Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Comments 8707

Okay, I'll start ~ anonymous February 3 2011, 08:19:50 UTC
SFW prompt:

Nunnally starts asking questions about where babies come from. Lelouch, being the overprotective brother that he is, somehow tries to wriggle his way out of it, insisting that Nunnally doesn't need to know about boys until she's probably 30.

Suzaku's in the room with them and disagrees.

tl;dr: Lelouch and Suzaku give Nunnally "The Talk."

Extra bonus: Suzaku and Lelouch are actually a couple and Suzaku teases Lelouch about the fact that he's keeping his sister under wraps like this while he is getting fucked every night.


Re: Okay, I'll start ~ anonymous February 3 2011, 14:31:20 UTC
this needs Milly somewhere in there


Re: Okay, I'll start ~ anonymous February 3 2011, 14:41:38 UTC
Maybe the one giving Nunally indecent ideas?


Re: Okay, I'll start ~ anonymous February 3 2011, 16:04:40 UTC
I imagine Milly ordering the whole Student Council(a scandalized Kallen included) to help the poor guys out with the problem. Nina put on glasses and brings and enciclopedia or a documental, Rivals spaces out, Shirley blushes and randomly goes "omg, Lulu", Milly is being Milly, Suzaku takes the lead(as the experienced one), Lelouch tries to sabotage the initiative(unsuccessfully)...


anonymous February 3 2011, 08:24:19 UTC
Either CC/Lelouch or Cornelia/Lelouch, prompt being the phrase "You look like your mother"


Drabble Fill~ anonymous June 16 2012, 04:51:11 UTC
Taken in the direction of Angst, with a brief sex scene. >.<


C.C. isn't quite sure when it started, the thought between breaths, and she presses her hand against Lelouch's mask, removing it to stare at the boy within.

It's something that C.C. never expected to see, something that caught her off-guard when she awoke from that dark place; a boy with Marianne's face. When she learns more about him, about Lelouch, and learns about his sister--

Well, it disappoints her more than it should that the brother is closer to Marianne than the sister.

Months later, when she is buried in his plans of vengeance and possibility, C.C. thinks that perhaps Lelouch is not like Marianne after all. He is too foolish, too quick to believe and not strong enough to carve out his future without a multitude of tools ( ... )


Re: Drabble Fill~ anonymous June 16 2012, 17:12:10 UTC

I really liked your take on this prompt. Just the slow, subtle way that C.C. realizes that Lelouch resembles his mother.

The sex scene was interesting, and I liked the line, "C.C. closes her eyes when Lelouch thrusts into her so she can pretend his tears are nothing more than sweat." That was really heartbreaking.

Also this line: "She falls in love with the child who is throwing a tantrum because he loves his sister and has too much pride. "

A beautifully written drabble.


Re: Drabble Fill~ anonymous June 16 2012, 17:33:29 UTC

Thank you for commenting! :) Since this prompt was so dated, I wasn't sure what the OP had been expecting for it, so I was really nervous to fill it in this way.

I realized half-way through the first part that this would end up introspective, and I'm glad it worked for you. :)


anonymous February 3 2011, 08:25:24 UTC
CC/Lelouch slash. Either fem!Lelouch/CC or male!CC/Lelouch, up to you


Leloucia Tops (1/?) anonymous February 4 2011, 05:16:33 UTC
“Is this Suzaku character your boyfriend?”

C.C. was sitting on Leloucia’s bed, fiddling with the Zero mask in spite of Leloucia’s protests, and wearing nothing but a t-shirt because none of Leloucia’s pants fit her. (“It’s not my fault you have a flat butt.”)

Leloucia rubbed her eyes with her hands and turned away from the computer screen. “What?”

“That Japanese boy from before,” C.C. said. “Are you his girlfriend?”

“Of course not!” Leloucia exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing. “We’ve just seen each other again after seven years.” With a huff, she turned back to the computer screen.

For a moment, it was quiet. All that could be heard was Leloucia’s typing.

Then, C.C. said, “Do you want to be his girlfriend?”

The typing ceased, and Leloucia whirled around, eyes narrowed and arms crossed over her chest. To say C.C. was amused would have been an understatement.

“Why are you so obsessed with my love life?” Leloucia snapped.

“You mean your nonexistent love life ( ... )


Leloucia Tops (1.5/?) anonymous February 4 2011, 05:23:02 UTC
She attempted to sound as detached as possible, yet that did not stop Leloucia from whirling around (again) with a bewildered look her face. “O-of course!”

