Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Comments 8707

Naoto Kozuki/Kaname Ohgi(and maybe other future BK's) anonymous February 3 2011, 14:26:48 UTC
The redhead convinces his pacifist friend, who still works as a teacher,
through every means possible to start a resistance cell.

kinks: blatant seduction, maybe some alcohol, mind games, big promises and ambitions(and inevitable wangst...)

Note: parallels to LuluSuza are obvious, but do mind the differences in their personalities - please don't just write LuluSuza and change names!
Since not much is known about Naoto, invent him - but, IMHO, he wouldn't be as prince-isn and arrogant(and hysterical)


Re: Naoto Kozuki/Kaname Ohgi(and maybe other future BK's) anonymous March 5 2011, 00:51:18 UTC
seconded! If no one picks this up, this Anon might give it a go.


OP anonymous March 5 2011, 00:55:24 UTC
Wow, I didn't expect anyone else to join in;)
I'll be waiting and sending you the right vibes via the cyberspace:D


Naoto is a plotbunny anonymous March 5 2011, 02:00:08 UTC
Ha ha, this writer!Anon has a habit of liking characters with not much existence in actual fandom. =P Must gather information on Naoto first, but will certainly try.

Writer!Anon envisions their relationship to be like:


"Hey, Kana-me."

Ohgi looked up from his papers and into the silhouette of his friend. He squinted, frowning, and then sighed. He would have to get to this later. Placing the paperwork down, he removed his glasses and pressed his fingers to his temple.

Naoto looked at him once and shut the blinds. Ohgi wished he could say it was because the other male was hitting on him, but the truth was that his friend was very considerate.

Or so he thought until Naoto slid into his lap.

"Hey," the other male said, pressing his nose into Ohgi's neck, "you're using the soap I gave you."

"Yes," Ohgi said, leaning away a little bit. "You're heavy."

"With purpose," Naoto said.

"What?" Ohgi asked.

"I want you," Naoto said, leaning into Ohgi's chest.

Thump, thump, went Ohgi's heart ( ... )


Multiple Characters, BDSM anonymous February 3 2011, 18:26:07 UTC
Slave AU, where Japan won originally and all of the royals were made slaves so they wouldn't be killed.

Suzaku/Euphemia, Guilford/Cornelia, Gino/Lelouch, Schneizel/Nina, Rivalz/Nunally, Clovis/Milly

or whatever pairing hits Anon's fancy. What Anon wants is that the royals aren't quite used to their new statuses and fight against sex, only to find that it's really arousing not to have any power.

Kinks would be bondage, collars, biting, use of whips, or public sex (so that everyone knows who the royals belong to, hm).

Hope this tickles Anon's fancy.

This prompt reposted by the responding anon.


Slave AU Part one: Prologue anonymous February 3 2011, 18:40:31 UTC
1991 atb ( ... )


Re: Slave AU Part Two: Place de la Révolution anonymous February 3 2011, 19:02:37 UTC
February 2019 atb ( ... )


Re: Slave AU Part Three: Place de la Révolution II anonymous February 3 2011, 19:50:42 UTC
Suzaku Kururugi sat in the place of honour at the centre of the amphitheatre, feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute. His father the Prime-Minister sat next to him with his arms folded and an unreadable expression on his face; Suzaku wondered for a moment if his dad was trying to not to show how horny he was as hard as he was. Around them the assembled foreign dignitaries were watching the auction with looks of poorly hidden lust and cruel triumph. He knew he should be proud of his father’s achievement and his country’s, but was the samurai legacy he had been raised to believe in really honoured by all this ( ... )


KoR/Suzaku initiation request anonymous February 3 2011, 19:17:16 UTC
because that everyone/Suzaku thread in the other meme was hilarious Suzaku is given a 'welcome party' by the KoR sans Bismarck the night before his knighting ceremony. 'Welcome party' means that game where he gets blindfolded, maybe (optional) tied to a bedpost, and the other KoR take turns going down on him and every time he climaxes, he has to shout out a name / guess who it is. Every time he gets it wrong, the game begins again.

Suzaku and his stamina canz, but note that he has a public appearance at 8 in the morning. XDDD

Kinks: blindfold, possible bondage
Bonus points iffff: Suzaku stops caring a dozen rounds in and starts shouting random things like "Lelouch." Or if he starts getting it wrong on purpose. Or if he gets it right, but the knights lie to keep the fun going.


