Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Re: Ethical Parlance 1b anonymous February 3 2011, 13:12:46 UTC

Suzaku made a bit of a face, lips tightened into a fine line, mouth like a crack in the shell of his face. "Regrettably so."

Lelouch looked at him in what he knew was complete apathy. "Are you going to fail me?"

Suzaku sighed and lowered his face a bit so that one of the curls of his hair dumpled down and veiled one of his eyes. He reached for one of his notebooks -- the little blue one he always carried around on the track field. "You missed nearly half of all classes. Your 100 meter sprint time is the worst out of all yours peers." He flipped a page, voice sympathetic but firm. "And the last time we ran track -- well, I don't need to remind you."

Suzaku didn't. Lelouch had somehow ended up trailing behind the others so far that he had lost his way and ended up running around campus, which had earned him the short-lived nick name 'campus terrorist.' The other kids had known better than to keep the name alive for too long, had all but shrunken away at his molten lava glares -- but the sting of humiliation had not gone away, and merely dulled to a constant throb at his side.

"I remember that day," Lelouch said.

Suzaku nodded, and closed his little booklet. "I usually try to be understanding of people and their shortcomings. Not everyone is gifted in athletics. I understand you have a lot of other talents. The other teachers speak very highly of your quick intellect."

Lelouch wanted to say, "You would know all about quicku intellectu, wouldn't you, sensei?" but bit his tongue. Not the time to mock his teacher's Japanese accent. "I'm afraid I've never been very talented at sports," he settled on saying, hoping that the implicit, "because it's beneath me," didn't ring as clearly in the air as it did in his head.

"And you know, I'm usually quite forgiving of that. I've not failed a lot of kids that were not very good at running or playing sports when I could have. Overweight or physically impaired kids, for example. I don't fail them when I can help it."

My, aren't you nice, Lelouch thought. Outwardly, trying to steer the teacher's public self-praising and announcement of his politically-correct fatties-and-cripples-loving tirade into its eventual direction, he only said, "So what does that mean for me?"

Suzaku sighed. "It means that, while I can understand that it's just not your thing, I don't think I can pass you in good conscience with your lack of interest and your attendance record."

Lelouch let the words hang in the air for a moment, let them soak in meaning and wrap around them both.

"So you're going to fail me," Lelouch said. It wasn't a question, but he still kept his voice bland, devoid of all emotion.

"I'm sorry, Lelouch," Suzaku said, and the disgusting thing was that he looked like he meant it, eyebrows furrowed a bit and sincerity on his face. "I really wish I could let you pass."

"I don't doubt you do, sensei." Lelouch said in his most sincere "I understand completely" voice, before stepping a bit closer to the desk until he stood right over his teacher and could look down at him.

Lelouch always liked it better when he could look down at people.

He leaned forward a bit, moving in for the kill. "Let me ask you to reconsider, though."

Suzaku was still not getting it, that idiot. He was looking at Lelouch out of unpertrubed, honest green eyes that shone bright yet firm. He nodded. "Perhaps we could arrange a race or something, and if you're willing to give it your all --"

"I wasn't talking about that," Lelouch interrupted him, dropping his polite and well-bred teacher's pet act. "I was talking about something quite a bit more... substantial, shall I say?"

Suzaku's face was like a satellite of his own, paler than usual and glowing in the infusion of the light from the windows. His features moved, twisted around the suggestions -- then smoothed into a look that was nothing so much as scandalized. "What?"

Oh, a bit of resistance. Always fun, that one.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 13:17:24 UTC

Lelouch smiled at him, pulled his lips over the white of his teeth in what he knew would look as fake-sweet as he wanted it to be. "How about 50,000 to start with, sensei? I know they don't pay you that well at this godforsaken school." He paused for a moment. "Perhaps a bit more? That beaten-down Hyundai of yours won't last much longer, from the looks and sounds of it. That wheezing of the engine." He shook his head in mock-sympathy. "Miss Ashford would appreciate it too, don't you think so?"

That finally got a reaction out of Suzaku, even if it was just a narrowing of his eyes and a tightning of his jaw.

Lelouch raised his chin, kept his eyes glued to Suzaku, and waited. For King Greed to finally waltz in, chain his morals to the walls, and leap out at him with begging hands and undignified want. If the guy wanted more, Lelouch could give him more -- he had an inheritance of several tens of millions, and he could part with as much of it as he liked.

