2006 vidding meme

Jan 07, 2007 14:04

Everyone else is doing this so...

Videos I made this year:
Cool Your Jets - Mr & Mrs Smith

From Your Favourite Sky - Hex 
Boom Boom Ba Remastered - Xena

Club Foot - Life On Mars
Wake Up - Wonderfalls

Your Woman Remastered - Angel

Mambo Italiano Remastered - Alias
Bloody Mother - Deadwood

Suicide Note Remastered - Angel
One Way Or Another Remastered - Veronica Mars

Candleburn Remastered - Firefly

Protège Moi - Supernatural

Beautiful Obscene - Hex
Destiny Calling - Multi Fandom

Misc Challenge vidlets-
Horny - LWord/QAF US
It's Over - Angel

Sweet Charity-
Respectable - BtVs

My favourite video this year (of my own):
"Destiny Calling" - I think that might be because it's my latest video and I haven't had time to fall out of love with it yet. So I'll pick "Club Foot" as a reserve in case I'm disillusioned once the shiny newness of  "Destiny Calling" wears off. I particularly like "Club Foot" for the motion and "Destiny Calling" for the feelgood factor.

My least favourite:
Not so much least favourites more a case of knowing I could have done better - "Favourite Sky", "Wake up", "Your Woman" (remastered). "Favourite Sky" - some of the cutting lets it down but I still like the theme. "Wake up" - again some of the cutting could have been better. "Your Woman"- Some of the masks didn't work as well as they should have and it feels a bit like a draft vid.

Most successful video:
Taking this as a combination of recs, feedback, downloads etc. "Boom Boom Ba" and "Protege Moi".  "Protege Moi" is a flashy vid in a popular fandom but the continued success of "Boom Boom Ba" really surprises me.  Who would have thought a Xena vid would be my most popular.

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Probably "Bloody Mother". It relies quite heavily on knowledge of the source and virtually nobody watches Deadwood so this one was always going to be a bit of a lead balloon.

Most fun video to make:
"Cool Your Jets" - It was pretty painless to make and it all came together with a minimal amount of  "this sucks" insecurities.

Hardest video to make:
Sweet Charity vid - "Respectable". I found it difficult to work with a storyboard and song that I hadn't come up with. Vidding solely for other people is hard.

The things I've learnt this year...
...to trust my betas. They can spot problems in a vid that I'm just to close to a project to see. It's very handy to have someone look over my vid with fresh eyes. Some people have different strengths and so sometimes it's great to get a second opinion on a vid. Related to this is that I have learnt to be a bit less precious about my projects in the early stages. If something isn't working there's no point hoping it will suddenly come together in the end. It's much better in the long run to rip it out and rethink things.

I did my big summer remastering project this year. I learnt from this that remastering isn't nearly as gratifying as I thought it was going to be.

On the technical side I've made advances in editing audio, masking, transitions and improving output quality.

I have worked on  hearing different audio cues and editing accordingly. I think my use of internal motion has improved significantly in the past twelve months as has my understanding of  flow and pacing. I feel I have learnt more about setting a mood using colour and lighting.

Most importantly I've learnt to back up my hard drives before a summer heatwave. Fried hard drives suck!!

I still have such a lot to learn.

Things to work on in 2007
I really want to improve my use of external motion ( like obsessive24). I would like to develop the knack of successful layering (like astartexx).  It'd be nice to experiment a bit more with After-Effects.  Most importantly, I want to try to have more fun, vidding has been a bit of a slog recently.

Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this year:
I want to do videos in my fandoms that I haven't covered yet.
This includes:
BSG (Starbuck!)
Doctor Who (Rose)
Fingersmith (I'm doing this one if it kills me)
Dead Like Me (comedy gravelings and/or Mason)
X files (Scully?)

I really want to revisit my first love and make a serious Giles video as well as possibly a Wolfram and Hart vid.

Before I can begin on all that lot I need to finish the Supernatural vid that has been hanging round my neck since before Astarte's birthday. It will be a very, very, very belated birthday gift. It's so late now it doesn't even qualify as a birthday present.

I've also come to appreciate the knowledge of more experienced vidders and to finally understand that there is such a thing as a vidding community, something I think I had serious doubts about until this last year.

So that's my vidding 2006 in a nutshell.

vidding, videos, 2006vidding, meme

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