38th Gear Shift

Jun 18, 2009 09:46


[*Tails is on the roof of the church, staring off into the emptier part of the city. The communicator is giving the network the view he has, shrouded every so often by one of his tails as the wind blows them around. The network was still buzzing with the reports of monsters and people being killed or nearly killed. The young fox growled and kicked a stone loose, watching it fall to the ground and shatter. This was pointless, didn't anyone see that? They could try and make this place a happy little home and survive; but it didn't matter.

He sat down on the edge, kicking his feet a bit as he watched some people pass with deep red eyes. It had been last in the evening that something someone said (maybe something someone did) had set him off again. His eyes hadn't faded since. Now he was feeling the fever worsen, he was uncomfortable and irritated and it just made him angrier.

And he'd seen that the other Sonic had been sent away too. Thinking on that made him give loud scream of frustration before his stood up and used the Yellowtail (which thanks to Knuckles was all scratched up!) and landed in the graveyard.

He feet touched the Earth and he felt a wave of dizziness made him topple over. The communicator slips out of his tails and he reaches for it but another dizzy spell makes him pull back to grab his head. He gasps and grits his teeth.*]

...I can't...I'm sorry Rico, Zoe...

[*In a flash and swirl of red the little fox gives a pained yelp and when the dust clears, a nine-tailed fox is standing where the genius used to be. It's eyes glow red and it bounds off, the communicator showing the empty graveyard until it times out.*]

((ooc: Okay so Tails is now a monster; a weird combination of a kitsune demon and the Sonic Unleashed werehog style *which is awesome thanksyousomuchnat!* if you want your character attacked just start a comment log here. If you want your character killed; we can do a proper log or just keep it here if you like! Have fun my little darlings o/)

monster tail, sonic, fevers, nine tailed kitsune, no more cute, sad tails is sad, malice event

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