Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Re: Slave AU Part Two: Place de la Révolution anonymous February 3 2011, 19:02:37 UTC
February 2019 atb

Euphemia’s eyes stung with sweat and her wrists chaffed under steel cuffs. The harsh spotlights which illuminated the auction stage dazzled her and the constant flicker of camera flashbulbs made it impossible to focus on the crowd even if she had wanted to. She blinked back the tears, determined to stay strong, and fixed her gaze forward. The scene at the front of the stage was the most shameful and horrible thing that she had ever had to look at, but she knew that she would feel like a traitor if she didn’t.

At the front of the stage stood her sister Guinevere, stark naked and being forced to slowly turn on the spot, displaying herself to the noisy crowd. A young Chinese officer stood by holding a cane, which she snapped across the first princess’s back whenever her forced smile faltered. The crowed roared its approval as a second soldier declared the bidding closed; Guinevere su Britannia, sold to an anonymous bidder for a round thirty million dollars, all proceeds to the victims of Britannian imperialism.

Odysseus was next, followed by Schneizel. The first prince tried manfully to remain his composure, but Euphemia could still make out how he trembled with nerves and how he winced as they whipped him. Schneizel did better as he always did; Euphemia almost laughed at how her brother nonchalantly stripped out of his uniform, gave the Chinese woman a knowing smirk and flexed his way through a clearly rehearsed routine. He would have a plan, she knew it. Their father would have a plan. Someone would have a plan.

Schneizel’s auction lasted less than twenty seconds; fifty million in the name of an anonymous Chinese officer (more likely, his government) brought a quick end to any competition. They strung a red leash around his neck and marched him off the stage, still smiling impassively.

Cornelia went next, shaking with barely repressed anger. The guard had to tear her uniform away and was clearly delighted at the chance to put the cane to good use. Cornelia didn’t show a moment of weakness as the cane bit her; again Euphemia felt a flicker of hope. Twenty Five million from a Britannia officer who preferred to remain nameless.

Clovis shuddered with humiliation as he took of his uniform to reveal a proud, red tipped erection. He turned and posed limply, maybe preferring to be beaten than having to fain enjoyment or perhaps just too afraid. By the time they dragged him off to the sound of fourteen million his back was crisscrossed with red welts.

Now it was Euphemia’s turn. Just walking from where she stood at the back of the stage seemed to take hours, the spotlights beating on her more and more fiercely with each step she took. Time slowed even further as she reached the edge; she felt her face flushing scarlet with shame and heard the blood pounding in her ears. Her hands trembled so hard that she couldn’t unbutton her blouse. The young soldier watched her fumble at her collar with dull disdain for a moment then reached out and ripped the garment away with one quick movement. Euphemia gasped in surprise and clamped her hands across her breasts; the crowd jeered with annoyance. The pain of the stick across her back was worse than she had imagined, only childhood memories of being burned came close. She dropped her hands at once and struggled to pull her pants off, chocking back a long sob as she did.


Re: Slave AU Part Three: Place de la Révolution II anonymous February 3 2011, 19:50:42 UTC
Suzaku Kururugi sat in the place of honour at the centre of the amphitheatre, feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute. His father the Prime-Minister sat next to him with his arms folded and an unreadable expression on his face; Suzaku wondered for a moment if his dad was trying to not to show how horny he was as hard as he was. Around them the assembled foreign dignitaries were watching the auction with looks of poorly hidden lust and cruel triumph. He knew he should be proud of his father’s achievement and his country’s, but was the samurai legacy he had been raised to believe in really honoured by all this?

The Britannian nobles in the hall were worse though, practically howling in joy like animals. He guessed that they were what the imperial family had made them, that this was what the emperor had sown with his speeches and his wars and which his children now had to reap. But still it disgusted him.

Suzaku fidgeted with the voting controller he had been given at the door. His father had wanted to arrive late, buy out Lelouch and Nunnally and then leave, but his advisors had insisted that the man who saved the republic must see and be seen and show solidarity with Japan’s allies. When they arrived father and son were surrounded at once by smiling dignitaries, still full of sycophantic praise. A Eunuch had clapped Suzaku on the back and pushed a promissory note for fifty million dollars of the Chinese government’s money into his hand, saying that the son of the conquering hero should buy himself something nice and leering horribly.

