I was nudged

Mar 14, 2008 13:49

by bunnythenavia because I've slacked off the past couple of weeks, from lj. I haven't really been slacking off though I've just not been around as much as I'd like because the vividcon Club Vivid vid making rush has begun. I've signed up for 2 vids again this year and like last year, I didn't get my ideas completely formed until about 3 weeks ago which gives me around 3 1/2 weeks per vid to edit. And although I'm generally a quick vidder, relatively, I am still feeling the pressure. It's my own fault and I usually do work better whilst facing a deadline but anyway, yeah, *bites nails*. So, what am I doing vid wise? Firstly I've got a Torchwood gen one and then there's a Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes crossover. Both vids make me go yay! but the one song is so fast it's like I need to take speed or something to keep up. The deadline is May but of course they won't be published online until August.

Sweet Charity is starting up again very soon. I don't know if I'll have time to get involved this round but I'm pimping it anyway because it's a good thing and I think everyone of you should consider offering your services. Or at least make a bid.

What else am I doing? We booked a venue last week for our wedding reception and ordered the cake. (Flipping heck, wedding cakes are expensive!) We decided on a large round single tier, ivory ornate icing and ivory flowers on top with green foliage. All quite traditional. Really 8 months isn't so long away. You think "pfft it's so long I'll have plenty of time to arrange everything" but it's really flying by and for most things you have to book up well in advance. It's fun really looking at all the bridal magazines etc. The only thing that's holding me back is the finances. Heh Maxine really dislikes all that kind of preparation and I think she's just about ready to throttle me. :D

So when I'm not vidding or wedding arranging I'm walking around 4 miles a day to get in shape for the big day. Fun ay?

vividcon, vidding, clubvivid, therealworld, gettinghitched

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