with his bottom lip that started to quiver a little. He couldn't really feel more betrayed than he did then.

Alex nodded again. "I wanted you so bad. I needed you. But after I thought about it, the reality of what I was doing and what they'd do, I realized how disgusting I was. I couldn't possibly be more selfish than i am and I know I'm a repulsive  human- erm, vampire being."

Jack shook his head rapidly, leaning forward quickly and squeezing him tight as a few more tears fell onto his shirt. The human instinct was a sick one, he thought as he clutched Alex's shirt tighter. When the person that hurt you was the one you ran to because you love them to most, he thought that was a little sick.

"I wish you didn't have to love me, Jack," he apologized, clenching his jaw tight. "I'm sorry."

Jack didn't need to hear it, didn't need Alex to say it; he knew that Alex was more sorry now than he'd ever been for Jack and it was tearing the boy up. As much as the reality hurt, he didn't want to see his love upset; he wanted to kiss the sorrow away from him, even if he was the one to hurt him like that. He could practically see a grey cloud covering his prefect honey brown eyes and it fucking broke Jack's heart.

Especially when he wasn't the only one that was guilty.

"Alex," he whispered and nudged his nose into Alex's neck. "You know that you made a mistake."

"I know, Jack. If I could change everything, go back and give you a choice, I would. I'd do it in a second, I swear," he promised, finally meeting the boy's eyes, as if to make sure Jack knew the sincerity of his words. Jack reached out and cupped a hand around Alex's jaw, feeling it flex with the touch.

"Listen to me," he demanded and Alex frowned a bit with the words. "Are you listening, Alex?"

The vampire nodded a bit, feeling rather like a guilty puppy.

"It's difficult, but I forgive you for what you've done."

"You're just saying that," Alex argued instantly, shaking his head in objection.

"I'm serious, Alex. I love you. I've never meant that more than now. Ever," Jack said sternly and Alex opened his mouth again.

"But you wish you didn't."

"You don't fucking know that. Quit putting words into my mouth," Jack laughed dryly and Alex scowled a little, making Jack laugh more. "I wouldn't have anything any other way. No regrets," he whispered and though Alex still held his frown, Jack leaned forward and connected their lips.

When he pulled away, Alex was blank.

"I'm more upset that you're acting like a child than at what you did," he chuckled.

Alex glanced up at him through his caramel colored bangs and he actually smiled a bit.

"Promise?" he asked and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Yes, babe," Jack answered. "Now, let's sleep, okay?"

Alex rolled his eyes.

"Just for a little longer." Alex nodded now and pulled the boy into his chest.

"You can sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

When Jack's breathing started to fall evenly, Alex stared down at his face. He'd never seen a more peaceful sleep. He knew that sleep would come easily to the boy and he'd took almost a sense of pride in knowing that he was the one that wore him out.

He smiled a bit but in seconds it faded into a bit of a scowl. He spared another glance down at the boy and released his hold on him a bit. As soon as he did so, Jack took in a deep breath before twisting himself around in his sleep and pressing his back tightly against Alex's chest. With no where to put the arm that was wrapped around the boy, he turned over too to stare at the ceiling and gave a heavy sigh.

He wasn't lying to say that it was a relief to have it off his chest; it was the one thing he'd never shared with Jack, but now that he'd said something he actually had to face it. Before it was simple to just pretend like it didn't happen, just be happy that he had the boy. Now, the second he said it, he had to face the fact. He made a big mistake and he was pretty sure he'd never forgive himself for it. Not even if Jack did.

He knew, no matter what the boy said to make it better, he was disappointed with the vampire and he pretended to let it go when Jack asked him to. Truth was that he'd never let it go; every time he'd hold Jack from then, he was sure that the boy would have doubts and that bothered Alex more than anything.

He would pay the price for what he'd done, one way or another.

"Guys, forget it."

"What do you mean, Alex?" Rian asked, smiling with a sinister look in his eyes. Alex had never liked the guy but he seemed right for the job.

"It's just that," he started and watched as the two in front of him shared a glance. "I don't think I can do this. I won't be responsible for him being hurt."

"You won't be, we will. We'll take care of it," Rian assured. The air outside was cold and it wasn't helping to relax Alex's nerves.

"Are you doubting us, Alex?" Travis asked, speaking for the first time now and he didn't sound happy. Alex shook his head no but Travis' jaw clenched tight. "We'll take care of the little bitch. Not for you either."

Alex shook his head again. "Please, I don't want him hurt."

"Bull shit. That's why you came to us, right?" Rian mocked and they both turned to the edge of the forest.

"Let's get him, Ri," Travis said. Alex was going to object but they were already gone.

If Alex could cry, he would. He'd show Jack would truly sorry he was maybe take him away some where.

He couldn't describe the way he felt for the boy, no matter how cliche it was. It wasn't just a lover's love, it was almost maternal. Alex felt responsible for the boy and his safety and feelings and it wasn't just recent; he'd felt this way since they'd first met.

"You want me to just stay here?"

Alex smiled a bit at him and reached down to remove a strip of the boy's black hair from his eyes and watched them light up.

Jack nodded into the man's chest. "With me."

Alex was pulled out of his thoughts as Jack stirred in his sleep, turning over again and latching on tight to Alex's side.

"Lex," he mumbled though Alex knew he was still asleep and he smiled. The little twelve year old was there, hanging on tight to the vampire. He watched the boy's hand, tangled in Alex's fresh shirt and he knew that he'd have to make things right. For Jack. Because, in all truth, he'd never loved anything like he loved that boy.

A/N: So sorry for the cheese.

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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