Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Smile For The Show [1/?] anonymous February 3 2011, 23:13:16 UTC
Anon has no idea what she is doing here or why she is filling this, considering that she, technically has an exam tomorrow and technically should be studying, but the idea is awesome and she just wants to try her hand at it. If it er, is very bad, feel free to throw rotten tomatoes at her. And zombies. She hates those.

It was Malelouch's first day at school and her heart, contrary to popular beliefs that are shamelessly exploited by novels about school girls, her heart didn't flutter with excitement. Nor did she look forward to what was going to be four years spent in a -

She looked up at the building in front of her. It was grand, a large mansion spreading over a large area with its own park, tennis court, swimming pool and other facilities that encouraged the healthy development of young ladies and gentlemen. Yes, this was Ashford Academy, a school that prided itself upon its brilliance and uniqueness, but was, in fact, just like any other private academy out there.

Full of stuck-up brats and stupid girls who think they rule the world just because their respective Daddies were rich.

She rolled her eyes and a straightened her knee-length skirt (grateful that it was knee-length and not a mini, because, somehow, showing off naked legs just really wasn't dignified); she knew that she was going to bloody love this place. So much that -

Ah, sarcasm didn't suit her. Especially when it forced her to put up a fake smile on her face that probably looked more like a cross between a look of utter disgust and “are you serious” expression.

She sighed, deciding that she was wasting precious time standing in the school grounds like a lost puppy with her suitcase. She just hoped no one would approach her. Malelouch was fine on her own and she didn't need-

“Oh are you new?” a loud voice cut though the morning silence and Malelouch groaned (just when you speak of the devil), seeing that a blond boy with the largest (and daftest) smile ever was running towards her. Even before she'd even spoken a word, he was already shaking hands and introducing himself as Gino-something (it was hard to listen to him because he was rambling on and on) and saying how he'd happy to assist her if she had any troubles-

God, she had to stop this. She really hadn't signed up for this, just to hear stupid guys chatting rubbish and winking suggestively at her. And no, she hadn't missed the double entendre about “assisting”. Besides, he was licking his lips and sounded just a bit too - eager. Scratch that, everything about this boy was too eager. And touchy-feely. In fact, he still hadn't let go of her hand.

“I'm Malelouch Lamperouge,” she replied, cringing internally at that way it sounded to her ears,”if you like you can show me where the headmaster's office is.”

And you can let go of my hand, she thought, but decided to smile sweetly instead (just like her sister Nunnally).

Gino just smiled back, finally - finally! - let go of her hand and stared wondrously at her. “You've got a deep voice for a girl. Husky. Kind of sexy.”

Malelouch had to suppress a groan.

Smile for the show, just keep on smiling, she reminded herself . “Thank you. You're very nice ... Gino.”

Gino seemed slightly let down that she hadn't said something along the lines of “you're so strong and muscular” but his mouth still widened into what seemed to be what romance writers called a dazzling smile. “Yeah, I'm a nice guy. Everyone knows that. I hope you'll like it here, Malelouch.”

Even if his niceness made her want to kick him in the groin. Preferably a few times. As for the latter, she'd rather listen to Britney Spears five thousand times than even consider a second that she'd enjoy her stay here.

Especially not when she was not only putting her dignity on the line, but her youth, pride and ... well, everything else on the line.



Re: Smile For The Show [1/?] anonymous February 3 2011, 23:24:45 UTC
Dear Professor:



j/k, that was very amusing. Lol, Malelouch Lamperouge. XD

reCaptcha says: Germgard raissie.

Uh. Very French there, meme.


Smile For The Show [2/?] anonymous February 4 2011, 18:44:45 UTC

The rest of the morning, thankfully, shuffled along fairly peacefully. After dropping her in front of the headmaster's office, Gino had - much to Malelouch's relief - whispered something about “urgent responsibilities” and with the promise of keeping in touch - much to her regret, left her to her own devices. Malelouch couldn't quite suppress the grin that crept up on her features, as his figure grew smaller and, finally, disappeared from her sight.

One nuisance less.

The hall was surprisingly quiet for a school; there were no students running around and Malelouch found herself questioning whether this was really a school, but a quick glance at a clock hanging above told her told her all students were attending class by now. Which was good.

Another nuisance less - prying eyes from idiot students were just a) annoying and b) made Malelouch want to kick puppies. And eat babies.

God, she was wasting precious time again. What was with her lately that she seemed to drown in interior monologues?

