38th Gear Shift

Jun 18, 2009 09:46


[*Tails is on the roof of the church, staring off into the emptier part of the city. The communicator is giving the network the view he has, shrouded every so often by one of his tails as the wind blows them around. The network was still buzzing with the reports of monsters and people being killed or nearly killed. The young ( Read more... )

monster tail, sonic, fevers, nine tailed kitsune, no more cute, sad tails is sad, malice event

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1/? wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 17:37:04 UTC
So it finally happened.


Re: 2/? wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 17:39:55 UTC
[Even though it still looked so much like Tails, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes...]


Re: 3/4 wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 17:41:47 UTC
[He'd never seen anything other than The Emeralds transform someone like that.]

[If he ever got his hands on the 'her' responsible, he wasn't going to be responsible for his own actions.]


4/4 wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 17:45:26 UTC
[For now, he had to make sure Tails didn't do to much damage before this wore off. If it wore off it had to.]

[Knuckles jumped off the roof and started to glide over to the graveyard hoping to be able to track him from there.]


[Comment log!] cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:01:19 UTC
[*Tails is heading for the last place he knew the Emeralds to be, of course he doesn't know he might get side tracked on the way.*]


[Comment log!] wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 19:11:44 UTC
[And two of the emeralds were still by the school, buried under the foundations, One under Knuckles room. the other under Tails.]

[Knuckles noticed Tails under him, he dropped to the ground a fair distance between them. He tapped his foot on the road, if he wanted to dig though that tarmac he'd have to brake it first, if he needed to dodge he'd have to run for it.]

[And if landing hadn't gotten Tails attention, the whistle the echidna just let out should have.]


[Comment log!] forgot to say- knuckles can find Tails comm and reply to the other posts :D cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:17:50 UTC
['Tails' stops at the whistle, a red marked ear twitching as he turned towards the sound. He growled lowly, hunching down his overly long arms. He didn't give a warning, just making a dash towards Knuckles, his nine-tails lashing out towards the echidna.]


[Comment log!] Yay! I have no idea what to say to anyone though XD wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 19:23:37 UTC
[Knuckles had half expected this, but he had also expected Tails to be slower now, and he didn't like the look of those extra tails.]

Tails! Come on fight it!


[Comment log!] rofl xD! say peanuts! ^-^ cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:27:49 UTC
[If Tails could keep up with Sonic for the most part, using only two tails. With nine powerful propellers at his disposal, it was impossible to tell his speed now.

The were-kitsune paused for a second, but only to change attack methods, using his newly found claws to slash at the Echidna.]


[Comment log!] Aaaa! Post dang you! wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 19:46:51 UTC
[Knuckles rolled to the side, and aimed a punch at the former fox's flank.]

Fight it Tails! Before someone is forced to...Your better than this.


[Comment log!] lol compy of evil? cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:58:46 UTC
['Tails' give a yelp of pain, stepping back a bit from the echidna. He charged forward again, three tails coming towards Knuckles.]


[Comment log!] Ooooh Yeah. wears_a_torc June 18 2009, 20:08:47 UTC
[Knuckles managed to catch two before they could hurt him, the third however struck home and knocked him a good distance down the road]

[At least he wasn't invulnerable like super...but of course he wouldn't be, that human child had been killed in order to be changed back hadn't he.]

[Knuckles slammed his fist into the Tarmac in frustration, causing a spiderweb of cracks to spread out from under his fist.]

If that's the way it has to be Ta-

[Knuckles fell silent as he rose to his feet. No that thing wasn't Tails. He was trapped inside it.]

Come and get me then!


[Comment log!] :D...FEAR MY ICONS ..>> cerebral_foxy June 19 2009, 06:13:42 UTC
[Tails stood his ground for a moment, sizing up the echidna. Those cracks on the ground making him weary to the red animals strength.

The fox creature snarls and heads for Knuckles, skidding halfway and swinging his tails full force at him.]


[Comment log!] Clearly I need more getting hurt Icons wears_a_torc June 19 2009, 06:39:46 UTC
[And there was no way Knuckles could avoid all nine of those tails, and so Knuckles just got put though the graveyard's wall, not that that would stop him, before the dust even settled he's jumping back into the fight and aiming a Knuckleduster right at your head.]


[Comment log!] be lucky tails has his chip in, or you'd need more :D cerebral_foxy June 19 2009, 16:09:05 UTC
[Tails brought up three tails as a shield, but the force of the blow still made him stagger back a few feet. He shook the daze off and starting lashing each tail at Knuckles- trying to knock him off his feet.


[Comment log!] Sorry for Spamming your post BTW ^^; wears_a_torc June 19 2009, 16:16:53 UTC
[Knuckles dodged the first few blows before being struck by the fifth tail, this time he wasn't knocked off his feet, but he did skid back a fair distance, he wiped his now bloody lip with one gloved hand and glared at the monster.]

Give me back my friend!

[Knuckles charged at it, jumping over the lashing tails and again aiming for the kitsune's head, hoping to knock him out.]


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