I was nudged

Mar 14, 2008 13:49

by bunnythenavia because I've slacked off the past couple of weeks, from lj. I haven't really been slacking off though I've just not been around as much as I'd like because the vividcon Club Vivid vid making rush has begun. I've signed up for 2 vids again this year and like last year, I didn't get my ideas completely formed until about 3 weeks ago which gives me around ( Read more... )

vividcon, vidding, clubvivid, therealworld, gettinghitched

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Comments 21

giandujakiss March 14 2008, 14:00:13 UTC
Firstly I've got a Torchwood gen one

I ... did not know that was possible for Torchwood.


We booked a venue last week for our wedding reception and ordered the cake.

Go, you. But what flavor?


charmax March 14 2008, 14:03:55 UTC
It's bound to end up as big gay Jack in the end but at the moment I'm hoping to have them all.

As for the cake flavour, it's a traditional fruit cake.


prieel March 14 2008, 14:28:30 UTC
oh! i'm really looking forward to your LOM/A2A one! I absolutely adore your LOM vid!

and just remember to have fun while preparing for the wedding. It's supposed to be fun!


charmax March 14 2008, 14:35:33 UTC
oh! i'm really looking forward to your LOM/A2A one! I absolutely adore your LOM vid!

Thank you! *fingers-crossed* you enjoy this one. I shan't say too much about it yet though I don't want to jinx myself.

I think the wedding prep is fun it's just a shame my other half doesn't think so.


bradcpu March 14 2008, 14:58:20 UTC
I'm right there with you on the Club Vivid pressure. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

I guess you'll really be freaking out about wedding stuff by the time VVC gets here, eh? :)


charmax March 14 2008, 18:07:19 UTC
It's pressure but of the good kind. I'm sure it will be worth it in the end, for us both. YAY vids!

By August I don't think I'll be able to contain myself. So much excitement and a lot to look forward too.


bunnythenavia March 14 2008, 17:58:31 UTC
Ooo I can't wait to watch the vids you're working on, though I am not familiar with Ashes To Ashes, but it's got LoM as well, so it can't be bad!

The cake sounds pretty. Too bad Max doesn't share your enthusiasm. However, I bet she'll really appreciate your arrangements in the wedding itself :).

I should start going for walks too. Hmm...



charmax March 14 2008, 18:13:08 UTC
I'm at the optimistic phase with the vids before the "omg made of suck" doubts set in. As for Ashes to Ashes it's had a bit of a panning but I enjoy it.

The cake should be pretty and if the free sample is anything to go by it should taste pretty yummy too. Max had damn well better appreciate it or it'll be straight from the register office to the divorce courts.


(The comment has been removed)

charmax March 15 2008, 05:43:12 UTC
Thanks! I probably will submit them to yule ball.


charmax March 15 2008, 07:29:04 UTC
I just submitted 2 songs I hope you got them. :)


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