Malelouch knocked on the door, cringing when someone loudly (and rather rudely) yelled: “Come in and hurry up! I'm busy.”

The headmaster, a very busy person- in the sense of, what Malelouch supposed to be, a very busy person reading porn - didn't even blink up as she introduced herself and, along with the usual formalities (cut down to five seconds, in fact), said, as she was already moving towards the door:

“Keep in mind that Ashford Academy does not only aim to nourish your intellect, but also instruct you with meaningful values, hoping that they'll serve as a guide in your future.”

Malelouch tried not to roll her eyes. Or sigh too loudly. But really, could the headmaster can get any cheesier? Besides, it was obvious that he was intent on getting rid of her, as evidenced by the way he kept staring at the porn book he'd was oh - not so inconspicuously - reading.

Well, but she didn't mind it. The less attention was paid to her person, the better she could survive those next four years. Maybe, if her father was gracious, she could get out of here in two years. Or even one year (but she doubted on that, her father was not that lenient).

“I'll keep that in mind,” she replied and, bowing graciously, hoping that she wouldn't have to attend class now.

“Ah don't forget that you Latin now, Room C, second floor. Hurry up, you're already late.”

Well, ... damn. Somehow, the headmaster wasn't as much of an idiot as he pretended to be.


And so, twenty minutes late, Malelouch found herself in her new class. The teacher was, fortunately understanding. Being a new student did have its perks.

Unfortunately, the one thing about being a new student was that you couldn't quite escape the stigma of being well, ... “the new one” that, like some exotic animal, was put on display in front of a class and gazed at by idiotic monkey-students who had nothing better to do than ... well, stare.

(Malelouch had to admit that she'd never been good at describing things, but who cared?).

Malelouch really didn't understand why everyone had to make such a huge fuss out of it. There was really, really nothing special about her (apart from a few technical details about her. Well, mostly. Anyhow, better to keep this short and painful.”I am Malelouch Lamperouge,” a bow (again), “and look forward to making lots of new friends here.”

Only that she wasn't - she really didn't want to befriend any of those ... idiots, Malelouch thought as she sat down and hoped that people would stop gaping at her. Only they didn't.

And now they were whispering (or rather talking) about her:

“Wow, can't you see,” someone whispered, “she's really tall for a girl. Must be a model or something.”

She rolled her eyes. So yeah, she was tall. Big deal. Giraffes were tall as well. No one cared about that.

“She'd kind of flat-chested ... nice legs and butt, though.”

Malelouch really had focus really hard on staring at the teacher. And the book he was reading. She couldn't allow herself to be provoked. But really, what was with teenage boys - hormonal fools - to reduce everything to breasts, butts and um, other things. And no, she wasn't flattered. Not at all.


Smile for the Show [3/?] anonymous February 4 2011, 19:28:39 UTC
(Because you see, she was different from other girls. Quite different).

The teacher stopped reading and cleared his throat. “Now class, I know that a new addition is always an exciting event, but can we all please go back to turning our attention on Cicerone?”

Malelouch sighed in relief. At least the teacher had common sense. Though he wore an Afro and probably thought that Disco was still not Dead.

Whatever. She guessed adults had their quirks too. And teachers in afros were still fairly ... innocent, considering that she knew adults who were far, far crazier than that.

Malelouch was about to focus on class when she noticed that someone was staring at her. Or more like burning holes into her back - if stares could have done that, theoretically speaking.

She turned around and saw a boy staring at her. Not sexually, or even wondrously but as if he was trying to place her somewhere, as if she were a missing puzzle bit -

A jolt of panic - surprise? - ran down her spine. Those eyes. That messy hair. But those eyes - especially those eyes.

Those green eyes. She'd seen them somewhere before. Not only that, they belonged to someone she'd known quite well once.

Only that it couldn't - it couldn't be him. Could it?

Right after class ended, Malelouch excused herself, running away from inquisitive students and hungry gazes - but more so running away from that boy with the ridiculously bright green eyes.

Out of breath and tummy hurting - she'd never been much of a runner, Malelouch reached her dorm room (after a few mishaps and dead ends). Shaking, she placed the keys into the lock and turned - sighing in relief when the door opened and she beheld her new “home” for the first time.

It was nice, rather spacious for a single-bed dorm room. There was no TV, but a large desk and an comfortable-looking bed. Very comfortable-looking.