What he hadn't expected was for Suzaku's face to tighten suddenly -- lips nothing more but a slit, eyebrows lowering in anger, and his voice was as harsh as Lelouch had ever heard it sound when he said, "No, thank you."

Ah, a man who knew his price then. "Too little for you?" he wondered aloud. "Make it double then. How about it now, sensei?"

Suzaku seemed to consider it for a long, silent, horribly-charged moment. All sound fell away.

His voice cut through the silence, "No matter how much you offer, the answer is the same." He gave him a smile then, but it was the farthest thing from kind. "No."

It wasn't often that Lelouch lost his composure. This nearly tipped him over the edge, however. "What?"

"Like I said: no. Never. Not even for all of your inheritance, Mister vi Britannia. Sizeable though I'm sure it is."

"You do realize I could give you enough to quit your job, right?" Just in case he was even dumber than Lelouch had given him credit for, here. "You wouldn't need to stick around being worked like a dog for bad pay under the man whose granddaughter's too good for you. And you know who my father is, don't you?" He cocked his head. "One word from me, and he'll never prosecute you for accepting bribes. Au contraire, he'd make it rather easy for you to find employment elsewhere. Sounds like a damn good deal to me."

"It might to you," Suzaku replied easily. "It doesn't to me. And it's not a matter of the amount, either." With that, he got up, leaped to his feet in the easy, practiced motion of an athlete, and reached for his jacket.

Irritation was a tight bundle in Lelouch's stomach and a tic behind his forehead. Was he really leaving? Seriously?

Lelouch took a step forward until he was standing right in front of his teacher, noting with satisfaction that the inch he had on height over him allowed him to roll his eyes downward in a look that pinned. "Then a matter of what is it, dear sensei?"

Suzaku looked at him in that aloof, disgustingly superior, I-almost-feel-sorry-for-you way that Lelouch had always hated, and he said, "It's a matter of right and wrong. That's what it is."

"You're not going to accept my money because it's wrong to do so?" Lelouch asked, just to make sure.

"Exactly," Suzaku said, and the smile was as fake and sweet as aspartame. "And you can't tempt me with your money, I'm afraid."

And then, somewhere inside Lelouch, the reign of his calm and collected reason was overthrown in a coup d'état staged by his emotions. "You can't do that," he said, voice unusually high. "If you make me fail PE, I'll be held back this year. I'll have to repeat everything, and graduate a year late."

"And that," Suzaku said, and finally dropped some of the fake-sweetness to reveal a voice that brooked no argument, "is why you should have thought twice about skipping class." Then he dropped his eyes, shrugged into his jacket, and walked out of the room with his head held high.

And in that moment, standing there discarded in his office like he didn't matter, like he wasn't one of the most powerful people in the country, Lelouch really and truly loathed him in a way he had seldomnly loathed anyone before.

But despite that, a thrill he could only describe as intrigue pulsed into him like caffeine.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 13:35:03 UTC
First fill of the new meme, huzzah! I look forward to the rest of this.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1c anonymous February 3 2011, 14:13:36 UTC
OP: just dropping in to say I´m loving you, Writer!Anon;=)
vey nice and funny. Onizaku, lol=)

this is the first of my requests to get filled and I´m almost honored about it being the first fill on the new meme

I´m so happy!


Re: Ethical Parlance 1d anonymous February 3 2011, 20:17:33 UTC
warning for some non-graphic Lelouch/C.C. in this

The light from the computer screen wreathed him in an electric blue nimbus in the otherwise dark and scant room.

Lelouch's eyes were fixed on the screen, finger rolling off the mouse to scroll through pages. Kururugi Suzaku. Honorary Britannian. Twenty-five years old. Graduated from this-and-that college and fuck, wasn't there any substantial information in this?

"A plot twist so early on," a voice drawled from behind him. "How interesting."

"Shut up, C.C," he hissed through his teeth without once tearing his eyes from the screen.

"Are we being all butthurt again that someone dared to stand up to you without rolling over with his ass in the air?" C.C. sighed. "I think we had that discussion the last time someone dared to give you a B."

Sometimes he wished she was a youtube video so she had a comments-off button. "Quiet, witch."