Re: KoR/Suzaku initiation request anonymous February 3 2011, 19:31:37 UTC
What everyone/Suzaku thread? Do link. <3

And that sounds hilarious. Definitely seconded! XD


Re: KoR/Suzaku initiation request anonymous February 3 2011, 19:50:51 UTC
OP: I'm 95% sure I was thinking of this:

- although there might have been others. That was crazy!epic thread, and I especially LOL-ed at [Suzaku, I don't think there's a single character in the show we haven't seen you fuck yet. Except possibly Mao. Love, Meme. P.S.: We love the stamina] XDDD


Re: KoR/Suzaku initiation request anonymous February 3 2011, 20:02:31 UTC
OMG, I remember that thread now. Yes, it was definitely hilarious. Genbu wanting to whore his son is pretty much a running gag between anon and anon's friends now. XDDD

It's true, though. Suzaku's poor abused penis.

Lelouch should invest in a chastity belt


Fandom/Suzaku anonymous February 3 2011, 19:28:39 UTC
Because if countries can be anthromorphic, why can't a fandom?

Geass Fandom/Suzaku, with Fandom generally being a huge tsundere toward Suzaku. Along the lines of:

Fandom: I hate you. I really really do. You're stupid. And always in Lelouch's way. And you have stupid hair. And -- Suzaku are you taking off your clothes?!

Suzaku: Bwuh?

Fandom: Nothing. Keep going.

Basically, I really hate but I kind of want to sex with you, because I'm convinced that this is the fandom's attitude toward him at large.


Re: Fandom/Suzaku anonymous February 3 2011, 21:16:37 UTC
seconded like my life depends on it!!!Go,go,go!

reCaptcha said: grstr carefully


microfill - The Code Geass Fandom is Tsuntsuntsundere for Smexzaku! anonymous February 4 2011, 02:12:50 UTC
Suzaku Kururugi had been minding his own business when the Code Geass fandom walked in wearing a srs bsns face. Now, the Code Geass fandom was neither the largest nor the most vocal fandom, but if there was thing they had, it was passion. In other words, Suzaku was in for it.

“Um,” Suzaku said, “do I know you guys?”

One fan separated from the mob mass, looked Suzaku up and down, gave a nod, and then said, “Your hair looks like pubes.”

Suzaku blinked. “Umwhat,” he said.

Another fan managed to claw their way through the mob mass, their face contorted into a horrible scowl. When they reached Suzaku, they turned their capslock on and shouted, “YOU ARE A FUCKTARDED HYPOCRITE, AND I WISH LELOUCH HAS GEASSED YOU TO RAPE YOURSELF ( ... )


OP WILL HAPPILY BEAR YOUR CHILDREN anonymous February 4 2011, 02:28:36 UTC

Okay, this meme can end now. Nothing could possibly top THIS. This -- I lol'd so hard, I can't tell you. Fantastic fill. I'm -- I just want to post this mini-fill all over the internet because it speaks the truth, oh lol.



anonymous February 3 2011, 20:22:34 UTC
So, uh. I usually see Femlouch pretend to be a boy in an all-boys school.

Let's be creative, shall we?

Malelouch is forced to pretend to be a girl, whether by a bet, a special course, all-girls school, for Nunnally, whatever, take your pick.

This anon is partial to Suza/Lulu or Gino/Lulu, but even het is welcome.

Do have fun, anon. And remember that he flails beautifully when out of his knowledge.


anonymous February 3 2011, 20:28:17 UTC
I've played with this idea before, in my head mostly.

I keep thinking of how Malelouch pretending to be a girl at a dance school (complete with tutu and being the most stamina-challenged ballerina ever) would be awesome and hilarious.

So, definiely seconded. Even if it's not tutu!Lelouch. XD


Smile For The Show [1/?] anonymous February 3 2011, 23:13:16 UTC
Anon has no idea what she is doing here or why she is filling this, considering that she, technically has an exam tomorrow and technically should be studying, but the idea is awesome and she just wants to try her hand at it. If it er, is very bad, feel free to throw rotten tomatoes at her. And zombies. She hates those.

It was Malelouch's first day at school and her heart, contrary to popular beliefs that are shamelessly exploited by novels about school girls, her heart didn't flutter with excitement. Nor did she look forward to what was going to be four years spent in a -

She looked up at the building in front of her. It was grand, a large mansion spreading over a large area with its own park, tennis court, swimming pool and other facilities that encouraged the healthy development of young ladies and gentlemen. Yes, this was Ashford Academy, a school that prided itself upon its brilliance and uniqueness, but was, in fact, just like any other private academy out there.

Full of stuck-up brats and stupid girls who think they rule ( ... )


Re: Smile For The Show [1/?] anonymous February 3 2011, 23:24:45 UTC
Dear Professor:



j/k, that was very amusing. Lol, Malelouch Lamperouge. XD

reCaptcha says: Germgard raissie.

Uh. Very French there, meme.


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