Taking off her shoes, Malelouch flopped down it and sighed loudly; this was much harder than she'd expected.

She'd expected stupid comments, shameless attempts at flirting, she'd even anticipated a stupid headmaster, but nowhere had she expected that becoming “Malelouch” (her father really had bad taste when it came to names) would be so difficult.

Then again, she'd never expected this to be easy, so she couldn't complain now.

God, she felt hot in that uniform, so sat up and, first took off the coat, then the blouse - along with a white bra, letting the garments fall to the floor in an ungracious heap (she'd clean up the mess later).

Only to reveal a slim and very much male chest.

A rather weird circumstance, if Malelouch had been a girl. Only, in this case, it was not so weird as in that “Malelouch” had always been, biologically, a boy.

“And, I'd have remained a normal boy - if it hadn't been for my father,” Lelouch thought, feeling fury flare up in him as he remembered that cool, immoveable face, the cool words (either you'll do this or you will never see Nunnally again. Nor will I move a finger to help her. Bad children have to be punished. ).

Nunnally - he wondered what she was doing now, whether she was thinking of him, asking herself why he wasn't there anymore, her hands reaching out for him, searching for him in a dark, dark world-

He really missed her. Already. Wanted to call her, but - damn, damn it -

I'm doing this for you, Lelouch remembered, and knew that he couldn't be weak; Charles Vi Britannia didn't accept weakness and the only way Lelouch could gain his father's favour was by remaining firm and strong. That was the only way he could help his sister, too.

Besides, he'd been the one who'd defied Charles Vi Britannia (a man he loved as much as he despised), hadn't he? Who'd said that he'd manage everything, even dressing up as a girl and surviving high school like that.

Lelouch knew he'd been playing with fire and now he had to reap what he'd sown.

And I won't lose, he told himself, gritting his teeth. No matter what the obstacles -

Those green eyes. Lelouch shuddered again, his throat tightening. It couldn't have been Suzaku, could it have?


Smile for the Show [4/?] anonymous February 4 2011, 21:47:42 UTC
Suzaku was a name Lelouch had tried to forget - along with the memories of his mother, the days when his sister had still been fine and Japan.

(Going to shinto shrines with his mother, playing hide and seek together with Suzaku and Nunnally, Suzaku carrying Nunnally when she'd scraped her kneecaps - Lelouch, out of breath, running after them -)

He'd lost it all in a terrible moment; it had just been a flash, crashing and then nothing. In one moment, his mother had been by his side, Nunnally in tow and in the other Lelouch had found himself spluttered in his mother's blood and hearing Nunnally's sobs.

The day Marianne Lamperouge had died was the day he'd left Japan and Suzaku) behind.

So having him here now was. If it was him - Lelouch tried not to think about it.

Suzaku or not, Lelouch knew he had to go back to class and come up with a nice sob story of why he'd cut one class -

(I'm sorry, I was homesick, you see I have never been far away from home and I just had to lie down for a bit).

Lelouch got up from bed, shirtless still (thank God the door could only be opened from inside) and took a look at the schedule the headmaster had given him.

So he'd missed P.E. Lelouch grinned and he relaxed; he'd written, along with the application letters, that he couldn't attend physical education due to a serious illness.

Which, in truth, was a) the possession of a penis and b) aforementioned very male chest. He was sure parents would have written enraged letters to the school if it had occurred that a very male (non-) girl had taken part in P.E lessons that were specifically meant for females only. Especially the swimming classes.

Besides, it wasn't like Lelouch enjoyed P.E much to begin with.

Oh well, he had two hours until the class started and Lelouch figured he could use the time to go into the library to do some extensive research.

It wasn't like he was just going to sit by idly while Charles Vi Britannia, the rising star in the political arena, was going to walk over more dead bodies to gain power.

(And spit on people whose life depended on him).


The rest of the day passed by peacefully. Lelouch found himself re-framing his opinion on Ashford Academy slightly. Sure the other students were still idiots, but the classes were actually enjoyable. If dreadfully easy; passing them would not pose any great difficulty to Lelouch.

And now, classes were over and students were free to spend the rest of the day, either doing some club activity or indulging in “self-study” (Lelouch was sure that the term could be applied to a lot of areas in very interesting and colourful ways).

Lelouch chose self-study, because well, it was the best way to avoid others. It-

“Oh Malelouch,” a familiar voice said (God really had to hate him),”I knew I'd see you again.”