She gave a light chuckle in reply, and the next thing he knew, she was leaning over his shoulder, peering at the screen, flattening her breasts against his back. "The Eleven phys ed teach?"

"Yes," Lelouch said through gritted teeth, hand on the mouse shaking.

"He's fucking the Ashford girl," she offered.

"Everyone knows he is," Lelouch said. Rumor had it that was pretty much the only reason why he had been appointed to their school in the first place, though of course their 'relationship' was not official. Anti-miscenegation laws dictated he would never be able to marry the girl, but there were no laws currently in place that made their relations illegal, exactly, since she had graduated their school already and was now a legal adult; the fact that sex if not marriage was legal between Numbers and Britannians was probably due to the fact that it would put an entire army of oh-so-very-enjoyed Numbered prostitutes out of business.

Lelouch wagered that the fact that this meant that it could go the other way too was an eyesore to the Britannian nobles in charge, but there was nothing that could be done about that little side effect. So no, he couldn't use that bit of information against him.

"Hmmm, Suzaku Kururugi," C.C. said, swinging lightly to the sides at his back in what he knew she was doing in a deliberate attempt to draw attention to her breasts. "Quite popular with the kids, isn't he?"

Lelouch bit down on his lower lip, then let it slide back out. "What can I say, he knows his place. For the most part. People like that."

"It couldn't have anything to do with the fact he's very handsome, could it?" she mused aloud.

People at Ashford had not taken very kindly to a Numbered teacher at first, and the school had erected its figurative spires the moment he had entered, only to have the edges dulled and the defenses dropped the longer he stayed and the more people he swayed. A year ago, when Lelouch had been a junior, that skiing trip chaperoned by him and a handful of other teachers and that most of Lelouch's class had gone on had probably been the last straw, the last push toward complete acceptance he had needed. After all, it had only been his keen eye and his warning not to ski down a certain path that had eventually been buried beneath one of the most terrifying avalanches of the century that had saved at least a dozen Britannian students' lives.

Lelouch had not been on the trip back then (pfft, skiing), but the change in attitude had been swift and unconditional. One moment, he'd been an Eleven who'd somehow become a teacher; the next, he'd been a fucking hero.

Nowadays, he was neither. Just probably the most popular PE teacher of the school.

"Considering our school is full of impressionable teenage girls, it doesn't take the best of looks," he said dismissively, and opened another page.

C.C. pressed herself a bit tighter against him. "You're just sulking that Shirley has a crush on him. You're lucky that he's too moral to ever fuck a student, aren't you?"


Re: Ethical Parlance 1e anonymous February 3 2011, 20:22:42 UTC

Lelouch ignored her; he didn't need to be drawn into a discussion about Shirley of all people right now. "There's got to be a fleck of dirt on his white vest," he said, almost to himself. "There's got to be." He could find very little regarding the guy's past -- he knew that he was the last Prime Minister's son, and that he had been raised by several short-lived chaperones after his death, never sticking with any one of them for too long, spending most of his adolescence in a limbo. There were a few records of fights -- fist fights, the usual teenage brawl -- but there was nothing he could really use, dammit.

He felt like he was missing something big in the picture here, and that it was just out of his reach; it was the key dangling an inch away from where the starved arms reaching through the prison bars could reach.

"No one's all white," she mused. "Or all black."

"And the ones that are all white are the ones who've forgotten their own name, wasn't it?" he said, throwing one of her lines back at her.

She shrugged. "It's only a matter of finding out what it is. Everyone has their own special buttons. And not everyone is as obvious about their flaws as you."

Lelouch snorted. "Charming as always, aren't we tonight?"

"Bored, more like," she said, and wriggled against his back. "You've been internet-stalking him for hours now."

Lelouch fell silent, considered -- where was that key, where was it? Where was the flaw? -- before he realized that C.C. was probably not going to stop rubbing herself against his back any time soon. "You want something?" he asked neutrally.

"Not coming to bed?" she asked back.

"Not in the mood." He tried to free herself from her grasp when he felt her hand trail down lower to brush her fingers against his cock through his pants. "I said, 'not in the mood.'"

"You're never in the mood." Her voice lowered. "Makes one wonder if you aren't gay after all. Maybe that teacher with his pretty green eyes and tight ass is more to your liking?"