He knew that this wasn’t right, that it was a parody of justice and about as good a guarantee of safety as tying up the entire family and dropping them into the Sea of Japan, but he couldn’t deny that the sight of the former princesses parading naked in front of everyone excited him, the princes as well for that matter. Suzaku wondered how he’d feel if it were him up on the stage, whether he’d be angry or just terrified. The girl up there now looked like she was about to break down completely; her face was wet with tears and plastered with strands of pink hair as she turned on the spot and cringed away from the attendant with the stick.

She was also the most beautiful woman that Suzaku had ever seen. Even with her nose red and dripping, even hunched up in pain she looked more like a figure in a painting than someone who could possibly be real. Without taking a moment to think, he pressed the button marked ‘maximum bid’ and watched the price board jump from ten million to fifty. The crowd around him murmured in surprise, wondering if one of the four governments was throwing its weight around again.

‘Sold to young master Kururugi!’ an attendant with a microphone cheered. Suzaku groaned and buried his head in his hands as the assembled cameras turned to him. A hand reached across from the chairs behind him and shook his shoulder; he looked up to see the Eunuch from earlier leaning over to give him a thumbs-up and a blissfully innocent smile. He pulled away and glanced at his father. Genbu Kururugi looked at his son grimly, then gave a stiff nod of acknowledgement and turned his attention back to the stage. Euphemia was casting around in a daze, trying to spot her new ‘custodian’ even as they collared her and marched her away. For a moment, Suzaku thought that he’d caught her gaze, felt the tugging, dazing force of her worried, lost expression before she was hustled out of sight.


Re: Slave AU Part Three: Place de la Révolution II anonymous February 3 2011, 20:05:03 UTC

And <333 at how much thought you put into this, anon.


Re: Slave AU Part Four: Place de la Révolution III anonymous February 3 2011, 21:05:47 UTC
‘Custodial lot number twenty three, former eleventh prince Lelouch vi Britannia and former eleventh princess Nunnally vi Britannia. Since Miss vi Britannia is under age, whoever takes custody of her elder brother will also be required to take custody of her.’ An image of Nunnally appeared on the overhead screens as the announcement was read out - the younger siblings had been mercifully allowed to remain backstage.

Suzaku tried not to show how shocked he was as his friend walked stiffly forward and mechanically shed his clothes. He had seen Lelouch angry before now and knew the passion he could show when drink loosened his tongue and made him muse about revenge on his father. But the expression he wore now was beyond anything Suzaku would have believed his friend capable of. Cornelia had been angry, but Lelouch was livid with rage. He stood almost frozen, not caring or maybe not realising that he was naked. His left eye twitched furiously and Suzaku almost believed that he could make out a string of spittle leaking from the corner of his mouth.

The attendant raised her cane to strike him and his head snapped around to face her. Suzaku couldn’t see his face clearly now, but the woman’s reaction said everything. She flinched visibly and lowered the cane, recovered herself and struck him half-heartedly across the backside. Lelouch grunted in pain, his hands clasping and unclasping furiously, clearly wishing to grab the soldier’s neck. The crowd laughed at this, seeing only a skinny, feminine teenager who couldn’t crush a paper cup. Lelouch’s shoulders sloped as he turned, his gaze dropped, Suzaku realised just how powerless and afraid his friend must feel. Still, for a moment he had seen a glimpse of a depth of will which he would never have believed the other man could possess.

The bidding began. One million from Prime-Minister Kururugi. Two from an anonymous Chinese citizen. Three from the minister. Four. Five. Six. Seventeen million from Kururugi-Sama, as much as the minister could possibly afford, his government having refused to foot the bill for his sentiment. Suzaku could see beads of sweat trickling down his father’s forehead as he willed whoever was defying him to back down.

Five Hundred Million dollars from the anonymous bidder.

The chamber erupted with noise. Lelouch’s face twisted from a look of cautious relief to one of dazed horror. Genbu rose, touched his son gently on the shoulder and strode from the room. Suzaku followed him, the final bid ringing in his ears.

They drove home in utter silence. When they arrived at the Kururugi compound, the man who slew the beast bid his son goodnight, retired to his bedroom, and swore.

Author's note: There will be porn. Some of it will fill the complete spirit of the original prompt, some of it won't. This may take a while, it feels like I've got a leather clad novel whipping my brain, demaning to be let out.