Lelouch “Malelouch” cringed - and slowly, trying to school his expression into one of unaffected coolness - turned around. “Gino, nice meeting you.”

Gino smiled that daft smile of his again and - with no warning whatsoever - took Lelouch by the arm, dragging him God knew where. It was only Lelouch's extreme flabberghastedness at being touched so ... familiarly that he hadn't pushed Gino away yet.

Gino, however, seemed smarter than he looked. Somewhat. When he spoke this time, his tone was nearly apologising. “Sorry if this sudden, but I'd like to introduce you to my friends - they're all members of the school council.”

Lelouch, “School council?”

“Yes I'm part of it,” Gino said, his voice rising in pitch now (he was really getting excited now),”Reason why I had to leave today in fact is because Milly, our president, had ordered a meeting. And well, she has a temper and I didn't want to be late. Even if I had Latin class during that time, in fact.”

Lelouch nearly groaned. Great, Gino was in the same class as him. “She makes you meet up during lessons?”

“Yeah, she can do as she pleases, in fact. She's an Ashford.”

“Oh,” Lelouch said. That explained a few things.



*snickering* anonymous February 5 2011, 03:34:35 UTC
...OP must confess that until you actually said "Lelouch", OP thought it was cracky prompt where he really was named Malelouch. *snrk*

...that it was Charles' idea for that name makes it even more amusing.

OP offers netcookies and love ♥.


Re: Smile for the Show [4/?] anonymous February 5 2011, 03:50:11 UTC
I love you writer!anon. Can't wait to read the rest! And lol Charles coming up with "Malelouch" is brilliant XD


Re: Smile for the Show [4/?] anonymous February 5 2011, 14:31:41 UTC
This is pretty amazing, anon.

Much like OP, I thought that until you actually named him Lelouch, I thought this was going to be a crack fill -- but oh, now I'm oh-so-very intrigued.

LOL@ Charles coming up 'Malelouch'
Aww@ Suzaku and Lelouch immediately remembering him. I'm curious to see if Suzaku will be able to connect 'Malelouch' to 'Lelouch' as quickly as Lelouch did?
LOL@ Headmaster reading porn.

Love, w!a!


Re: Smile for the Show [4/?] anonymous February 5 2011, 19:31:55 UTC
this Anon is amused to no end;)


Smile for the Show [5/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 01:43:37 UTC
Anon admits that, while the fic is silly and sillier, s(he) loves writing and found an irresistible urge to continue it.

God, this was just getting worse and worse, Lelouch (Malelouch for the next four years now, Lelouch reminded himself, cringing internally) thought as he saw just where Gino had dragged him off to.

A room that was all in red, gold and furnished like some sort of - billiard room. Or brothel. Or something.

Something Clovis would have liked, he thought and shuddered.

Gino. Who grinning from ear to ear, looking so disgustingly overjoyed and pleased with himself that Lelouch really, really was tempted to -

(kick him again).

“This, Malelouch,” Gino was saying, disgusting smile lighting up his (stupid) features even more,”the student council room. And here-”he pointed to the people assembled - they were currently all, as Lelouch noted with utter mortification, positively drooling at him -”the student council. Hey! Quit staring and introduce yourself.”

“Don't - just let me go, instead,” Lelouch wanted to propose, but a blonde girl rose from her seat, practically fluttered over to him -- her skirt bouncing up and down while Gino's eyes were fixed on her bouncing breasts, Lelouch noted with disgust. Lelouch himself, not caring much for breasts, kept his eyes trained on her face - the polite thing to do, he assumed.

(Unless girls liked it when you oogled theirs breasts, that was).

“I'm Milly,” she said and immediately cupped Malelouch's cheek, earning a surprised gasp from her, ”why you're - gorgeous. Gino might not know much about Maths, but he really knows how to fish them fish out of the sea.”

Malelouch thought she should say something, but didn't know what - and thankfully didn't get the chance to do so. Because Milly was talking again (she seemed to be the bossy type of girl, Lelouch thought, reminded of his sister Cornelia briefly - only that she was, by far, much scarier).

And not so um, fond of groping. Milly's one hand were still on her cheek, the other running through Malelouch's hair (extensions).

“You're just what this club needs. A bishoujo type.

“Bishoujo?” Malelouch asked, thinking she'd heard that term somewhere before, but not quite connecting the dots.

“Oh,”someone else quipped in - a boy with the oddest hair-do Malelouch had ever seen -”a beautiful girl. An attractive one.”