What a horrible liar. It was a good thing Leloucia had the power of Geass or else she would be in a world of trouble. All the same, exposing this lie right away wouldn’t be very interesting, so C.C. decided to humor her.

“Really?” C.C. asked. “Who was it?”


“Was it that crazy student council president you’re always complaining about? Miles?”


“What about the one who’s always fawning over you? What’s his name…Sherman?”




“Who was it then?”

Leloucia swallowed.

AN: Apparently in this AU, C.C. and Suzaku are the only two non-genderbended characters since Sherman = Shirley, Miles = Milly, and Colin = Kallen. Well, I'll try to update tomorrow or Saturday if anyone's interested.


Leloucia Tops (2/?) anonymous February 6 2011, 19:38:01 UTC
C.C. cocked her head to the side, awaiting Leloucia’s response. How was she going to dig herself out of this one?

“That’s none of your business, witch!” Leloucia (finally) said, and she turned back around, suddenly extremely absorbed in whatever she was doing.

C.C. sighed. How typical. “I’m beginning to think you’ve never kissed anyone at all,” she said, tossing the Zero mask up into the air and catching it.

Leloucia didn’t respond.

C.C. peered inside the Zero mask as if there was a face inside. “How pathetic,” she murmured to herself (though it was certainly loud enough for Leloucia to hear).

Suddenly, the chair Leloucia had been sitting in scraped across the floor. C.C. looked up to the sight of Leloucia walking slowly towards her. Was she going to attempt to pin her down again? How cute.

And it seemed that way as Leloucia placed her hands on her, pushing her down, her expression one of complete disgust.

But then…

It was quick. It was fleeting. It was the softest of touches.

But it had definitely happened ( ... )


anonymous February 3 2011, 09:26:41 UTC
Suzaku/Suzaku sex. With Lelouch watching and enjoying the show a bit too much.


illicit fantasy anonymous February 3 2011, 14:29:31 UTC
...this Anon imagined Orezaku/Knight of Zero fucking the hell out of Bokuzaku with Emperor!Lelouch watching/giving advices...

or Zerozaku wangsting post-series with ceiling!Lelouch engaging in ghost phone sex


Aftershow 1/3 - WARNINGS: Dub-con, voyeurism, self-sex (duh) anonymous February 7 2011, 23:08:38 UTC
Lelouch had always suspected that Suzaku’s mind was fucked up ( ... )


Aftershow 2/3 - WARNINGS: Dub-con, voyeurism, self-sex (duh) anonymous February 7 2011, 23:10:05 UTC
Oral sex; again, not that Lelouch was an expert; was something Lelouch had always thought needed a consenting partner. After all, a simple muscle twitch and the aggressor would be regretting his decision for days, at least.

Apparently not.

Zero-zaku forced Private-zaku’s mouth open, smiling down cruelly at him. Lelouch took a moment to wonder where the hell the mask had gone, then forgot about it as Zero-zaku forced his way past Private-zaku’s lips, fucking his mouth.

Lelouch would have preferred softer words, but ‘fucking’ really applied in this case.

Private-zaku didn’t have much choice but to take it (or bite, but the submissive Suzaku never did) as Zero-zaku held his head in place and thrust his hips hard and fast into his mouth. Lelouch hated this part, hated how he always sympathized with the submissive, his own gag reflex (which he didn’t have because he was dead, why didn’t that stop the nausea?) acting up in solidarity ( ... )


teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous February 3 2011, 10:09:26 UTC
Repost to be filled from cgkinkmeme part uno:

teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch(who probably ends up topping from the bottom)

slightly too into it gym-teacher!Suzaku spends too much of his personal time chasing after that student!Lelouch, with low stamina and smokebombs, and various escape routes, who therefore is dubbed "campus terrorist".

Smut is predestined to ensue sooner or later: maybe, Lelouch attempts to blackmail his least favourite teacher aka his personal worst nightmare(Great teacher Onizuka style. I totally see Suzaku starring as Onizuka), but it goes NOT AS PLANNED.

Please, please, please!


Re: teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous February 3 2011, 10:26:02 UTC
Great Teacher Onizaku?


Re: teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous March 6 2011, 11:56:38 UTC


Ethical Parlance 1a anonymous February 3 2011, 13:09:41 UTC
Marianne was never murdered, Nunnally never crippled, and Lelouch is still a prince. He did come to Japan along with the court witch C.C., though. The rest of the set-up is similar to canon: Britannia conquered Japan, Japan is now Area 11, etc. etc. Lelouch had been very little when he had first come to the twin realization that that people were easy to manipulate and that teachers, though revered by the Numbers as if they somehow weren't, were nothing but people, too ( ... )


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