Title: Hotel 0
chaebolLength: (13/13)
Genre: mystery, horror, romance, slight humor
Summary: Jaejoong gets stranded on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere and he finds an active hotel. Strangely welcomed into this ominous place, Jaejoong meets Yunho, the host and learns about the tales of the room 0, the room that never was.
A/N: title based on a mini- drama starring Kanjani 8 & Arashi, "Hotel 0."
Warning(s): language, some explicit sexual content and gore
A/N#2: ch. 12 not crosspost!
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 |
Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Something Yunho hadn’t felt for a drastically long time. Almost, as if the emotion was now foreign to him because feeling his body twitch and shiver with the slightest thought had him shaking even more.
He could feel his body again. The touch, the scent, his vision- everything became clear.
And he was afraid.
Afraid the moment he closed his eyes, he would be stripped of his control once again and Junki would take over his body, his will- his life.
It wasn’t long before Yunho realize the small golden opportunity of control he had left was much longer than he expected and the voice in his head wasn’t there anymore. The voice that would always taunt and comment on everything he did and now-
It was gone.
Opening his eyes, Yunho found himself on Jaejoong’s bed, naked, his hands and feet tied down onto the bed post. His mouth taped and with a blanket covering his lower half.
“Oh, so you’re finally awake now Yunnie bear? ‘Bout time.” Recognizing the voice immediately, Yunho notice it belonged to jaejoong, however that wasn’t the only thing recognizable.
Jaejoong spoke with two voices, one undoubtedly his own and another he knew all too well.
It belonged to Junki.
“Mhuummuuuhh!” Yunho squirmed through the duck tape and Jaejoong laughed. “Oh Yunnie Yunnie, you silly little boy. Didn’t we spend the last fifteen years together in this wretched hotel?” He flicked Yunho on the forehead, grabbing a knife from the bed stand. “Or have someone forgotten because he never got his body to himself?”
Yunho shook his head. He didn’t forget what he did as a child and killed his once loving father with his own hands- and by help from a certain someone, of course.
Swiftly, Jaejoong- or Junki sat on Yunho, straddling himself in a comfortable position so he could see the other’s face just beneath him.
“Anyway, this body feels so much clean and very easy to move in, unlike your growing body.” He licked the knife.
Despite it all, ever since Junki took over Yunho’s body since youth, the pretty man has been losing control due to the young boy’s growing body, leaving him no choice but to find another. It didn’t help that he had to take over a man he had a taken a very much liking to.
“Now Yunnie, I just need you to hold still while I carve your eyes out.” Junki chuckled, watching Yunho’s eyes grow wider in surprise and tried to shake his way loose from the restraints. His whimpers muffled and Junki only laughed louder.
“What? Should I let you go?” Lowering his voice, “Never. You’re going to pay for your father’s mistake” he leaned forward, breathing onto Yunho’s cheek, “and you’re going to learn just how it feels like to have someone you love betray you.”
Junki skimmed the knife over Yunho’s skin, carefully on the safe side and right near the sharp edges.
A soft cut on the surface of Yunho’s arm and enough to scrap off a few skin cells.
Positioning the knife to the sharp edge.
A light pressure and blood began to seep out.
A little angled slice towards the skin and it sank.
A muffled scream erupted from Yunho and he tried to force himself to scream out the pain, however to no avail, the tape stayed intact as his arm bleed- red onto the white bed sheets. Tears soon dropping from his eyes as he received another hit on his shoulder and watch the pretty man lodge the knife even deeper, leading him to a few more muffled screams.
- - >
Jaejoong laughed. However, it wasn’t his laugh but someone else’s. He could hear himself talking, moving on his own and watch himself above Yunho in a blur and then- blood.
His hand was covered in blood.
Not his own but Yunho’s. A knife in his hand as he repetitively jabbed it into the other’s skin and he watch Yunho wriggle in pain.
Stop!, he yelled in his mind but his lips didn’t budge. Please stop! Stop hurting him! Sto-
Oh Jaejoongie, you should know I won’t. The same unrecognizable voice- Junki, Jaejoog learned, greeted him and he flinched. Why? Why are you doing this, Junki? Why do you have to do this?
Why? Junki asked out loud, for revenge. He finished and Jaejoong grew silent before he asked hesitantly. I-is there any way to stop your revenge and let Yunho go?
Pausing, Junki thought about it for awhile. Has he become important to you, Jaejoonige?
Mentally, Jaejoong said yes, realizing he couldn’t gesture a reply without control over his body.
Then my answer is ‘no’ Jaejoongie.
Jaejoong felt his heart drop.