Re: Slave AU Part Five: Master and Slave anonymous February 3 2011, 21:20:05 UTC
Euphemia was marched out of the auditorium, given a pink bathrobe and slippers and then bundled into the back of a car with blacked out windows. Two hours after she was sold, she found herself standing outside her new owner’s bedroom.

The Kururugi manor was deathly silent and very dark. The room in front of her was the only one she had seen lit in the entire house. She realised that she must be silhouetted through the thin paper door, that he would have seen her, that there was no way to leave without being spotted. She hesitated for a moment then knocked gently on the frame around the paper door.

‘Come in’ came the reply. She slid the door open and nervously entered the room. Suzaku sat slumped in a wicker chair, staring at the ground with his chin on his hands. He was stripped to the waist and the first thing that Euphemia noticed was how impressively toned he was. It seemed a strange thing to notice after all she’d been through, but there it was (or was that there he was?).

She stood and watched him for a moment, acutely aware of how quiet the room was, then decided he wasn’t going to speak.

‘Do you know what happened to Lelouch and Nunnally?’ she asked, trying to keep her voice level and not to show just how frightened she still was.

‘They were bought by someone, I don’t know who. We tried to help them, we failed.’ He didn’t look at her as he spoke, just kept staring at the floor. Euphemia’s heart missed a beat as she imagined what Nunnally and Lelouch might be going through, but she felt slightly less scared for herself. She waited for her captor to speak again; decided that he wasn’t going to.

‘Why did you buy me?’

‘Because I wanted to help you. Because you’re so beautiful. Because I wanted you.’ He spoke matter-of-factly; she could tell that he was too tired or shocked to be coy.

‘What are you going to do to me?’

‘I really don’t know.’

‘You have to look after me and let everyone know that I’m here and that I’m your slave, don’t you.’

‘I know.’

‘Are we going to have sex?’

Suzaku looked up in surprise, seeing her properly for the first time since she had entered the room. God she was beautiful. Someone had thought to brush her hair before she was brought here. She was looking at him with a fixed expression, as brave as she could be.

‘What do you mean?’ was all he could say, shaking his head slightly.

‘If you want to, I don’t have a choice, do I?’

‘I won’t rape you Euphemia.’ His mouth was dry as he spoke and he felt his breathing grow heavy. It struck him that this was the first time he had used her name.

Euphemia gazed at him, taking in his fine features, those beautiful eyes. She wondered if being his slave might not be so terrible after all, mentally checked herself for the thought and…no. Why not give in to impulse? It couldn’t make the day any worse, could it? It wasn’t as if she had to be a perfect innocent princess anymore.

‘You won’t have to’, she said, slipping out of the gown in the most elegant movement she could manage. Suzaku’s eyes widened as the garment hit the floor. This close, without the pain and the sweat and the tears…

Suddenly he bit back a giggle. Euphemia frowned slightly, then realised that he was looking at her feet; her feet which were still clad in quite fluffy pink slippers. She laughed as well and the tension between them was broken. Suzaku stood up, stepped over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She embraced him back, felt his erection press against her through his pants and his hand caress her bottom. She slipped her hand down and returned the favour, he grinned, she smiled back, he leant forward and she kissed him.


Re: Slave AU Part Five: Master and Slave II anonymous February 3 2011, 22:17:35 UTC
They collapsed onto his futon, hands grasping, tongues duelling. Euphemia was struck by his strength - she could feel the power behind every little movement, feel the tight cords of muscle under his skin. She realised that she couldn’t stop him if she wanted too, and that he would if she did.

The thought bubbled through her mind just as a shiver of pleasure ran through her body.

Somehow he had lost his pants, his cock rubbing against her thigh. His hand stroked her cunt and made her gasp and wriggle beautifully. He whispered to her hoarsely, asking if she was ready and if this was her first time. She nodded, her eyes half lidded, she was and it was. Then he was inside her. She new that they weren’t protected and didn’t care, she felt a moment of pain and didn’t care. She revelled in the weight of him, the heat of him, the smell of him.

He shuddered and gasped as he came, ejaculating across her belly. They lay side by side panting for a moment before he fished a tissue from his discarded clothes and cleaned her.

