Honesty is the most precious thing you can find for yourself, everywhere and anywhere.

Dec 26, 2004 21:07

Title: Paint it Black
Series: Petshop of Horrors
Wordcount: 469
Rating: PG.

Honesty is the most precious thing you can find for yourself, everywhere and anywhere.

Detective Leon Orcot is one of the most honest people you will ever meet He's a straight-forward guy, simplistic really. He likes porn and beer, and loves of his younger brother, no matter how weird Chris is. He's sincere about doing the best at his job, and genuinely wants to make the earth a better place. He lives in a world of black and white, where right is right, and wrong is just plain wrong.

Perhaps that's why Leon is so entranced by Count D. D, some would say, is a huge shade of gray, and Leon had thought so originally until he'd gotten to know him better. Count D isn't black or white, but some kind of vivid color that doesn't have a name.

If Leon were to paint a picture of D (though he wouldn't, he's not the poetic kind), he'd need brilliant yellows and soothing blues, and shocking reds, the colors of blood and anger and danger. Combined, those colors are as clear as a sickening brown mud, and that, too, is fitting.

Nothing D does is without meaning, but Leon never understands what the meaning is. Sometimes he feels like he should just get a warrant and arrest D, because he knows the man is involved in all kind of shady dealings, but he can't. He just can't imagine D in a cage - it would be like clipping the wings of the most beautiful songbird in D's shop, forcing it to never sing again.

Instead, he keeps a careful eye on him, making sure D's cautious enough, clever enough, to never get caught. If Leon is after him, D won't slip, because then their game would be over. D loves playing with him, dropping obscure clues and hinting at a strange world Leon can only glimpse out of the corner of his eye. D never lies, but he never is completely truthful. D has his own kind of honesty one which resonates strangely with Leon's simple code. No matter how much Leon gets irritated, he still respect D for playing by those unspoken, indecipherable rules.

Leon knows he will never catch D. He's happy about that, because when D smiles, that amused smile he offers to someone who he is genuinely fond of, Leon feels his heat beat quicker. He's not a queer, he's not in love, but life without D would be unbearable. For Leon, in his black and white world, the colors D brings are something he's become addicted to.

If Leon were to ever paint that portrait, unveiling everything he's learned about D, he would use vivid colors. Then he would cover the entire image in black paint, because there's some mysteries that are better left unsolved.

author: aishuu, rated: pg, pairing type: character study, source type: animanga, series: petshop of horrors

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