- - >
Taking his time, Junki basked himself in Yunho’s silent screams of pain and watch the other man struggle in his own demise as time ticked away with every drop of blood going down the drain. He raised his knife again, this time aiming for the chest instead and he wouldn’t mind missing the heart, but it would be a plus if his aim was accurate. After all, what fun would revenge be if he didn’t have a little fun with the slow torture?
“Time for the good part, dear Yunnie bear.” His hand dropping with full force towards Yunho’s barely breathing state until something- or rather, someone intervened with his aim and stabbed him in the wrist, dropping his knife in the process. It missed Yunho unconscious body and landed on the floor next to the bed, right next to Miyoung’s little shoes.
It was right then, Junki realize Miyoung was standing there and that junsu- Tedsu he would call it, standing at the doorway.
He didn’t even know they had entered but they were definitely there for a purpose.
A purpose to stop him.
Screaming, Junki notice a pair of scissors had seeped through Jaejoong’s wrist and blood began to pour everywhere.
“Fuck!” Junki cursed with Jaejoong’s lips as the pain burned everywhere, contacting every nerve in the body of an outside attack. It didn’t help much when he found his daughter staring at him from afar and judging him with her large eyes.
“Appa, let’s go home.” Miyoung plead, hoping her father would listen to her after so many years. “There’s no reason to be here anymore.” She said, waiting for her father to answer her.
“What are you talking about, Miyoungie?” Junki smirked, his lips twitching from the edge. “I still haven’t gotten my revenge nor have I even avenged you yet- and you’re telling me to go home?” He pulled the scissors out from his wounded wrist, wincing at the passing amount of pain, “We don’t have a home anymore, Miyoungie!” He threw the scissors with his other hand at Junsu, who in turn caught it with ease, charging forth and pushing Jaejoong’s body onto the floor.
“Umf!” Junki cried, feeling the knife beneath him and quickly grasped onto it, hoping to lay a blow on Junsu.
Idly, Junsu blocked it with the scissors and knocked the knife out of Junki’s hand. The knife slide across the room and before Junki could throw some physical punches- Junsu had tangled his hand into his hanging wired threads around his arm.
“Fuck you!” Junki shouted and struggled for an escape.
Junsu sighed, looking at Miyoung before gesturing. “Do you want to do it?” Slowly, Miyoung nodded and walked to her father, bringing out a key.
“W-what are you doing?” Junki questioned with wide eyes, however he should know all too well why the two would bring that key.
“You hid it pretty well down there in the basement.” Junsu said, “Though, I’d have to thank Yunho for giving me the opportunity to sneak in because he’s been growing stronger everyday and you haven’t even notice when he takes control anymore.” He scoffed, watching Junki’s eyes run into a panic.
Junsu smirk, “The things we leave behind are the things that make us go forward. A never ending cycle. Wasn’t that the slogan for Hotel 0?” He mused, keeping an eye as Miyoung pleaded with her eyes once again to convince her father.
“Please Appa.”
Agape, Junki watched his daughter walk closer with the very key he gave her in tow. “Appa, let’s go together.”
“No… “ Junki finally responded. “No no no no no no NO! Stop! No- “
Miyoung put the key onto Jaejoong’s body and watch her father’s spirit detach itself quickly. The splitting screams echoed around the room, the flash of blinding light circled around Jaejoong’s body and soon later became limp. The body lifeless on the floor as Miyoung took the key off and held it tightly against her chest.
“Sorry, Jaejoong oppa”
- - >
“You’re ticket please sir.” An old man asked, checking the tickets whenever they came down the aisle.
“Here you go and one child.” Junsu said, climbing into the trolley with Miyoung following behind. She held the key up high and told the old man. “And one more adult, please!” The old man nodded and she hopped on aboard, finding a seat next to Junsu.
“Thank you, Tedsu for helping me bring Appa home.” She gave him a cute bow and added another poke-a- dot bandage around his newly covered cotton arm.
Junsu gave her a hug. “It’s ok, Miyoung. Thanks for being my friend when I couldn’t find any around here.” She giggled and turned around. Noticing the other couple- the scared man and his boyfriend both huddled against each other at another cargo in the back.
“Ok, that’s all, folks! All aboard and ready to set off. Next stop, the next world.” The old man spoke on the speaker and everyone braced themselves for their new journey to the other side.
They were finally going home.
“Bye bye, Jaejoong oppa. Yunho oppa.” Miyoung waved out the window, watching as the hotel grew smaller and smaller until the trolley flew out of sight.
Goodbye, Hotel 0.
A/N: Please don’t kill me. Kinda short. I think this is the weirdest ending ever with hardly any yunjae and which is why there will be an epilogue. 8’DD Also, if no one notice who are the last two people in the end inside the trolley, it’s Yoochun and Changmin. :’( yes they are gone /is shot/ but they will get a side story so be happy about that! :’D
Question, comments and criticism are welcome! \o/