‘You didn’t finish.’ It wasn’t a question, just a statement. Euphemia nodded and Suzaku got to his knees, reaching out to gently stroke her pubic hair before…

‘Wait’ she whispered. Suzaku looked up to see her smiling, shy yet mischievous.

‘Aren’t you going to tie me up…Master?’

Suzaku grinned back, and then stooped to rummage across the floor. He stood up holding two belts, one of fine brown leather and one of pink towelling. Euphemia stretched her arms to the edges of the futon and he bound her to its legs, as tightly as the belts would allow.

Then he put his mouth to her cunt, and Euphemia was in ecstasy. She felt the leather belt dig where she had been shackled and didn’t care. She realised that she had never called the man pleasuring her by name and didn’t care. The only thing she cared about as her mind melted was him, him and her, about being his lover his slave about being with him his wife being…

They woke very late the next day. They showered together and he gave her some of his clothes to wear.

When he showed her into the kitchen, they found it deserted. A note lay on the tabletop beside an opened envelope. It said simply - ‘Suzaku, Read!’

He scanned the letter as she made two cups of coffee. To the right honourable Kururugi-Sama…Our common interest…your Prince and Princess are safe and in the hands of people who care about them. Please do not concern yourself…Please ensure that your son is aware of this message. I stake the honour and truth of the Britannian royal line on this. The letter was signed with a symbol, something like a bird. Bellow these lines was another sentence in a different hand: This letter is truthful, Nunnally and I are in friendly hands - Lelouch vi Britannia/Lamprouge 1-1 = ?
Suzaku looked at the letter, very hard and for a long time. Euphemia asked and he showed it to her, telling her that only the real Lelouch would sign like that, that he had once drunkenly declared that if ever he needed to prove a message that was how he would do it.

She looked at him and saw that he was still afraid. Then she sat down on his knee and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then she held up what she was holding - a thin wooden spatula. Suzaku looked at it without comprehending for a moment, then grinned. She grinned back.


Re: Slave AU Part Five: Master and Slave II anonymous February 3 2011, 22:22:45 UTC

Suzaku/Euphemia yes.

Also, total love for Suzaku going, "I'm not going to rape you." Very IC moment there. Also IC for Euphy to be immediately attracted to him, for that matter.

Seems like they found a good match. XD


Re: Slave AU Part Six: Cocktails. BELATED WARNING anonymous February 10 2011, 23:14:44 UTC
Note: This section of the story features non-con, dub-con, sex under the influence of alcohol and graphic minor characters.

The crackling of an enormous log fire underlay the babble of conversation in the richly decorated main hall of the Ernst mansion. Milly Ashford leaned against the fireplace, half listening to some young lord or other wax lyrical about how beautiful she was and what a glorious future she had under the new regime. She smiled and nodded at intervals, paying more attention to the fact that her glass was empty than to what he had to say. Deciding that she had had enough of him she went in search of more wine, brushing past the boy and leaving him in disappointed silence.

The conversation died away just as she was finishing her third glass. All eyes turned to the grand staircase in the centre of the room. The crowd held its breath in anticipation, anticipation with a heavy undertone of lust.

The door at the head of the staircase opened to reveal three people standing side by side. A woman with rich purple hair and perfectly matching eyes, a blond man with a dazed smile and a second woman with a pattern of flowers tattooed across her belly and thigh. All three of them where naked, collared and leashed in yellow, purple and red.

They started down the staircase, slowly and carefully, keeping rank. As they did a sound-system in the corner of the room came to life, drums and guitars playing a jaunty tune. A ripple of laughter ran through the room and someone started singing; soon the whole audience joined in.

Truth and hope…and death to every foe…our emperor astride … ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!

The rest was lost amid gales of giggling. Milly found that she was leaning on somebody’s arm and couldn’t quite remember how she had gotten there. Her eyes wandered from the three slaves to their three honoured masters, now surrounded by partygoers offering congratulations as the victims were pinched, prodded and grouped by the crowd. She recognised their host, Dorothea, wearing a dazzling green dress and holding Guinevere’s leash. Clovis was being proudly displayed by an older man with red sideburns and an arrogant look. She hadn’t caught his full name, Calares Somethingorother.
The other man…no shirt, a finely sculpted body and a stern, handsome face framed by elegant half-moon glasses. As she watched, he angrily snapped at a man who had gotten too enthusiastic with Cornelia. The crowd pulled back a little as Calares spoke to the man, something about loyalty and convictions. The man composed himself and answered curtly; that he was as loyal as anyone and had come here to prove it.