On some level, he knew that it was all just a plan of hers to get him to abandon his fruitless internet-stalking, but then, despite knowing this, it always did work so well: he could never let that assumption rest on his shoulders.

He got up from his seat, and pushed her back until her calves bumped against the edge of the bed. She tumbled down onto it, and he bent down to knead her breasts through the thin material of her white blouse.

"Oho," she said, entirely without emotion. "Now that got a reaction."

"Quiet," he hissed again, for the tenth or the hundredth of the one thousandth time that night, and leaned down to kiss her neck and down to her collar bone, opening her blouse, letting his hands go lower, lower (-- and he would pay for it, yes, he would, he just didn't know how yet) and then up when he reached the hem of her skirt, and up along her thigh (oh yes, he would, him and his goddamn values and -- what had she said? Only a matter of --).

Which was, of course, when the gremlin of inspiration sparked.

His hand on her thigh froze. "We're going on a hiking trip to the mountains in a week, aren't we? Mt. Fuji, was it?"

"Well, the rest of the school is," she said. "As for you, when do you ever go on trips?"

"And who did you say was supervising the trip?" Because he could play the answering-questions-with-a-question game, too, and he knew he was grinning at her now; a lopsided grin, one side of his lips jerking up before the other in a way that flooded his face, and he suddenly felt a lot more in the mood, and let his hand trail up higher to dig one finger into her. "You think you could organize something for me?"

C.C. sighed at the feel of his fingers, and spread her legs with a lazy, "Gay after all."

"Quiet, witch." This time, it held no malice or sharpness.

When he came inside her some time later, he saw green eyes.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1e anonymous February 3 2011, 21:23:33 UTC
OP is intrigued,(s)he is


Re: Ethical Parlance 1f anonymous February 3 2011, 21:31:15 UTC

People didn't even really try to be discreet about their opinion when Lelouch showed up for PE class the next day.

"Wow," Rivalz said. "I can't even remember the last time you came to PE class. I was wondering if you'd fail."

Lelouch gave him a practiced smile. "I won't fail." He slipped his eyes to the teacher looking at them with mild interest, and added, a bit louder, "Definitely not. Don't I have to be ready for the hiking trip in a week?"

Suzaku gave him a look, but said nothing.

Volleyball was the exercise of choice today, and though it was actually one of Lelouch's stronger suits (at least volleyball didn't require running across the field yapping like a dog and heaving his lungs like a chain-smoker), it did involve having lightning-speed balls volleyed at him. The only reason why he didn't yelp and duck away from the balls was because he was currently using the last reserves of his will power to see it through.

After an hour (or more like twenty, it seemed to Lelouch) of that, Suzaku finally whistled for them to stop, and the students started to file away into the direction of the showers.

Lelouch gave Suzaku a very pointed look before he followed the rest.

Lelouch never showered with the class, even on the rare occasions he did show up, prefering instead to slink away and wait until he got home to step into his private shower there. He was sure that nobody, including the teacher, had missed that -- and would be surprised he was steeping so low as to shower with the others today.

Once in the locker room, he sat down on one of the benches, legs and arms crossed, and watched the boys stumble in and out of the shower rooms with little interest. Rivalz shot him a quizzical look and asked him what was up, and the rest of the boys, used to his royal behavior, barely gave him a second glance. It was only once the last boy had left the room, now freshly showered and newly locked in another volley of prickly gossip, that Lelouch got to his feet, undressed, and got under the shower himself.

Lelouch gave Suzaku thirty seconds to consider what to do after the last boy had shuffled off into the distance. A minute to mull what he'd said earlier, probably with that little roll of his green eyes and maybe rubbing the back of his head, too. Then a few more seconds of irritated blinking, then a decision hardening his features, then a few more seconds to open the door and stalk into the locker room --

And ah, there was that sound: that jingling of his keys and the sound of his footfalls, and Lelouch switched off the shower head and waited.

The warm pearls of water dripped off of his body and splashed onto the piles. "I'm in here," he called. Thought you were going to come look for me.

Lelouch took all the time in the world to snatch a towel from one of the halters, rub his head, dry off his skin, and wrap it around his waist. Then he stepped out into the locker room, a cloud of hot air following him.

His eyes were on Suzaku's face the moment he saw it, pinning and measuring, observing every twitch of his eye, every little movement of his face.