Oh. So they were anime and manga fans. Malelouch was briefly reminded of her sister Euphy and her (never-ending) love of shoujo manga. Which she never shut up about either, unfortunately.

“Hmm, she's quite attractive, don't you agree, Rivalz?” Milly asked that boy and the b-er, Rivalz, who'd been grinning before, started to smile and his face was practically glowing (his eyes lighted up with heavy emotion - the sort that romance writers would have described as “fiery passion” and “pining, pining love”. Or something like that).

“Yes, she's perfect,” Rivalz said (breathlessly). Interestingly, his compliment, however, seemed to be less directed at Malelouch, but Milly herself.

Seems like someone's very much in love here, Malelouch thought and wondered how one could be so bloody obvious about it. Really - so disgraceful.

“What do you think, Shirley and Nina?” Milly asked the two remaining members - two girls still seated and staring at Malelouch as if they'd never seen a girl before.

“She is -” Shirley was blushing,”beautiful.”

“Yes-yes,”the girl called Nina stammered and then blushed too.

Malelouch felt her temples throb and really, really just wanted to get away-

The door was flung open and someone came running in. Two people, in fact.

“Oh, Kallen and Suzaku are finally here,” Milly said and Malelouch cringed. Then closed her eyes and started to think:

“Just please don't let him be Suzaku. Just please not that Suzaku.”

After all, there were quite a few boys in this wide world called Suzaku. And many people had green eyes. So the percentage that this was Suzaku Kururugi was maybe --


Smile for the Show [6/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 01:50:20 UTC
“Look what Gino brought us here,” Milly said and - with more strength than Malelouch had imagined her possessing - turned her around and made her come face-to-face with ...

(Green eyes.)

Suzaku and Kallen. The former simply stared - stupefied - and the latter “hmpfed” and shook her head. “So I see that Gino,” that name was pronounced with so much venom and fierceness that Malelouch immediately realised that Kallen was a) a girl with a temper and b) a girl you shouldn't ever, ever anger,”hasn't given up on his skirt-chasing ways. Really.”

“Hmm,”Milly said and rubbed her chin and then shook her head,”I'll-” she now wrapped her hands against Malelouch's waist,”make sure that no one - no one,” she shot a threatening look at Gino,”sullies this beautiful maiden's chastity and virtue.”

Maiden. Virtue. Malelouch (God, Lelouch would throttle his father the next time he saw him) tried her best not to start yelling and throw a tantrum that would have not only been disgraceful, but really, really tarnished her (his) reputation.

“I will be calm,” Lelouch told himself,”I will try to deal with classmates who hit on me, touch me inappropriately and I can,” he looked at Suzaku who was still gaping at him, mouth open in such a way that he looked nearly adorable,”deal with Suzaku too. He probably won't recognise me in this get-up, anyway.”

However, Malelouch had been so pre-occupied with her thoughts that she'd entirely missed the words Milly had been saying. And when she heard Milly ask “so will you join us, yes?”, she was so bewildered for a moment that she said “yes” and sealed her own fate -

“Great!” Milly threw her hands up in the air, then wrapped her hands around Malelouch's waist again and - started dancing, twirling a (shocked) Malelouch round and round.

By the time she let go of Malelouch, Malelouch was flushed and felt dizzy. She'd never possessed much of a stamina.

“By the way,” Rivalz was speaking now,”you still haven't said anything, Suzaku - cat got your tongue?”

Malelouch paled. Suzaku flushed. And then broke out in a bashful smile.

(It really was him then, Lelouch realised. Because he'd seen that stupid smile more than often enough. Knew it - knew it so well that he felt ... oddly giddy).

“She is-um,”Suzaku was scratching his neck, apparently searching for words,”er, ... pretty.”

Milly was smiling. Widely. “Oh? Maybe your type- maybe she's your love?”

Suzaku started coughing. Loudly. And was beet-red in the face.

Milly laughed. Rivalz then joined in and Shirley and Nina were exclaiming “how cute all of this was”. Kallen just stood there in the corned and “hmpfed”.

Malelouch just really wanted to kill something now. Maybe even start a rebellion against this hateful, hateful world out of spite.


The Ashford student council, Malelouch decided after a few days, was crazy. An assembly of crazy, crazy people. And perverted ones too.

It wasn't enough that Gino, who by now felt that their acquaintance was deep enough, to refer to her as “baby” and “darling” kept giving her suggestive winks and kept proposing to “tutor her” if she needed anything.

