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Comments 82

_mariel June 6 2005, 06:38:53 UTC
OOC- AWW! *reads lyrics to song* Thats so sweet! Ah the irony of the good hearted scoundrel...I hate to say it but Alexia is actually growing on me LOL The poor guy he's going to be peeved when he learns this is a ruse *howls*

Tatyana stirs weakly in her feverish delirium as in her state she has no idea where she is or who is with her. The room spins violently as she shivers, her body now covered in cold sweat as she begins to murmer in Narn her clouded thoughts mistakening the man by her side to be her Narn friend.

...Ke'Lan...Old friend...you must tell them...I'm sorry...I was scared...I crossed the line...But I...I didn't mean to hurt them...I was afraid it was a trap...like what happened...to Bali...Please tell Valerie...Alexia...I'm sorry...

She fumbles her hand trying to grab the vial of poison from her pocket but unable to do so in her delirium.

...You must stop him...please, for the others...I didn't mean...to fail them...


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 12:31:51 UTC
OOC: Gunrunner reads comment over mun's shoulder. **Oh, Hell** I am going to the otherside of the galaxy til this is over.. you think I have a temper..**Gunrunner laughs** Mun shrugs I have to agree.. I am leaving too. ***Looks to MuMariel** Good luck girl...your going to need it if you are up to what I think.

Alexia isn't sure what happened and before he has time to muse on her words further his doctor rushes in.

The doctor checks on Tatyana's vitals and her hearts. Looking to Alexia he shakes his head.

I don't see any reason for this.

Alexia's mind thinks of the first thing an assassin always thinks of... Poison. He watches the doctor give her a shot. He doesn't know what it is but he trusts this man with his life constantly and trusts him to care for her. The doctor stands and turns to Alexia

She should come around in a few moments. If there is any change for the worse get her to medlab.

Alexia sits and waits for her to come around. He is at the very edge of his sanity and feels like he has felt his brotehr so many times, ( ... )


_mariel June 6 2005, 17:35:10 UTC
OOC- *mun braces herself and hides as the bomb is about to be dropped...*

Mariel still thinking it is Ke'Lan by her side shakes her head slightly her hands no longer fumbling for the poison as she murmers.

...Got what was deserved...Nothing more...I can't say...I'm sorry old friend...You must stop my master...before the others are harmed because of my foolishness...

Even in her delirium which is beginning to fade she refuses to speak of the incident. Not so much out of fear for Gunrunner learning she ratted him out but for the need to keep Alexia and Valerie's secrets away from his mate Tir’In. She may have lost their trust this time but she isn't about to further the damage done ( ... )


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 17:43:08 UTC
Alexia listens but can't make much sense of what she is saying. He assumes only what he can. That she was attacked by someone while with a Narn contact who was helping ot kill her master. His mind still isn't up to speed, still blinded by concern and fears.

Her words confuse him and he believes it is delirium or perhaps blaming whatever the incident was on her desire to kill her master. He smiles as reassuringly as he can in his state of mind filled with confusion and concern and pondering the unknown.


It was the only repoly he could think of and it was almost in a scolding tone though he had not ment it that way.

What has happened, My Lady?

His voice is gentle and comforting as possible as he waits still feeling that her mind has not completely cleared.


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