2007 end-of-year vidding

Dec 30, 2007 11:24

Videos I made this year:


Mainstream - Battlestar Galactica - Kara

The Wreckoning - Heroes - Niki/Jessica


Birth Of A Geisha - Memoirs Of A Geisha

Combat Honey - Tomb Raider
Still Breathing - Buffy The Vampire slayer/Angel The Series - Spike - Sweet Charity

Don't Stop Me Now - Doctor Who - The Master

Don't Let Me By Misunderstood - Shrek2 - Puss
Boogie Wonderland - Multi Movies
These were both finished in May for Club Vivid but were posted online in August.

Respectable - Buffy The Vampire slayer - Spike - Sweet Charity
The Way We Get By - Supernatural
Respectable was posted online in September but was actually made 12 months previously. The Way We Get By was a remaster.

Cry Me A River - Lost & Delirious
Deus Ibi Est - Supernatural - John Winchester
Deus was posted online in October but was finished for Wincon07 in September.


Devotion - Xena: Warrior Princess - Sweet Charity

Total vids: 12 but one was actually made in 2006 and another was a straightforward remaster.
Projects abandoned/potsponed/blown out of an airlock: 4

"My favourite video this year (of my own):
Probably "Devotion." I don't think that's just because it's my most recent I enjoyed every aspect of making it and I think it shows.

"My least favourite:
"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood." I don't think it out and out sucks it's just that when I came up with the idea I thought there was more footage of Puss than there really was.As a result the vid in my head wasn't the one I made and that disappoints me.

Most successful video:
Taking into consideration downloads, comments, recs etc it has got to be "Don't Stop Me Now." It was relatively painless to make and further confirms that John Simm is my mancrush.

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
"Repectable" didn't do very well, although I believe I understand why, I still think it's a bit of a shame. Sweet Charity vids are sometimes hard.

Most fun video to make:
Making vids is fun? Rewarding and satisfying for sure, but fun not so much. I'll go with "Combat Honey" it was made for a speed challenge which freed me from my usual nitpicking and procrastination and as a result allowed me to just have fun plonking clips down. It's a bit of fluff and I love it for that.

Hardest video to make:
I used "Respectable" for this category last year and nothing this year comes close to that. "Devotion" was hard because of the technical difficulties I had. The source is showing it's age and working with 4:3 interlaced footage proved to be a challenge all of it's own. Plus the shear voluime of clips I ended up with caused major headaches, too much choice can sometimes be as stressful as not enough.Also premiere and the synths just wouldn't play nicely together.

The things I've learnt this year...
I've learnt not to fear avisynth. I wouldn't say I've made friends with it as such but the fear is definitely gone. I learnt a couple of cool things in after effects to do with cameras and lighting. I don't think there was any great leap forward this year though. One thing I did learn was that I actually work well when faced with the pressure of a deadline even as I resent it.

Things to work on in 2008
Last year I said I wanted to have more fun and I definitely hope that happens this year. It would be nice to maybe try something a bit more adventurous in terms of effects and to try to master action editing. I definitely feel I'm struggling with that. Also I don't want vidding to be my priority this year I want a life.

Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this year:
I'm not falling for that one this year. Last year I only managed two of the vids on my list. So I'll just say that I'm not short of projects just inspiration to complete them.

2006 roundup?

2007vidding, videos, meme

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