He walked Cornelia to the centre of the chamber, the crowed parting to given them space. He ordered the captive to her knees and accepted a cruel looking whip from Dorothea. The crowed moved in as close as they dared. Milly managed to get to the front of group and found herself right next to Clovis, who sat on the floor at his master’s feet. She gave him a hazy smile and received a pained grin in return.

Cornelia’s master raised the whip and waited…waited…waited…

author's note: I can't actually mentalise a 70's porn music version of All Hail Britannia, nor describe it without giving the game away. I hope that section was clear enough.

Captcha: Parnasso yetacto, sounds like something this characters might be drinking.


Slave AU Part Seven: And guardian angels sang anonymous February 12 2011, 02:07:57 UTC

Cornelia stared at her knight in mixed surprise and relief. She had dared to hope that some of her former followers might be loyal enough to try and rescue her, but this was completely unexpected.

‘I thought you were dead, that all my knights were. How did you survive?’

‘Five of us managed to escape. We were cut off from you in the confusion and our communications blocked. I wanted to try and fight through to you, but Lady Dorothea ordered the retreat.’ A shadow of annoyance crossed his face as he spoke; clearly he hadn’t agreed with the order. ‘We surrendered to the Chinese forces and Lady Dorothea managed to convince them that we were turncoats and protected by the amnesty. We made out way back to Britannia and managed to scrape together enough money to help you and Princess Guinevere.’

‘Where is Guinevere?’

‘Lady Dorothea is picking her up at a different hotel. We didn’t want to look like we we’re working together too closely.’

‘I see. And what happened to Euphemia and my younger sisters?’ she spoke calmly, but with a brittle edge to her voice.

‘Euphemia was bought by the Japanese prime-minister’s son. All the rest were bought anonymously or by people I didn’t recognise.’

‘And why did you save me and Guinevere over Euphemia, over any of them?’

‘Because…because we agreed that the two of you were more important to the resistance. And because I swore to protect you.’

She slapped him, quite hard across the face.

‘And you really thought that this is what I’d want did you? That this is what I’d have ordered you to do if I could? You know me better than that Guilford.’

‘Your highness I…’

‘What do you plan to do now? How are you going to live up to your side of this slavery bargain? Did you put any thought into it?’

‘Lady Dorothea has made plans your highness. She can explain them better than I can.’

At that precise moment there was a nock at the door. Guilford opened it and in came Dorothea and Guinevere, shivering in a grey bathrobe.

‘Are you alright, Cornelia?’

‘As alright as I can be. Guilford was just telling me that Dorothea would explain what they plan to do with us.’

Dorothea turned, opened the door and glanced outside. Satisfied that no one was listening in she sat down and began to speak.

‘We have to be seen in public with what they’re calling an ostentatious display of control at least once per month. There aren’t any firm guidelines on what that means exactly. Guilford and I are both under suspicion from the traitors in Pendragon, so it will have to be something pretty spectacular.’ She paused and took a deep breath. ‘I’ve announced a gala to be held at my estate and invited the man who has prince Clovis. I thought we might be able to stop their suspicion and ensure that we don’t have to do anything drastic again.’

The two princesses glared at Dorothea in icy silence.

‘Well, isn’t that a clever plan, hmmm? I suppose you’ve already planned exactly what you’re going to do to us at this party of yours? Have you already ordered ten gallons of whipped cream and a lot of rubber? You’re a genius lady knight!’ Guinevere threw herself backwards onto the bed and covered her face with her arm.

Cornelia sat down beside her sister and took her hand gently. She wasn’t surprised to find that Guinevere was sobbing; older though she might be the first princess had never had the steel will that her sister took for granted. As for the knight’s plan, she realised at once that there was nothing but to go through with it. Guilford was sitting quietly in the corner of the room and staring at the floor, probably waiting for her to speak. She turned away from him, not wanting to look at him in that moment.

‘I want proof of your loyalty.’ Guinevere declared suddenly, sitting up and pointing at Dorothea. ‘If I’m going to have to go through with this, you’re going to go first. Dorothea, take off your dress and bend over this bed. Guilford, I want that belt you’re wearing.’


