Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous February 3 2011, 10:09:26 UTC
Repost to be filled from cgkinkmeme part uno:

teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch(who probably ends up topping from the bottom)

slightly too into it gym-teacher!Suzaku spends too much of his personal time chasing after that student!Lelouch, with low stamina and smokebombs, and various escape routes, who therefore is dubbed "campus terrorist".

Smut is predestined to ensue sooner or later: maybe, Lelouch attempts to blackmail his least favourite teacher aka his personal worst nightmare(Great teacher Onizuka style. I totally see Suzaku starring as Onizuka), but it goes NOT AS PLANNED.

Please, please, please!


Re: teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous February 3 2011, 10:26:02 UTC
Great Teacher Onizaku?


Re: teacher!Suzaku/student!Lelouch repost anonymous March 6 2011, 11:56:38 UTC


Ethical Parlance 1a anonymous February 3 2011, 13:09:41 UTC
Marianne was never murdered, Nunnally never crippled, and Lelouch is still a prince. He did come to Japan along with the court witch C.C., though. The rest of the set-up is similar to canon: Britannia conquered Japan, Japan is now Area 11, etc. etc. Lelouch had been very little when he had first come to the twin realization that that people were easy to manipulate and that teachers, though revered by the Numbers as if they somehow weren't, were nothing but people, too ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1b anonymous February 3 2011, 13:12:46 UTC
Suzaku made a bit of a face, lips tightened into a fine line, mouth like a crack in the shell of his face. "Regrettably so ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 13:17:24 UTC

Lelouch smiled at him, pulled his lips over the white of his teeth in what he knew would look as fake-sweet as he wanted it to be. "How about 50,000 to start with, sensei? I know they don't pay you that well at this godforsaken school." He paused for a moment. "Perhaps a bit more? That beaten-down Hyundai of yours won't last much longer, from the looks and sounds of it. That wheezing of the engine." He shook his head in mock-sympathy. "Miss Ashford would appreciate it too, don't you think so?"

That finally got a reaction out of Suzaku, even if it was just a narrowing of his eyes and a tightning of his jaw.

Lelouch raised his chin, kept his eyes glued to Suzaku, and waited. For King Greed to finally waltz in, chain his morals to the walls, and leap out at him with begging hands and undignified want. If the guy wanted more, Lelouch could give him more -- he had an inheritance of several tens of millions, and he could part with as much of it as he liked.

What he hadn't expected was for Suzaku's face to tighten suddenly -- lips ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 13:35:03 UTC
First fill of the new meme, huzzah! I look forward to the rest of this.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 14:13:36 UTC
OP: just dropping in to say I´m loving you, Writer!Anon;=)
vey nice and funny. Onizaku, lol=)

this is the first of my requests to get filled and I´m almost honored about it being the first fill on the new meme

I´m so happy!


Re: Ethical Parlance 1d anonymous February 3 2011, 20:17:33 UTC
warning for some non-graphic Lelouch/C.C. in this

The light from the computer screen wreathed him in an electric blue nimbus in the otherwise dark and scant room.

Lelouch's eyes were fixed on the screen, finger rolling off the mouse to scroll through pages. Kururugi Suzaku. Honorary Britannian. Twenty-five years old. Graduated from this-and-that college and fuck, wasn't there any substantial information in this?

"A plot twist so early on," a voice drawled from behind him. "How interesting."

"Shut up, C.C," he hissed through his teeth without once tearing his eyes from the screen.

"Are we being all butthurt again that someone dared to stand up to you without rolling over with his ass in the air?" C.C. sighed. "I think we had that discussion the last time someone dared to give you a B."

Sometimes he wished she was a youtube video so she had a comments-off button. "Quiet, witch ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1e anonymous February 3 2011, 20:22:42 UTC

Lelouch ignored her; he didn't need to be drawn into a discussion about Shirley of all people right now. "There's got to be a fleck of dirt on his white vest," he said, almost to himself. "There's got to be." He could find very little regarding the guy's past -- he knew that he was the last Prime Minister's son, and that he had been raised by several short-lived chaperones after his death, never sticking with any one of them for too long, spending most of his adolescence in a limbo. There were a few records of fights -- fist fights, the usual teenage brawl -- but there was nothing he could really use, dammit ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1e anonymous February 3 2011, 21:23:33 UTC
OP is intrigued,(s)he is


Re: Ethical Parlance 1f anonymous February 3 2011, 21:31:15 UTC

People didn't even really try to be discreet about their opinion when Lelouch showed up for PE class the next day.

"Wow," Rivalz said. "I can't even remember the last time you came to PE class. I was wondering if you'd fail."

Lelouch gave him a practiced smile. "I won't fail." He slipped his eyes to the teacher looking at them with mild interest, and added, a bit louder, "Definitely not. Don't I have to be ready for the hiking trip in a week?"

Suzaku gave him a look, but said nothing ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1g anonymous February 3 2011, 21:32:00 UTC
"Are you going to report me, then? You know. Since I blackmailed you and everything. Or attempted to, anyway." He gave a sigh, and added in mock-concern, "Though I wonder what the word of an Eleven would count against mine ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:36:08 UTC

C.C. was watching him from the doorway, leaning against it with her arms crossed. "You know, considering you're only going to be at Mt. Fuji for two days, you're packing a lot of clothes."

Lelouch ignored her, and folded another pair of black slacks before putting them into his luggage.

"One could almost think you were a girl," she said. "Though who would ever make that mistake, I'm not sure ( ... )


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:54:30 UTC
OP only remembers GTO vaguely, so never mind.
Actually, the inspiration for the prompt was the beginning of R2, where Violetta chased after Lelouch. I imagined Suzaku in her place and went "lol, I want to read this".
OP never minds Lelouch/CC and, yes, I figured Suzaku would have to be manipulated or provoked into the touching business.
Just please don't do a downer - let them do some bonding at the end, not end up hating each other's guts, of posssible.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:58:21 UTC
Okay, not a complete downer, I promise.

Not a completely happy ending (I don't even see HOW that would be possible), but not a total downer. XD

PS: It's not really a truth serum. CC is sneakay.


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