Oh please, as if she couldn't tell that he wanted to get into her pants.

(Which she couldn't allow, due to there being something more in her pants then Gino probably expected).

But yeah, Gino wasn't the worst offender here.

Milly - the club president - seemed to have taken a real liking to her, to the extent that she was always close to her, always whispering into Malelouch's ear -

(You're so cute, Malelouch. So cute. Especially when you frown like that - especially then. I could just keep you here all day long).


Smile for the Show [7/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 01:56:12 UTC
Malelouch wasn't go to lie; she was starting to believe that Milly's behaviour wasn't quite the way - um, young maidens were supposed to act. Especially not towards other maidens.

But the funny thing (or good thing) perhaps was that Milly's “affectionate” behaviour wasn't solely geared towards Malelouch, but she also tended to - she didn't know how else to put it - touch Shirley and Nina every now and then, making them flushed and -

Whatever. Malelouch realised that the president of their club was just a very, very strange sort of person.

Shirley and Nina were nice girls, Malelouch figured. Only that she didn't quite like the way they were looking at her and always blushing when she tried to talk to them. Really. She thought there was nothing strange about girls talking with other girls ...

(Even if she wasn't technically a girl, but whatever).

Oh well.

The only people in the club who weren't crazy, Malelouch, realised were Rivalz and Kallen. The former, despite his big puppy crush on Milly or because of that, didn't really treat Malelouch with the ardent interest that others did. Sure, he talked to her (“you like it here, Malelouch?”) and showed interest in her when he'd caught her reading a (badly-written) book on chess in the library (hey cool! You play chess? If you want to we could play together, I'm quite fond of the game).

In fact, Malelouch found herself liking Rivalz and regretted that “she” couldn't be “Lelouch”. Just Lelouch.

Because Lelouch would have loved to be friends with Rivalz.

Sure, Malelouch could be friends with Rivalz, too. But it would have been more fun the other way round -

I hate you, Father, Lelouch thought and, for the first time, since he'd come here just wanted to tear that stupid dress into shreds and get rid off those extensions and be Lelouch.

(Lelouch who loved chess and hated running. Lelouch, who could come up with a thousand strategies as to how defeat an opponent, but was absolutely out of his league when it came to answering his sister's questions about sex).

Kallen, Malelouch liked because the girl, unlike Milly or Shirley, talked to her normally -- halfway (Look, just because the others are fawning over you, won't mean I'll do the same) and seemed to think to believe that the club was strange, too (Milly is such a nutcase, really).

As, for Suzaku --

Lelouch wasn't sure what to make out of him. It was his Suzaku, after all. If the bashful smile and those green eyes hadn't been indication enough, his last name Kururugi had been the final give-away.

(His throat had tightened at that name, mind reeling with memories and it had cost him all his control not to - but he couldn't do that, couldn't because that would mean losing).

And there was Nunnally to think about.

At first, Lelouch had been wary, extra-careful to make sure that, when he was Malelouch, not to make a single mistake. Be extra graceful. Smile a lot of fake smiles. Not get too angered when Milly whispered into his ear-

But Suzaku didn't approach her. In fact, Suzaku had been quiet and reserved - only looking at her every now and then.

(His green eyes following Lelouch's every move, it seemed).


About two weeks later after Malelouch had joined the student council club, Milly proposed they all dress up into Victorian costumes -- for fun, as she put it.

“I think it would be really nice to see,”she had winked suggestively at Malelouch then,”our newest addition in a Victorian style dress.”

So Malelouch was currently in the changing room (she'd locked the doors while changing, so no one could walk in and if they did she'd have used her “shyness” as an excuse. And she’d dressed up quickly, unlocking the doors as soon as possible because - well, it was not necessary to arouse suspicion) and brushing her hair - looking at the reflection in the mirror.


Smile for the Show [8/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 02:01:47 UTC
She had to admit that Milly had picked the right costume for her - it was purple, an elegant purple, dress that highlighted the paleness of her skin in a good way and fitted her fine, black hair (Milly had given her some “cute pink” ribbons). Also, it fit the colour of her eyes. The make-up that Malelouch applied was light: just a bit rouge and powder. A bit of lipstick.

Indeed Lelouch was nearly proud --

Suddenly the door was flung open. Malelouch turned around and saw Suzaku.

“Excuse me, what are you doing in here - this is a girl's-” Malelouch started, crossing her hands against her chest.

