Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:36:08 UTC

C.C. was watching him from the doorway, leaning against it with her arms crossed. "You know, considering you're only going to be at Mt. Fuji for two days, you're packing a lot of clothes."

Lelouch ignored her, and folded another pair of black slacks before putting them into his luggage.

"One could almost think you were a girl," she said. "Though who would ever make that mistake, I'm not sure."

"You're not funny," Lelouch said. "Or original."

She shrugged. "I was going for 'irritating,' personally."

He looked up at her then, shaking his head a little to free his vision from a fringe of black hair that had fallen over it. "Did you get it?"

She looked at him for a moment. Then shrugged and walked over until she was standing right in front of him, peering down at him with her unreadable eyes.

Something glinted in the hand she was holding out to him. Green. A vial.

"Truth serum?" he asked.

"Yes. Give it to him and he'll spill. If you know how to ask the right questions."

"I do," he said, as if that was a really stupid question. "Of course I do."

"I'm glad," she said, and there was a caustic little smile on her face that really bothered Lelouch for some reason.

When he reached for it, she flicked her hand away, holding the vial out of his reach. "So eager," she teased.

"Give it to me already."

"Wish you'd say that one more often," she sighed.

He got up then, and easily wrestled the vial from her with his superior height.

"Don't you wish you had the power to make people do everything you wanted," she mused. "How convenient would that be. If you could, say, make people do what you wanted with a simple command. Wouldn't you love a power like that, huh?"

"I don't need any strange powers." He looked at the vial in his hand, then closed his fist around it. "I can do it all myself."

She gave him perhaps the strangest look he'd ever seen on her. Then she shrugged, and turned away, and when she spoke again it almost in a singsong, "Don't say I didn't ask later~"

Lelouch watched her skip away and shook his head.

Author's Notes: Sorry this is not so much Great Teacher Onizaku (btw haven't read that), but more... really fucked up. LOL. I'm sorry if that's not exactly what you wanted, OP, but I feel that Suzaku is such a moral person tha it would be simply too OOC for him to ever touch a student -- unless he was manipulated into it. Hence, Lelouch being a sly bastard in this.

Anyway. This is chapter 1 so far; I'll get around to writing/posting chapter 2 soon-ish.

Sorry for the surprise!Lelouch/C.C. too. XD



Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:54:30 UTC
OP only remembers GTO vaguely, so never mind.
Actually, the inspiration for the prompt was the beginning of R2, where Violetta chased after Lelouch. I imagined Suzaku in her place and went "lol, I want to read this".
OP never minds Lelouch/CC and, yes, I figured Suzaku would have to be manipulated or provoked into the touching business.
Just please don't do a downer - let them do some bonding at the end, not end up hating each other's guts, of posssible.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 21:58:21 UTC
Okay, not a complete downer, I promise.

Not a completely happy ending (I don't even see HOW that would be possible), but not a total downer. XD

PS: It's not really a truth serum. CC is sneakay.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:02:43 UTC
I actually figured that... it's probably more like a Viagra, knowing her


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:11:22 UTC
Yes, something like that.

NOT AS PLANNED, dear Lelouch. XD


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:28:40 UTC


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:32:57 UTC
First of all, GTO is a fantastic show XD. Just saying because it needs to get recc'd more often.

Secondly, LOVE. SO MUCH LOVE. This anon was just whining in her personal journal about how much she missed writing and so forth, BUT this pretty much cheered her up (Odd, how I'm using third person now in reference to myself).

Your writing just always inspires me in a good way because it's so ... captivating and easy to read. One can always tell that you're really into it, which imo, is sometimes the only effective way of judging a fic's quality. Something that lacks heart just isn't good.

I think you made the right decision by not having Suzaku give in at once. He is moral and righteous, to the point of being stubborn. He wouldn't just give in like that. I'm really curious just how far Lelouch will have to push his buttons to get his bidding done.

I don't really mind the surprise! Lelouch/C.C here (sorry if I initially gave the impression I did :/): it's pretty believably done, them both obviously stuck in a selfish, co-dependent relationship. And there's nothing wrong with sex that's all about selfishness and just using each other. It's kind of hot, in fact.

I like the way you incorporate canon here. It's AU yes, but doesn't feel too far removed from the original tone of the series. I especially like your hints of C.C possessing the Geass power XD.