But Suzaku looked at him annoyingly blasé, face lax in surfeit.

Somewhere inside him, Lelouch felt annoyance hatch. He threw his wet hair back, careful not to miss a single move on the other man's face. "Care to explain why you barged in here?"

"You said you were coming on the hiking trip," Suzaku said. As if that explained everything.

"So?" Lelouch raised an eyebrow.

Suzaku shrugged, then gave him another one of those fake-smiles he was so good at. "Just seemed surprising. Considering I'm failing you."

Leluch bit his lower lip. Suzaku was so damn -- professional about this. Oh, he hadn't expected him to throw him against the tiles right now, certainly -- he knew the guy was far too moral for that -- but not even a blink? Not even a look down his chest? Not even a stealthy glance down to where the towel wrapped snugly around his trim waist? Well, he had chosen to confront him like this more out of curiosity what he would do, more to bring him out of his reverie; but he hadn't expected him to be quite so nonchalant about him.

And so, Lelouch dropped that particular strategy, and chose another.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1g anonymous February 3 2011, 21:32:00 UTC

"Are you going to report me, then? You know. Since I blackmailed you and everything. Or attempted to, anyway." He gave a sigh, and added in mock-concern, "Though I wonder what the word of an Eleven would count against mine."

Suzaku's expression was unwavering. "I considered it. But you're not even eighteen yet -- you have enough time to change for the better. So no -- I currently have no plans for reporting you."

"Oh, great. Charity, is it?" Right out of the mouth of someone who needed it more than him, too.

"Not so much charity," Suzaku said, skipping over the insult like a child over a trash bag, "as a loophole in the rules that works to your advantage this time."

"You love rules, don't you?" Lelouch's voice was quiet, probing.

"Nobody loves rules."

"Is that so?"

"You don't love them. You accept them. That's what you do, and that's what I do. And if you hate the rules so much," Suzaku said, still not showing a crack in his armor, "I suggest you grow up and change them yourself."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes at him. Suzaku met his gaze, full and unpertrubed.

"Aren't you ever the moral and righteous knight, sensei?" Lelouch's voice was just a little bit short of seething.

A shrug started somewhere in his shoulders, then, as if it was all too much work, collapsed mid-movement, shoulders falling back to their original position. "Maybe something like that."

"I did a bit of background checking on you," Lelouch said. "Son of the former Prime Minister, aren't you? Great man, from what I hear."

Something in Suzaku's eyes darkened. "What about him?"

"Oh, I just wanted to know who raised such a fine young man, is all," Lelouch said. "Nothing to be ashamed of having been quasi-nobility once, I mean. Though it must make the fall that much harder to take."

"Do not," Suzaku said, voice suddenly hard as stone, all good will drained from his face to leave a mask of apathy behind that could rival Lelouch's own, "talk about my father."

The moment detached itself and hung there; him half-naked with his towel wrapped around him and the teacher with his eyes firmly trained on his face. And then, when the neurons in Lelouch's bain finally frizzled to life and ventured into its complex journey of meaning and interpretation, then, just like a bloodhound raising its nose at the first drops of blood in the air, Lelouch knew, with absolute certainty, that there was something.

Something. Something this guy was hiding. Something significant. Lelouch didn't know what it was and he didn't know how he knew, but he caught on to the trail instinctively, saw it lurking somewhere beneath the shimmering veneer of his moralized armor, saw it twinkling like a gem stone beyond the hard, cold surface of a jewelry store's window.

Knew it was there.

And now it was only a matter of finding out what it was. And thankfully, that hiking trip would provide ample opportunity to find it out -- and crush him with it.

"Fine," Lelouch said, pleased with himself. He had him now. "Fine. If you want a moral victory -- I'll give it to you." Only a matter of time.

The, "But only the moral one," remained unspoken but implicit.

"Too kind of you, Lelouch vi Britannia," Suzaku said, voice tight, seemingly close to losing his patience with Lelouch. "Was there anything else you wanted?"

Lelouch licked his lips and thought. "No, not for the moment, no. Thank you. I think I learned something important today."

Suzaku just gave him a long, tunneling look, and said nothing.

Lelouch could still feel his eyes on him when he shrugged into his clothes, but he didn't know how to place it.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:36:08 UTC

C.C. was watching him from the doorway, leaning against it with her arms crossed. "You know, considering you're only going to be at Mt. Fuji for two days, you're packing a lot of clothes."