“Lelouch, drop the act.”

Lelouch didn't even flinch, only looked at Suzaku - saw those green eyes fixed on his and that ... grin on Suzaku’s face.

Teasing. Affectionate --

Lelouch shook his head.

“Suzaku,” Lelouch started, not raising his voice anymore, but dropping it to its natural baritone level. Glad. Relieved even because it had been so annoying to try sounding like a female. In fact, Lelouch was surprised no had suspected him so far, considering that his voice was deep. “You bastard, you knew it all along didn't you?”

Suzaku smiled - bashfully again. “No, you give me too much credit - I didn't know at once.”

Lelouch rolled his eyes. “Good, then since when?”

“Hmm,” Suzaku said, and raised his eyes to the ceiling, tapping his finger against his chin - then he lowered his gaze and was looking at Lelouch again. “Maybe the moment the people in class started whispering about you? And you put on that frown-”

Really. Suzaku hadn't changed one bit, Lelouch realised.

“Suzaku,” Lelouch replied through gritted teeth,”how is that not at once ?”

(Why didn't you say anything, you stupid twat? Keeping me in suspense for this long, instead.)

“But -” Suzaku sighed and then flopped down a chair. “I just knew it was you. Because -”

Lelouch had no time for Suzaku's how and why I knew it was you all along ”Then why didn't you confront me at once? Why,”he said, indignation flaring up inside of him”wait nearly two weeks?”

“It was fun to see you act like a girl?” And Suzaku was smiling, as if it really had been fun.

The council had already influenced him in a bad way, apparently. But Lelouch wasn't going to have it. “You're an idiot, Suzaku - really you are- odd ...”

“Odd? Me? Coming from the guy who's dressed up all in drag? Really, that's rich, Lelouch.” Suzaku then started to laugh, and Lelouch, though he was furious (or supposed to be), suddenly couldn't help it - Suzaku's laughter being so carefree and comforting - that he ... joined in.

(And it was like it had been once before -- back in Japan, back when Nunnally had been fine, back when his mother had been alive).

A while later, as Lelouch was leaning against the drawer where he'd put his brush and make-up set, he saw Suzaku's gaze lingering on his frame. Lelouch sighed. “If you want to ask me something, Suzaku - just spit it out.”

“Why are you dressed up like this, actually? You weren't into cross-dressing when we were kids,” Suzaku asked. He really looked curious. Not that Lelouch could blame him.

After all, it wasn't every day that your childhood friend wound up as a Wholesome Crossdresser.

Lelouch sighed. “Long story.”

“You can give me the details, later?” Suzaku said. “Come on, you know I won't give it a rest till you tell me, Lelouch.”

Right, Lelouch thought, he's always been stubborn.

“It’s -- My father - you know, we moved in with him after ... mother died.”

Not because they'd wanted to, Lelouch thought, but because there hadn't been anywhere else to go. Sure, Suzaku's father had proposed them moving into the shrine, but - they'd been poor, Suzaku's father barely managing to keep him and his son nourished. How could Lelouch have increased that burden-


Smile for the Show [9/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 02:03:45 UTC
(even if his heart had wanted to stay in Japan -with Suzaku).

“Yeah, I know. He's this bastard who has like a lot of illegitimate children.” Suzaku looked angry. Really angry. And Lelouch, for a second, was touched - so Suzaku still cared about him that much.

But he didn't have time for this now. Not when Suzaku was waiting for an explanation.

“As an illegitimate child of Charles Vi Britannia, you're expected to do his bidding. And not question anything,” Lelouch then continued, feeling the bitterness rise up within him,”And you know, I played along at first, because he could have just as well thrown us out into the streets, but-”

“He wanted you to do something that hurt Nunnally, yes?”

“Yes, Suzaku - exactly, that.”

Lelouch really didn't want to say the next thing, but he had to - Suzaku deserved to know. If could confide in anyone, it was Suzaku.

“He was going to ‘marry’ off Nunnally to some ...pedophile. An ... illustrious figure in politics, perhaps but a pedophile still, “Lelouch clenched his fist. “You know, I was fine with his plans for me, -- but not Nunnally! I wasn't going to allow that Nunnally would become some sort of ... pawn for my Dad. She is not an object, a horse in a stall or … some whore yon can sell off”

“What did you then?” Suzaku's voice was calm, but Lelouch could hear the barely suppressed rage. And the sadness.

