A Hit on the Hitman- Poison, Deception and the Heart of an Assassin

Jun 05, 2005 11:01

Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

"Everything I do (I do it for You) - Bryan Adams

Alexia walked from the Moonlight. He didn’t want to leave, but business does not take care of itself. He glanced back across the bar to the woman he was leaving there. She was undeniably beautiful and momentarily he debated brushing of Cassius’ demand to speak with him and stay here with her. He sighed turning back to the door “But then I will find myself in Silvas’ position and Tatyana’s life will be at risk.” So, to protect her he walked into the fire and quite possibly a trap.

Janus accompanied him as he walked across the colony to the designated meeting place. Things didn’t feel right as Janus had confirmed with his own thoughts. Alexia cursed his drunkenness. He wasn’t quite stumbling but the halls were spinning and the dizziness made him feel sick. He tried to shake it as much as possible.

Suddenly he froze as did his companion Cristov was approaching. Cassius’ guard dog, a hired telepath with no morals, no honor, just the type Cassius would hire. Alexia barely finished his musing when his vision went black.

“Damn it’s a trap.” He projected to Janus who was already well aware of the situation. Alexia felt the impact in his thigh long before the pain, a good side effect of drunkenness. He lashed out before the pain hit from the dagger now buried in his thigh up to the hilt.

Alexia felt his fist impact the person before him and heard them drop to the floor. He then turned his attention to Cristov and vented the growing knowledge of his wound in a single word “Pain!” The result was instantaneous. His vision cleared and he had just enough time to block the next assault. The blade cut deep and he instinctively grasps his bloody arm to staunch the bleeding. The burning pain wretched him from his drunken state as he kicked the aggressor.

Janus grabbed Alexia and they both fled. This was not the time or place to confront Cassius’ forces. It was now time to regroup and devise “plan B”.

He sent Janus, who had managed to sustain only minor wounds to retrieve Silvas while Alexia headed to medlab to have his wounds attended to.

Alexia had returned to his quarters after being stitched and bandaged. He was panicked by the turn of events and sent his guards all of them off to find and protect the women who would have no warning, Tatyana, Valerie and Kitty were in the most danger at the moment but he also sent them to find the rest of Trakis’ slaves. They were venerable due to Trakis’ involvement with Silvas. He sent warning to the slaver and slumped in the chair exhausted. His head was pounding from both the mental attack and the alcohol.

He wanted to relax but it was to be short lived. He had just gotten a glass of water and opened his book when the incoming call began to beep incessantly.

What now?

he stood to answer it as Janus burst in.

My Lord, its Tatyana... she…

The man paused and Alexia began become fearful as he glanced between the computer and his guard.

Tatyana is locked in Gunrunner’s quarters and she’s screaming for you. We can’t get in.

Alexia noticed Janus was out of breath as he pushed the button to answer the call but he paled as the man’s words seeped in.

Why are you late?

The voice on the computer was annoyed.

He stared at his guard his mind reeling between Tatyana’s safety and Cassius’s greeting. “Bring her to me; tear down the door if you have to.” He issued the command mentally and watched Janus run out. After all the man on the computer could be responsible. He turned to the computer forcing a calm expression.

A hit was attempted on my life, My Lord. I have just returned from Medlab, My apologies.

Alexia knew he was looking at the man who had issued the orders but he kept that knowledge hidden.

That is terrible news.

Cassius voice was snide and filled with a false worry and the grin that played in his expression confirmed his guilt.

Well then we shall have to meet tomorrow. Sleep well Lord Refa.

The words were ominous and as the screen went black a shiver raced uncontrollably down Alexia’s spine.

His mind returned to Tatyana as he limped toward the door. He gritted his teeth to ward off the pain. “You fool, you are in no shape to help.” He sighed knowing his thoughts were true and he limped back to the chair to wait.

It seemed an eternity before he felt the approach of Janus. He was rushing and Alexia immediately knew something was wrong. He didn’t realize how wrong things were until Janus stepped in cradling the woman in his arms.


Alexia whispered unable to concentrate through his escalating worry he couldn’t check on her mentally. He was instantly on his feet despite the burning pain and he limped as quickly as his body would allow to her side as Janus laid her on the couch.

Get my physician!

Alexia was starting to panic as he touched her fevered face.

He is on his way My Lord.

Janus spoke as he walked across the room and returned with cool water and a cloth. Alexia’s pain now forgotten he sat on the edge of the couch and gingerly placed the cool cloth on Tatyana’s forehead.

What happened?

He was terrified as he looked between Tatyana and Janus for an answer. There was no comfort for his thoughts as he noticed the dried blood on her shoulder and the red hand prints on her wrists. She had been restrained. His mind was swirling with anger and concern.

poison, alexia, mars colony, love, betrayal, slave, tatyana

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