Lelouch ignored her, and folded another pair of black slacks before putting them into his luggage.

"One could almost think you were a girl," she said. "Though who would ever make that mistake, I'm not sure."

"You're not funny," Lelouch said. "Or original."

She shrugged. "I was going for 'irritating,' personally."

He looked up at her then, shaking his head a little to free his vision from a fringe of black hair that had fallen over it. "Did you get it?"

She looked at him for a moment. Then shrugged and walked over until she was standing right in front of him, peering down at him with her unreadable eyes.

Something glinted in the hand she was holding out to him. Green. A vial.

"Truth serum?" he asked.

"Yes. Give it to him and he'll spill. If you know how to ask the right questions."

"I do," he said, as if that was a really stupid question. "Of course I do."

"I'm glad," she said, and there was a caustic little smile on her face that really bothered Lelouch for some reason.

When he reached for it, she flicked her hand away, holding the vial out of his reach. "So eager," she teased.

"Give it to me already."

"Wish you'd say that one more often," she sighed.

He got up then, and easily wrestled the vial from her with his superior height.

"Don't you wish you had the power to make people do everything you wanted," she mused. "How convenient would that be. If you could, say, make people do what you wanted with a simple command. Wouldn't you love a power like that, huh?"

"I don't need any strange powers." He looked at the vial in his hand, then closed his fist around it. "I can do it all myself."

She gave him perhaps the strangest look he'd ever seen on her. Then she shrugged, and turned away, and when she spoke again it almost in a singsong, "Don't say I didn't ask later~"

Lelouch watched her skip away and shook his head.

Author's Notes: Sorry this is not so much Great Teacher Onizaku (btw haven't read that), but more... really fucked up. LOL. I'm sorry if that's not exactly what you wanted, OP, but I feel that Suzaku is such a moral person tha it would be simply too OOC for him to ever touch a student -- unless he was manipulated into it. Hence, Lelouch being a sly bastard in this.

Anyway. This is chapter 1 so far; I'll get around to writing/posting chapter 2 soon-ish.

Sorry for the surprise!Lelouch/C.C. too. XD



Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:54:30 UTC
OP only remembers GTO vaguely, so never mind.
Actually, the inspiration for the prompt was the beginning of R2, where Violetta chased after Lelouch. I imagined Suzaku in her place and went "lol, I want to read this".
OP never minds Lelouch/CC and, yes, I figured Suzaku would have to be manipulated or provoked into the touching business.
Just please don't do a downer - let them do some bonding at the end, not end up hating each other's guts, of posssible.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:58:21 UTC
Okay, not a complete downer, I promise.

Not a completely happy ending (I don't even see HOW that would be possible), but not a total downer. XD

PS: It's not really a truth serum. CC is sneakay.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:02:43 UTC
I actually figured that... it's probably more like a Viagra, knowing her


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:11:22 UTC
Yes, something like that.

NOT AS PLANNED, dear Lelouch. XD


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:28:40 UTC


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:32:57 UTC
First of all, GTO is a fantastic show XD. Just saying because it needs to get recc'd more often.

Secondly, LOVE. SO MUCH LOVE. This anon was just whining in her personal journal about how much she missed writing and so forth, BUT this pretty much cheered her up (Odd, how I'm using third person now in reference to myself).

Your writing just always inspires me in a good way because it's so ... captivating and easy to read. One can always tell that you're really into it, which imo, is sometimes the only effective way of judging a fic's quality. Something that lacks heart just isn't good.

I think you made the right decision by not having Suzaku give in at once. He is moral and righteous, to the point of being stubborn. He wouldn't just give in like that. I'm really curious just how far Lelouch will have to push his buttons to get his bidding done.

I don't really mind the surprise! Lelouch/C.C here (sorry if I initially gave the impression I did :/): it's pretty believably done, them both obviously stuck in a selfish, co-dependent relationship. And there's nothing wrong with sex that's all about selfishness and just using each other. It's kind of hot, in fact.

I like the way you incorporate canon here. It's AU yes, but doesn't feel too far removed from the original tone of the series. I especially like your hints of C.C possessing the Geass power XD.

Anon can't think of anything else to say and hopes you don't mind all the stupid typos.


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