“I went right into his office and asked him to quit his plans because I'd threaten to go the police and tell them all about my Dad's lifestyle - from his corruption to - well, everything. He's hardly clean, you know - Suzaku?”

Not that it would have worked, considering that Charles Vi Britannia had lots of friends in the police department as well. But Lelouch had been desperate then.

“But he wasn't impressed, right?”

“No. He asked me what else I’d do to stop him. So, I said I'd do anything - even dress up as a girl and go to high school like that.” Lelouch shivered, as he remembered what his father had done next. “And he asked if I would be willing to do just that because a real man holds true to his words.”

(Lelouch hadn’t been thinking then, in his father’s office - his heart heavy and mind desperate, racing racing for solutions - and that was how he’d fallen right into his father’s trap )

“God and he-”

“Yes.” Lelouch felt sick, felt even sicker now that he could see the horror and anger on Suzaku's face. “I've got to continue this ...,” he swept his hands over his purple dress with the white ribbons,”disgusting charade for the next four years. Or Nunnally will-”

“Does it really have to be four years?” Suzaku asked.”We're nearly fifteen now and this means you'll be a girl for ... wow.”

Lelouch sighed. “It's so much that I can't dress up as a girl for that long. But what if I grow taller? I'm already quite tall.”

Suzaku smirked. “Your breasts aren't going to get any bigger, either.”

Lelouch gritted his teeth. “How astute, Suzaku.”

Suzaku looked (adorably) confused. “Huh? Astute?”

“Forget it,” Lelouch said and rolled his eyes. Now tell me what you're doing here - “

“Ah, I'm here on scholarship,” Suzaku said and flushed a bit,” Actually, I wanted to come here because you used to tell me about Ashford when were kids and I -”

“You were hoping to meet me here?”

“Yes. Is that bad?” Suzaku asked and his smile faltered,”I mean I worked hard for it, improving my English and - well, my grades still weren't that great, but I'm good at sports, so -”

Suzaku was rambling. And it was cute, Lelouch thought. Adorable even.


Smile for the Show [10/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 02:06:08 UTC
Oh dear. Had Suzaku always been this silly-adorable, Lelouch wondered. He was just so - Lelouch wondered whether he should make Suzaku nervous more often in the future.

And you deserve this now, for not approaching me sooner.

Lelouch smiled, deciding that it was time to speak. “No, Suzaku. No - just that well, we've met now-” He sighed and frowned, again feeling that surge of hatred for his father rise up within him. “I'm sorry you've got to see me like this. It's so embarrass-”

Suzaku got up from his chair and walked over to Lelouch.

“Actually, it's ... well, strange,” Suzaku chuckled a bit at that and then his voice fell into a whisper,”but you do look cute. ”

Maybe Suzaku wasn't aware of it, but his hands were touching Lelouch's hair now, his fingers threading through the soft curls. “I also couldn't help thinking those past few weeks just how cute you looked, Lelouch.”

“What-what are you saying?”

“But maybe you were always this cute -” Suzaku didn't seem to know what he was saying, either - he just moved closer, until he was so close that Lelouch could feel Suzaku's breath against his cheeks.

“Suzaku-” Lelouch said, but couldn't continue. He should stop Suzaku, say that this was totally screwed-up, that they were boys and childhood friends and childhood friends didn't --

(Look at each other like this, flushed and didn't lick their lips in anticipation, didn't breathe deeply as the other moved closer, noses brushing now --)

If Suzaku kissed him --

“Ah well, caught you two love-birds!” Milly said all of a sudden and both of them turned to her.

She was dressed up as a … Victorian policeman, of all things.

Both of them blushed, Suzaku was - in a matter of seconds back on his seat - and saying “it's not what it looks like, Milly” and Milly going: “Really, Suzaku. It just looked like the two of you were about to kiss!”.

Suzaku didn't respond to that accusation and started to cough again. Milly exploded into a lecture about indecency and how - she flung her arms around Malelouch's waist again - she would “protect this poor maiden from the lecherous advances of Suzaku”.

Lelouch again wished he could have started a rebellion out of spite. Because really --

(he'd wanted to feel Suzaku's lips against his).

Anon apologises for HTML fail. Anon and HTML do not get along. D: Anon still has no idea what s(he) is planning to do with this.


Re: Smile for the Show [10/?] anonymous February 15 2011, 04:04:40 UTC
Whatever you plan to do w!a, I still love you for this ^_^


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