Anon can't think of anything else to say and hopes you don't mind all the stupid typos.


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 3 2011, 22:55:31 UTC
I know who u r. 8D

fff, you saying I'm 'really into it' makes this sound lot kinkier than it is. I SWEAR MY HANDS ARE ON THE KEYBOARD WHEN I WRITE.

ilu bb~ XD


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 4 2011, 02:03:23 UTC
Tee hee, my fic's aphrodesiac was in a green vial too! I wonder if that's just in our subconscious hive-mind. :p

I really like your Suzaku. He's upstanding, moral, heroic (faking it)... I want to see him break! And your Lelouch is positively wicked. It would be lovely if he got what he wanted in the absolute worst way.

C.C. is IC, which means she's fantastic and steals every sceene she's in. :p



Re: Ethical Parlance 1h anonymous February 4 2011, 04:30:47 UTC
Oh, I love this so far! Can't wait to see how it'll go on!
It's always kinda hard for me to imagine Lelouch being seductive or involved with anyone (even CC) though, because it's been implicated he's completely uninterested in these things, so the surprise!Lelouch/CC was kinda strange to me but then again it's not like we're not used to shippings from fandom! XD It doesn't really bother me that much though and I'm looking forward to the Suzaku/Lelouch part.
And also lol at the gureato accento!


Re: Ethical Parlance 1h from writer!anon anonymous February 4 2011, 11:56:01 UTC
The reason why he's involved with CC here is because I wanted to show how much more depraved this Lelouch is from canon.

This Lelouch is a lot snobbier, more arrogant, and not nearly as warm since he never met Suzaku as as a kid, never had Nunnally to take care of (since she wasn't crippled), and was basically just raised like a racing horse to maybe one day be the heir -- I thought under the given circumstances it was fair to make him a bit more forthcoming. :)

Just to explain my reasoning! No offense taken or given, I hope.
Thanks for the comment!


Different Anon anonymous February 5 2011, 04:20:26 UTC
I find your take on Lelouch Ouji-sama pretty interesting w!a b/c in Japanese fandom it's generally believed he would've been sweet and "pure" had Marianne not died and Nunnally not become blinded and crippled and the aftermath. The 2nd Knight Anthology had a parody of this version in a Yu-gi-oh-ish game Lelouch played against Schniezel. Their version was called Pure!Lelouch and he had kira-kira (twinkling) eyes lol.


Re: w!a anonymous February 5 2011, 12:50:31 UTC

Oh, really, anon? That's interesting. I didn't know that.

I guess I can see it both ways. I just kind of figured that if Lelouch had never learned kindness from Nunnally and Suzaku (and learned to take responsibility for his little sister), he would be a lot more like the rest of his family, and especially a lot more like Schneizel. I'm not sure how pure you can be in this fucked-up family? (The only pure one is Euphemia, and she probably owes a lot of that to being overprotected by Cornelia, I figure...)

But in any case, it's an interesting thought experiment, not saying I'm entirely opposed to pure!Ouji-sama Lelouch. ^_^ Thanks for pointing this out, though.


Re: w!a anonymous February 5 2011, 16:15:28 UTC
Probably b/c Marianne-sama was pretty overprotective of her children. Like threatening the other consorts (with her KMF or horse - can't remember which exact method she used right now) and the fact that she sheltered Nunnally and Lelouch from their cruelty. And let's not forget she was Cornelia's inspiration/archetype.

We really know she had a callous and cold side, but may be she would've remained a good mother if didn't have to use her children to move the Ragnarok Connection forward. (aka if V.V. didn't kill her). Who knows!!

Anyway looking fwd to the outcome of the truth serum w!a.


Re: w!a anonymous February 5 2011, 16:18:44 UTC

I can see that. Haven't really considered it from that point of view, though. Though I'm going to say that we don't really know enough about Marianne (psssht R2 plothole) to say for sure what would have happened. I'm going to keep that idea and maybe use it as a base for characterization in another fic, though, maybe.

Well, for now, I'm gonna stick with this version. I find it quite interesting to play with this kind of Lelouch, really. ^_^

Captcha-chan says: thought liketri. What?


Re: w!a cgkinkmemeii February 5 2011, 16:20:25 UTC
psst, not to barge in on your (very interesting) discussion, but characterization discussion go into the comment/discussion thread, nyah. ^_^

That said. I'm liking this fill. Thanks, anon~


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