Title: Movement, Interpreted
Series: Juuni Kokki
Rating: G
Word Count: 221
Notes: Sorry I'm a little late --
Yuletide and recent disasters distracted me.
He figures this is why it matters that she smile.
Rakushun has seen Youko solemn and angry, has seen her in despair. He has seen her laughing, more than once, and titter -- a peculiar mannerism he has not expected to see in her. Enki, having observed this, raises his graceful eyebrows and tells Rakushun about women in Hourai, who give sweet delicacies to men (with little hope of a return in favour) and birth children from their bellies.
Surely, Rakushun thinks, they're not expected to smile with that hanging over every marriage? Aren't they in pain?
The stories shake him, a little. He remembers the visions Youko has shown him, but part of him still believes in gold-paved houses and windowframes set with precious stones. That there should be so much pain there-- he stops then, because he also remembers that Youko misses the land she gave up for Kei.
It is a relief when Youko smiles, even at his expense, because it means that there is happiness to be found without the giddy heights of delirious joy. That there is quiet contentment in a palace still filled with whispers. Youko has ceased to be anyone but herself. However false her smiles were in Hourai, he believes they are genuine here.
Honesty is the most precious thing you can find for yourself, everywhere and anywhere.