Re: Slave AU Part Seven: And guardian angels sang anonymous August 19 2011, 00:29:32 UTC
That is all.

(Captcha says: tantsng Corneal)


Re: Slave AU Part Seven: And guardian angels sang anonymous August 19 2011, 18:43:08 UTC
I've been thinking about coming back to this for a while now, and I think this leaves me no choice ;) I've no chance to write until Thursday, so watch this space.


Re: Slave AU Part Seven: And guardian angels sang anonymous August 19 2011, 23:47:02 UTC
Someone actually saw this!
*will stalk this page until update for Cornelia X Guilford*

Captcha says: Oskar ToWorkin


Slave AU Part Eight: For you are with me. anonymous August 25 2011, 23:13:25 UTC
Dorothea simply stood and stared as Guilford passed the belt to Guinevere. The former princess flexed the length of leather nervously, trying and failing to produce a satisfying snap. Her hand went to the belt of her gown for a moment, then drew back as she thought better of it.

“What are you waiting for?” she said hoarsely. “I gave you an order. Do it.”

“No,” Dorothea replied flatly. “We’re not going to do that. I’m here to help you, and I’ll do whatever it takes to put you back on your thrones, because I swore I would. But I’m not going to be your bitch. Not now, not ever.” She gently plucked the belt from Guinevere’s hands and tossed it back to Guilford. Guinevere stared at the empty space between her fingers as she couldn’t understand what had happened. She opened her mouth to speak, perhaps to rage and scream, but the knight’s cool gaze strangled the words in her throat. She lay back down and closed her eyes, breathing raggedly and chocking back her tears.

“We have a plane to catch first thing tomorrow” Dorothea said, “I’m going to bed. We’ll talk further when you’re feeling more composed.” She left without even glancing at Cornelia. Her disinterest hurt more than it should have: a stab of annoyance which cut through the dull exhaustion that lay heavily behind Cornelia’s eyes.

They sat in silence for a while. Cornelia wondered idly if any of the cane strokes she had taken would leave a scar. She dismissed the idea at once, feeling no pain now and knowing that the monsters who had done this to her wouldn’t have risked damaging their merchandise. She went to the suite’s bathroom, drank deeply from the sink and gazed at herself in the mirror. She saw a woman with dark shadows under her eyes and a pale, exhausted face. She told herself that she had to start thinking, to start planning her next move, but found that she couldn’t do it. She felt cut off from the world, everything she had known vanished like the morning dew. It was as if the future was hidden behind a wall of mist, a miasma through which she could only stumble, not knowing what new disaster might loom up to crush her from one day to the next. She thought of being naked in front of the baying crowd and felt nothing. She imagined being pushed to her knees and raped before as many people again, and again she felt nothing.

She thought of what might be happening to Euphemia, and felt like she was going to vomit. Cornelia dropped the robe and stepped into the shower, where she leant against the tiles under a scalding stream of water. She willed herself to cry, trying to break down the leaden walls inside her, but found that she could not. She knew, intuitively, that if she thought much more about her sister she would break not into catharsis but into total despair.

When she emerged she found Guinevere asleep and Guilford exactly as she had left him. She hadn’t bothered to put the robe back on; there was nothing left to hide and she wanted him to know she wasn’t afraid of what he might do, master or no. Guilford glanced up and seemed to be about to speak, then thought better of it. He took a cushion from the chair and lay down on the floor, seemingly asleep in moments.

Cornelia switched the lights off and got into bed next to her elder sister. Guinevere stirred in her sleep and slipped an arm around Cornelia, then drew her in and held her tight. As she drifted into a deep and dreamless slumber Cornelia dimly realised that they were both naked, and decided that she didn’t care.


Re: Slave AU Part Eight: For you are with me. anonymous August 26 2011, 03:04:53 UTC
*melts into a puddle of fangirl happiness*
Just what I needed at the end of a LONG week!
Thank you so much for the update!!!


Re: Slave AU Part Eight: For you are with me. anonymous November 1 2011, 03:30:00 UTC
*slinks back to this story from nether-regions of Livejournal*
(Csptcha is offering $500 and rmatile, whatever that is...)


Re: Slave AU Part Eight: For you are with me. anonymous November 1 2011, 10:20:47 UTC
It will get done, sooner or later. I just hope I haven't made the ending too obvious.


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